Chapter 7

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Kellin's P.O.V.

Right when we walked through the doors of this massive house, the strong scent of alcohol surrounded you. Vic immediately walked away from us, obviously not wanting to be seen with his stone head of a brother and loser friends. I found out Mike was did drugs when we were walking to his house and he asked me why unicorns were falling from the sky. At least that was my assumption. Either that or Mike needs to go see a doctor.

Mike, who's obviously been here multiple times, led me down to the basement where we found a pool table and fuse ball (sorry if I spelled that wrong) table. There was also a bunch of kids surrounding a coffee table smoking and sniffing cocaine. Looks like I know why Mike came here.

"Here, let me introduce you to some more of my friends. This is Craig, Zach, Justin, and Matty." He said, pointing to each one of them as he said their name. One of them, I think it was Zach, looked up at me and waved. His eyes were bloodshot. Most likely high, but the calm,chill type of high.

"Hey dude! Kellin is it?" The one with a shark tattoo on his hand said, Justin asked. I shook my head in response. "Nice to meet you. Would you like to join down here?"

"Ohhh. No. I'm staying away from drugs and alcohol tonight. Sorry." I shrugged. Then Craig looked up at me.

"Aw dude don't be a little pussy give it a try. Don't be a loser." Loser. I hate that word. Something inside of me just goes mad when I'm called that. With that being said I sat down next to him and gathered the coke in a little pile. Clogging one nostril, I began snorting it. A wave of calmness flew over me, then I began to feel hyper. Craig cheered and patted me on the back. "There ya go little dude." He handed me a little baggy full of it and I began to empty it out on the table. I again snorted it all and another rush of energy washed over me. And here comes the beast...

"Where's the fuck is the alcohol."

Vic's P.O.V.

"Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" There was a crowed of people chanting around me as I chugged down shot after shot after shot. Yupp. I was pretty hammered. But was that stopping me. He'll the fuck no. Right when I got down my 15th shot I stopped taking a breath as the next person began their challenge. My vision was blurred but I recognized the voice.

"Oh shit. 15 shots? I don't think I can handle." I turned around trying to focus my vision a little. I just stared at the raven haired boy. What the fuck. He'd obviously been doing drugs, because he had cocaine stuck in his hair and was defiantly highly intoxicated.


someone coughed and I saw a flash of agitation flood his eyes. He turned back around and downed shot after shot. Faster then I had. And hell I was pretty fast. When he was finished he wiped his mouth and burped in boys face who had called him the name. At this point he could barely walk. And I couldn't either. I had to use the walls for support. Tony being the driver simply had a single beer in his hand. When he saw me he set it down and began to help me walk.

"I think it's time to go." I shook my head as he told me he would go find Kellin and Mike. I started heading my way over to the car that had been parked a block away. Nearly tripping over my own two feet and almost being hit by a truck. I climbed in the back seat and waited for everyone to get in. A few minutes later a very excited looking Kellin jumped in the back seat with me as Mike and Tony slid into the car and started driving away back towards my house. It was obvious no one could go home at this time of the night.

"Do you think that Flappy Bird gets depressed sometimes. I mean, he cant even fly. Huh! I bet his family can. WHAT IF..." Kellin was jumping around, but his seatbelt was restraining him from bouncing too high. "What if milk was blue Vic?! Would you still drink it?" I thought for a moment would I? Then Kellin started crying.

"What's wrong Kell Bells?" I asked poking his cheeks. Yupp. I'm still pretty wasted.

"Why did Romance Chemical. no. Wait.." he thought for a second with a pout on his face, he looked like a little teddy bear. I just wanted to cuddle the fuck out of him. Woah. Alcohol."No. My Chemical Romance have to break up!? huh? WHY?!" We just arrived at my house. My mom was on a business trip so she would be gone for about a month so we had the whole place to ourselves.

"Hey Kells. Wanna sleep with me tonight?" Vodka speaking. He nodded and followed me. I sat on my bed and took of my shoes as he did the same. We both took of our pants and I couldn't help but stare at Kellin. Why is he so perfect?

"Because I was birthed by a watermelon" did I just think out loud? And a watermelon? I shrugged It off and we both climbed into bed. I was half asleep when Kellin soft crying caused me turn around. I pulled him over to me.

"What's wrong Kelly?"

"Why did my dad have to leave me? is it because I'm stupid and worthless. Huh? Vic am I. Why does my mom forget that I even exist. Why did I constantly get beat up at my old schools because I'm gay? Why Vic? Tell me." He sobbed and I pulled him closer.

"Shhh. It'll be alright. You are defiantly not worthless or stupid. People are dicks. You just gotta let it go. Stop thinking about the past and look to the future. It's all over now and I will make sure that will never happen again."

"I just want it to stop Vic." He cried into my chest and I started to sing to him a song that I started writing a few months ago.

If I were you, I'd put that away

See, you're just wasted

And thinking 'bout the past again

Darling you'll be okay" his sobs began to stop as he started to calm down.

"Thank you." I nodded. Just as I almost fell asleep again I heard Kellin speak. "And Vic, you have a really nice voice." It was such a small compliment but it made my heart beat faster. With my arms still wrapped around him I sighed. This boy will be the death of me.


So... I've got good news. The past two days have been AMAZING! On Monday I got new band merch and my mom told me she got me tickets to go to warped and Tuesday Vic licked my picture on Instagram. Cx Also you can follow me on there @cant_drownmy_demons_

Also thanks for almost 200 reads it means a lot to me. And if you read all of this comment as well. Best comment gets a dedication. Also sorry for any spelling and/or grammar mistakes I haven't edited it. <3 Bye my enchiladas. :)

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