Chapter 38: Complications

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Chapter 38: Complications

Miley's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes to the blurry sight of the white ceiling spinning round and round. The boards on the ceiling was getting bigger and smaller in an annoying rhythm.

I did not move my body intentionally. I felt upside down, my body hanging in a 45 degree angel with my head pointing down and my feet up in the sky.

The more I concentrated on getting up to gain balance, the more it felt like I was gliding down along the softness my body was resting on.

Shadows began to invade my vision, I could hear chanting, like it came from a different world than my own, it was only noisy.

I felt something warm on my forehead, I wanted to scream and demand it to stop as panic took over, I was falling longer down the slide and I felt... unusual.

"Shhh" I heard a clearer voice "eve..." and just then the voice disappeared again. I tried to get up but I felt like I was tied down and was supposed to go further down. But I didn't want to.

My eyelids became heavy, I could do nothing to fight it, I did the only thing I could, I surrendered.


The unusual feeling was all gone, I was steady.

I squeezed my eyes shut to stop the sharp light that was waking me from my sleep. "Miley, sweetheart?" a melodic voice said right above me. I felt light strokes on my palm and felt the electric shocks that followed by the mates touch.

"It's alright love, please open your eyes" I heard Zak's voice so clearly, I wanted to just open my eyes right that second, but I couldn't. "Please baby, do it for me..." his voice broke, that was when I realized that he was sad.

"I didn't know..." I heard Tristan start, only to be stopped abruptly by a yelling Zak "Shut the fuck up", that was followed by hard footsteps and a door closing indicating that someone left.

Like a heavy blanket was removed from me I slowly opened my eyes and my body felt free again, I did not feel tied in any way, just a bit confused as the why all the light was there. I closed my eyes immediately again because of the sharp light that blinded me for a second.

I opened my eyes again and this time fully to see Zak standing next to the bed caging me on the bed by placing a hand on each side on the mattress I was on. I heard him let out a relieved breath "you scared me" he said calmly in a low voice and leaned down to kiss me on the forehead.

I looked around expecting to see the others, but to my surprise I was all alone with Zak. "Where are the others?" I asked confused, my voice was dry and sounded really damaged. In a flash Zak had a glass with water in hand. Slowly he lifted my head up and poured the liquid down my damaged throat.

As knocks sounded on the door Zak took the glass away and placed it on the desk again.

The door opened slowly revealing my mates. Ryan in front carrying a big bouquet of red roses. Xavier beside him carrying a black box in hand with a pink band around it.

"Hi princess" Xavier said lowly as he started to approached me with the intimidating box in hand. I knew it was for me, then just give it! He stopped beside the bed and looked at me with the hint of a smile, but it was obvious he wasn't himself, he seemed tired and stressed.

Ever so gently he ran the back of his hand down my cheek "I missed seeing those eyes" he said and leaned down to kiss me on the lips. Surprisingly my lips did not fully cooperate yet so it was a bit odd. My body wasn't fully awake yet – apparently.

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