Chapter 10-The Red Bird Is Not Going To Like This...

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Carol stared at me as I put away my phone. I'm not sure what made me more uncomfortable: her staring or what she was going to have to do eventually...

I swear, her eyes can't get any bigger...

I sigh and close my eyes, trying to just forget what my dad just told me. I can't believe that Carol's mom had planned something like that, and my dad supported her? Sure, it would be better than we have now, but it seems wrong on so many levels...

I open my eyes a little and see that her eyes are starting to water from not blinking for a while.

I blow air in her face and she blinks.

"Hey! I was trying to get you to tell me what I need to do!" she says, rubbing her eyes and then continuing her attempt at persuading me to tell her.

"No! I already told you I wasn't going to tell you about it..." She must have caught the uncertainty in my voice, as she smirks and crosses her arms.

"You want to tell me though..." she says in a tone that suggests that she thinks she already won.

"No, I actually really don't..." I reply, tilting my head up and looking down at her over my nose. Why does she do this...

"But you really do," she continues.

"No. I'm done talking about this!" I say, collapsing on the couch.

She sits next to me and goes back to staring.

I glance over at her and roll my eyes. I then push her over and make my way up the stairs. "I'm going to my room..."

"Wait, you have a room? How come I wasn't aware of this?!" she says, following me closely behind.

"Because you were either sleeping or disappearing places..." I reply, continuing my journey to my room. Hopefully I can get in there and close the door before she follows me in...

"That's not my fault! Well, the sleeping part maybe, but not the disappearing part!" she says, jogging to be pretty much right on top of me.

I pick up the pace slightly so she falls behind a little. When I reach the top of the stairs, I break into a mad sprint for my room, which happens to be at the end of the hallway, next to Carol's room. She wasn't expecting it, but she quickly catches on and sprints after me.

For as short as this hallway is, it seems to be taking forever to get there...

I finally get to my door, but she gets there at the same time I do. I remember my little super powers and make myself unmovable and block the doorway. 

She body slams me but I don't even shudder from the impact. Meanwhile, she's sprawled out on the floor and clutching her shoulder.

"How did that feel?" I ask, smirking.

"NOT GOOD!" she yells, glaring up at me.

"Good," I reply, quickly becoming movable again and closing the door. I lock it and sit up against it.

I hear her shuffling feet and then there's silence for a moment. I then hear her walk away. I let out a sigh of relief and am about to get up when the door gets slammed into.

"Did you seriously just try to break in?!" I ask incredulously.

"Well, yeah!" she yells, clearly trying to cover up her pain.

"Well, stop!" I yell back.

"No! I'll turn into something and break the door if I have to!" she yells back, even louder.

"Please, stop..." I say calmly.

She's silent for a moment before I hear her slide down the door and to the floor.

"So... It's that bad, huh?" she says quietly.

"Well, I'm sure it'll have it's pros and cons, but... I just can't see you being happy with it," I reply, mulling over the possible outcomes in my head.

It becomes really quiet between us. All I can hear is her breathing.

I close my eyes, enjoying the silence.

Not soon after I close my eyes, the plan works it's way into my head. It reminds me over and over about it's existence, nagging at me.

Should I tell her? She'll need to know eventually...

No. It's too soon. After all that's happened in the past few days, I think that's enough excitement for a while.

Besides, she'll need to be able to handle her powers very well if she's going to overthrow the queen.


Hi again! Sorry for the really short chapter! I kinda wanted to end on that part and wasn't really sure what to put before that, so that's all you get for now... XD Maybe Scott's POV will make an appearance again sometime.

Also, I'm still laughing about my Scoot typo... XD

Anyway, I hope you liked it!

~The Great Depatay

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