Chapter 6

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Kellin's P.O.V.

"Kellin!" Mike waved me over as I walked out of the school doors. I slowly walked over to him and said hi to the others. "There's this party tonight after school. Would you want to come with us?" he asked with a hopeful smile.

"Ohh!!! No! I can't, you see I have this, uh, thing, at the thing, and I-" i tried to think if an excuse, but I'm a terrible liar. I've had multiple bad experiences at parties and I don't want to add on to that list. Plus when I start drinking... I really start drinking and I get a little crazy when I'm intoxicated.

"Shut up. I know you Kellin. You have nothing to do. You're coming with us."


"No buts. You're coming." I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I gave in. Something I do way too easily. "But I'm not drinking. Got it?" he just smiled an nodded hastily. Then he patted my back and started walking over to where Vic was waiting inside the car. As soon as I turned around my eyes locked with his. We've barely talked at all since the ,so it be called, "incident" happened but I still catch him throwing glances at me in the hallway or during lunch. Actually, the only time we did talk was in music class when he said not to worry about writing the song and that he'll do it all. He'll just send me the lyrics, I'll rehearse it and then when the day comes, we'll present it. I was the first one to break the gaze and walk away towards my car.


Mike just texted me saying that him and Vic were on their way to pick me up and that they had Tony with them. I headed outside to the porch and say on my steps and waited. About 5 minutes later they pulled up and Mike hopped out of the car to greet me. He led me over to the car and I waved at Tony. Then Mike whispered something in Vic's ear and he got out of the drivers seat and switched spots with Tony in the back. Mike winked at me and sat me in the back seat too. When I sat down I looked over at Vic to see his expression. He was looking out the window so I couldn't tell what he was thinking but I could tell that he was blushing. What did Mike say to him?

Vic's P.O.V.

"I bet 10 bucks with Tony that tomorrow morning Kellic will be a thing." I blushed and shook my head at the stupid name the too had come up with. I was perfectly fine with Tony knowing about my sexuality and crush on Kellin. He was like a brother to me. "Now get in the backseat. Tony's driving." I headed my way over to the back where Kellin was and looked out the window. I could see his reflection out the glass and oh god. Why does he have to be so attractive. Especially tonight, dressed in all black. My thoughts caused me to blush again and Tony pulled out the driveway.


You could tell a party was going about 2 blocks away from the house. The music was blasted so loud you could barely hear yourself think. It was being held at one of Mike's friends' house. Jaime I think. I've only met him a few times but he seems like a cool guy. They met at a music shop two summers ago and found out they went to the same school and been friends ever since.

As I walked the smell of alcohol practically whipped me in the face. You could tell about half the people there were already pretty tipsy or were right on the border line. I walked strait to the kitchen to look for someone I know. Knowing my friends, they would be where the alcohol is being held. And that's where I found them.

"Hey Vic! Glad you could finally make it mate." My friend Oli said passing me a red cup. I inhaled the familiar sent of vodka and brought it to my lips. Even though it burned when it ran down my throat, I smiled at the feeling.

"It's good to be here." I replied taking another sip. It's going to be a good night.


So... I lied. I said I would update the next day but here I am updating about a two weeks after. I'm sorry I was really busy but I will be updating more. Also. It's pretty early in the book and I'm still thinking of different things that could happen throughout the story. So if you have any ideas you could message me or kik me @ DaiDai1D bye enchiladas. :)

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