Chapter 46: Reunion

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Chapter 46: Reunion

Their dad looked at me disapproving. "You really are something..." he mumbled obviously still doubting my explanation. I glared at him annoyed, "I don't have time for this". I turned and walked up. He followed when I was far up the stairs.

What to do? I have to do something... Rochelle where are you? I looked around trying to think of my next move, but all I saw was guards walking the halls. Their dad walked out like he was fearless, he was pretty big, he was radiating power and without my mates he is the next best I have to save everyone here.

I can just as well surrender, my muscles are pretty much nonexistence, I am not sporty or fit or anything, I am just.... Tired of being so weak – I have never wished so much to be fit as right now, throw a good punch. But even if I was fit I was dealing with wolves, not humans, and guys, not some weak girls. It would not really make a difference.

I stayed inside the room and let my back slide down the wall so I now was sitting on the floor. Home doesn't sound bad right now.

I wish I could do something, I wish I had them, I wish Maxi was here, I wish Rochelle was sitting here beside me, I wish I would just wake up and realize this was a bad dream, I wish for so many things. But deep down I do know that this is all my fault, this is no nightmare, this is me who made a mistake and now has to fix it.

The door opened making me look up in fear, I had nowhere to hide, this was game over. A black shoe stepped in, then a figure followed I looked up following the intruder with teary eyes.

My heart jumped when I saw it was only their dad, he looked at me with a shocked expression. "I believe you". Those three words that passed his lips as he looked at me gave me all the hope I needed to stand up and hug this man. Maybe he did not like me, maybe he did accuse me for a lot of things, but right now he is all I have.

I was hugging him tightly, I expected him to do a lot of things at that moment, hit me, yell at me, kill me, push me away, but I was not prepared for what he really did. He hugged me back.

He pulled me away from him "we need to save them, I need you to listen to everything I say understood?" he asked, I nodded staring up at this man. He was my mates dad, the one man who hated me from the very beginning and now seemed as my friend.

He grabbed my wrist and ran with me in tow down the hallway. A booming roar sounded through the hallways. "I WILL KILL YOU!" a male voice yelled, Their dad pushed me behind him and made me stand up against a doorframe. I tried to get a peak over their dads shoulder but he was too tall.

A mocking laughter followed "you pathetic excuse of a guard, you did a very bad job, you let us walk in and do whatever we want..." the voice was rough and was not at all friendly. It sounded like a hoarse growl.

Finally I got a look, it was Jar! Jar was fighting two guards holding him while they were dragging him. He was all tied up and did not stand a chance against them, but he didn't give up.

"Stay here and he quiet" their dad whispered to me as he ran up there and turned into his wolf and fought the two guards, the guards were quick to turn into their wolves, but they were obviously not prepared and that gave their dad a good chance to rip their heads off, literally. My hand flew up in instinct to cover my mouth to stop the substance that was making its was up my throat.

In a few seconds Jar was untied and walking towards me fast. He grabbed me and hugged me close to his body "I am so glad you are okay Luna" he whispered into my hair. It was nice to know... except from the Luna thing and the fact that I will prefer my mates saying it to know that they were okay, but that Jar is okay is making me happy too.

With no words said their dad and Jar made their way towards something, I am not that experienced around here so I just followed. We ended up outside a door. Jar led me towards what looked like a closet, opened it and pushed me in "don't make a sound and don't come out till we get you, understood?" he asked, I did not get to answer before he closed it leaving me in complete darkness in a small space closet.

I am seriously a weird person, even when death can be standing right outside this door, I am thinking about so many unimportant things.

And then it came, the screams, the yelling, the sound of war. Everything sounded like the world was ending. I was crumbled down on the floor covering my ears trying hard to think of the lyrics of my favorite song which I now forgot what was.

The closet opened and I looked up waiting for the worse.

"Princess" I looked up seeing familiar faces. Damon picked me up and held me close.

A/N sorry for the late update, had some internet problems. hope you like it :)

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