Chapter 1: Stay away from the woods

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Chapter 1: Stay away from the woods

Her words kept going in my mind on repeat "stay away from the woods", why on earth did she keep repeating that? Sure I am an European girl coming to the big US with only a small handful of knowledge about the US, but how stupid does she think I am? It's not like I have in mind to sleep outside overnight in the woods or go chasing a bear. I don't even know if there are bears in Pennsylvania.

"Stay on the road and go straight home" Mary-Ann told me pointing a finger in front of me to make her point clear.  A line of trees made a line between a dark side, the forbidden forest, and the bright side, the main road. As being the curious girl I am, of course I let my curiosity get the best of me and walked towards the woods.

My bag weighed a ton and I just wanted to find a nice place, find my sketchbook and sketch this amazing forest that surrounded me. It wasn't dark when I went deeper into the woods, it was so beautiful, wild flowers and a thin lake splitting the forest.

I dropped my black East pack backpack on the ground and placed myself beside it with my bag against a log. I unzipped my bag and found my sketchbook and placed in on my lap. I then found my pencils and placed it on top of it, I found my mp3 and plugged it in my ears and pressed play.

My favorite song played in my ears on maximum volume, letting me sink into my own creative bubble as I ran the pencil on top of the paper, trying to figure out perspective and position on the paper. I hummed the song as it played and laughed at my own stupidity as I realized the fact, that I was singing out loud in a public area and immediately stopped.

I looked at the trees trying to find my perfect motive. I got down on the paper and held it up against my motive to see if my sketch did justice for this beautiful nature, Which I apparently should stay away from, oo nature's so dangerous. The only thing I might hurt is the beauty of it.

I have always loved the woods, which is pretty weird, since my parents are businesspeople and I always lived in the city. Somehow I just feel complete in the forest, like I am missing something.

It started looking like something, it had the bushes, the flowers, the lake and the trees, the only thing missing was the clouds, which was lightly seen through the treetops. I buried my face in the paper trying to get the form of it right, I bit my lip and closed my eyes to take a breath to stay focused, as I opened my eyes I began to form the clouds.

A shadow appeared from behind and covered my sketch in darkness. Annoyed I looked back and my heart skipped a beat. A bunch of guys were standing behind me, looking at me with emotions I couldn't put a finger on, but they didn't smile for sure. I unplugged my mp3 player, not taking my eyes off them, as they didn't take their eyes away from me.

"Can I help you?" I asked getting on my feet. I sounded rude, but they were just staring at me, which to me, is pretty rude too, considering that I haven't done anything. Wait maybe it is their forest. Maybe I am really not supposed to be here... stupid Miley! How can you be so stupid? Of course that's the reason I shouldn't be here.

They didn't answer me instead they smiled a bit, which was creepy considering they did it almost on quo. Say something Miley! "Oh, I am sorry if I'm on your... land" I spoke not sure if that was the right word to use. After all I am just a tourist.

A black haired guy from the front smiled widely "The forest is no man's land." He spoke, his voice gave me chills, it was so powerful. He looked down at my book "You're an artist." He concluded.

I shrugged my shoulders. "You can say that." I tried to smile but failed, as they made me nervous by the way they studied me.

The guy who spoke before, accepted my answer by nodding. "What's your name?" he asked still smiling.

Should I lie? I am going home in a month anyway and then we will ever meet again, hell we aren't going to meet after today, so what did it matter?

"Miley" I answered, trying to sound okay about the situation, being one girl alone in the woods with about 10 guys double-size me.

They smiled wide "I am Zak, and these are my brothers" he said. Brothers? Seriously? All of them? The poor mom!

Some had blonde hair, some brown hair, some black hair and there was a single red haired guy. "I am Damon" A brown haired boy spoke he was wearing shorts and a dark red shirt, he pointed towards the others one at a time "Xavier." black hair, "Tristan and Nathan." twins, dark blond hair, "Justin and Ryan." He said pointing at a black haired and the red haired. He pointed at the last three "The triples Jake, Mike and Zeth." They were all platinum blond.

I smiled at them as a hello. "It was nice meeting you" I said a bit too fast, grabbing my bag from the ground and swung it over my shoulder, I took a step. Where did I come from? Lost, seriously Miley?

"We're taking you home" Damon spoke.

I tilted my head to the side. "No I'm fine, if you just show me which direction to go, then I am more than happy." I said smiling.

They smirked, why on earth were they smirking? "I wasn't really asking" Zak said showing a huge grin.


A/N I am not sure where this story came from, but I have some ideas to where this is going, but if you have some suggestion, let me know. I will appreciate some feedback :-)

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Edited by bubblealex7

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