| Secrets |

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I sat alone in my office at the GCPD, my laptop on overtime as I researched myself and my family. All I could find was articles on my father and grandparents, not being brave enough to put the right words into the search bar. I sighed and clicked the search bar with force again, typing furiously.

Veronica Wayne.

A bunch of recent articles popped up about my involvement with the GCPD and I started to become anxious; my leg shaking crazily. I scrolled through the tabloids but found nothing about my mother, some articles only pointing out my father. I try again, thinking before I type in my next search. What would I type in to find this information about someone else? I take a deep breath and delete my previous search and instead insert a question,

Who are Veronica Wayne's parents?

The first person who popped up was my father, filled with his information. Still, no information about my mother. Not until I began to scroll through the article pages, clicking on one particular site which had the headline:

"Gotham Welcomes it's very first Princess".

I scoff at the title but read on as I scan my baby pictures.

"...Veronica Rose Wayne was welcomed earlier this morning to father Bruce Wayne. Miss Wayne's mother is not known, though many suspect it to be one of Bruce's close friends. How else could this be kept under wraps for so long?" I read and give an annoyed scoff.

"What bullshit-" I begin before I scroll again to see a picture of my dad and...Rachel.

I compose myself and scroll down more to read.

"Rachel Dawes is said to have known billionaire Wayne from when they both were children. An inside source claims that Dawes could possibly be the mother of Gotham's only heir..."

I shut the computer swiftly and let out a surprised gasp, rolling away from my desk in my chair. I stand after, pushing hair from my face as I try to process the information I just read.

"Oh my god." I croak and grab my purse, placing my laptop inside of it and rushing out of the office; earning a few stares from officers.

I knew where I had to go before I jumped to conclusions. I drove to Gotham's Lumber Yard, which was owned by my father and where a secret hideout made for Batman equipment was. I parked the car and made sure no one was around before I opened one of the metal cargo boxes and placed my eye on the scanner along with my fingerprint afterwards.

I began to descend down into the all white room, trying to steady my breathing as I went. I knew dad would get a notification that I entered, so I had to work quickly. My phone began to ring as soon as I reached the floor and I pulled it out to see who it was. Dad.

I shoved my phone in my purse, ignoring the call as I then dropped it on the floor. I went towards the safe, beginning to try codes in attempts of unlocking it. I tried my birthday first, but it wasn't right. I tried both of my grandparents after but still, it didn't budge. Alfred's? I tried the combo but to no avail. My phone began ringing again. I ignored the annoying ringing sound that filled the once silent space with a groan. What could it be? I tried my grandparents death date but still no luck.

"God, what the fuck-" I seethe to myself , sighing defeatedly as I stare at the lock. Time was ticking and I just knew dad was on his way. Especially since I didn't answer his calls. I just had to find out the truth. I knew he kept all of his important files here because no one knew about this place except for him, myself, and Alfred. It was the safest place to leave documents and equipment. Also, this space was a decent safe haven aside from our penthouse in the city and the manor on the outskirts of Gotham.

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