Chapter 9

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Dedicated to @ashisverymuchonfire because she's cool and helped me write this chapter c:


After I showered and took a couple aspirin for my own headache I sat on my bed and began to think of places I could take Kellin for a first date. I know Kellin isn't up for the whole fancy cliche restaurant or typical movie so it took me a while to figure something else. I also had to think of a place that no one I know would be. I can't risk getting seen with him. My whole reputation would turn to ashes and I can't let that happen.
After I came up with nothing I decided to pull out my laptop, pulling up my trusty website, "Google".

What are some non-expensive but fun first dates?

Yes, I did type non-expensive. I don't want him to think I'm trying too hard. Thousands of different ideas popped up on my screen. I scrolled through them all and still found nothing that I thought he would like. Giving up I shut my laptop and took out my phone. Unlocking it, I tapped on the pandora app and tapped my My Chemical Romance station. The beginning notes to "Welcome To The Black Parade" began and I hummed along to it. When the song (sadly) ended, the usual ad popped up.

Jack's Carnival! All tickets being sold half price if you stop by before closing today!

A carnival. That's perfect. Plus, it's right outside San Diego. I sent Kellin a message telling him that I would pick him up within the hour and be prepared for the best night of his life. I ignored all of his eager texts asking where I was taking him.



"No Kellin. I told you it would be an hour drive."

"No Vic, you did not inform me of this. That means you should tell me where we are going."

"Not a chance babe. I told you it's a surprise. Now stop asking!"


45 minutes. 45 minutes of Kellin constantly asking,

"Are we almost there?!"

"How much longer?"

"Are we close?"

"Can you please tell me where we're going?" And the occasional,

"Vic I need to take a piss" but, it's okay. Because were only about 5 minutes away and I won't have to hear it anymore. I sighed in relief at the thought causing Kellin to look up at me. He studies my face for a moment and then rests his hand on my leg and begins to rub my thigh slowly. Loving the contact, I said nothing to object the movement.

"Will you please tell me where we're going?" he asked for probably the 25th time. I shook my head once again. Lucky for me we were right around the corner so I wouldn't have to deal with this any longer.

"Pretty please Vic." He started moving his hand closer to my mid section.

"Please" He pleaded once again, running his fingertips over the zipper to my jeans, which didn't do a very good job of hiding my growing little friend. My breathing became uneven as he started to unzip my pants. We pulled in to the carnival parking lot and I found an open space as fast as I could before jumping out of the car and shaking the naughty images of bending Kellin over the roof of the car and f-

Woah Victor. Slow down. Still trying to concentrate on bringing my breathing to a regular pace, Kellin jumped out of the car and ran towards me, wrapping his arms around me waist with a bright expression on his face, pretending like nothing just happened. I wanted to forget about it but the bulge in my pants decided otherwise. Once the hyper boy turned around to acknowledge where we were he began screaming like a 5 year old on Christmas morning while running in a circle around me.


Oh god, what've I gotten myself into.


Don't hate me :c I'm sorry it took so long to update but I've been busy... not really, I have no life, but I'm sorry. I'm also sorry this chapter probably sucked. :3

Bye enchiladas. <3

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