Chapter 2

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So far the day hasn't been half bad. I've been following Mike around considering that most of our classes are together and he's introduced me to some of his friends, Jaime and Tony. They seem like really nice people.

I had just finished my 5th period and started heading toward the cafeteria for lunch. As I walked out the kitchen i scanned the room looking for a place to sit. Mike caught my eye and waved me over to a table in the corner of the cafeteria. At the table Mike introduced me to some more of his friends. Jack, Alex, and Alan. We all made conversation and decided to head out to the school court yard considering there was still about 15 minutes left of our lunch period. As we walked out I bumped into a very muscular arm.

"Hey! Watch where you're going pips squeak." looking up I saw that it was the same brown haired boy from the office this morning.

"Vic, dude, cut it out." I heard Mike respond

"Whatever" Vic mumbled under his breathe rolling his eyes and walking away.

"Who was that?" I asked Mike. Considering that he was the one that spoke up to him.

"My ass hole of a brother" he responded. Woah! Brother?! I feel bad for him then. Shaking off what just happened, the group of us continued heading toward the courtyard and just sat there and hung out until the final bell rung. I had no one that I already knew in this period. But it was music so i should be fine. Walking into the classroom, I scanned the room for an empty seat finding the only empty next to none other then Mike's brother. As I walked over to the seat he smirked at me then looked back down to the phone that he was on before. I sat down just as the teacher walked in. She looked to be in her mid-30s and wore her hair in a tight bun on the top of her head.

"Hello class. Today we will be starting are 2nd semester projects. You will be assigned a partner and you will be writing a song together. You must find or create your own background music and all lyrics must be original. You may find you partners now and get started. " As the whole class stood up and started pairing themselves up with their friends. Me being new, had no friends in this class yet, so I just figured that the teacher would pair me up with whoever didn't have a partner at the end or I'd just do it by myself. After everyone found a partner I noticed Mike's brother, Vic is what I learned his name was, was still sitting playing on his phone. The teacher walked over to him asking him to put his phone away but he didn't listen. She started yelling at him and of course he responded with a smart remark. She took his phone away and pointed over to me. I quickly turned away and buried my head in my book. I heard Vic groan and the sound of a chair being scooted across the floor and then a hand being rested on my shoulder.

"Hi Kellin. My name is Ms. Henry, I'll be your music teacher for the semester. This," she said stepping to the side," Is Vic. He's going to be your partner for the semester project. Now I expect you two to not only work on this during your time given in class but also after school. Good luck to you both." she smiled and walked away. I looked up at Vic. He smirked down at me.

"Erm. Hi." I said. But it came out as more of a question. Nice going Quinn. Real pathetic, "I'm Kellin."

"Yeah I know. You're the kid that bumped into me in the hallway. Anyway. This is my favorite class, so don't you mess this up for me or you'll regret it." He was obviously trying to scare me. It wasn't working too well, since I was constantly bullied at my old school in Michigan. "So, what do you do?"

"Excuse me?"

"What do you do? Sing, play, what?"

"Oh, I sing."

"So do I. I also play the guitar. So we could sing a song together and the guitar could be our background." I shook my head agreeing with him. Now that I got a closer look at him I realized that he was actually some what attractive. I started staring into his eyes and couldn't find myself to look away, but he was staring back at mine. "You have really pretty eyes" He mumbled. Did I just hear him right? THE Vic Fuentes, king of the school, just said I have pretty eyes. For some odd reason my stomach filled with butterflies. Wait, was Vic even gay?

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked still not believing that I heard him right. He immediately broke his gaze and looked down at the floor again, mumbling a 'nothing'. As my mind swarmed with thoughts about what had just happened the ending bell rung and Vic dashed out of the room leaving me still standing her dumbfounded. Sure, he just complimented my eyes, so what. It's not that big of a deal. I've been told multiple times that I have pretty eyes. But just something about him saying it made my stomach flip and my legs unable to move and I've only known him for a day. Why did he have this effect on me?


Yeah so I know that probably sucked but I just felt like updating and I really like writing this story. So if anyone is actually reading this could you comment or vote so I know. I didn't edit this so I'm sorry if this has any mistakes in it. So adiosss!

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