Chapter 13-The Red Bird's Plan Doesn't Go As Planned

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In an earlier time...

"Are you sure you want to do this? It's not too late to say no..." Harvey says, placing a hand on my shoulder and turning me toward him. I put my forehead to his and close my eyes.

"It'll be fine... Next time you see me, I'm be wearing a crown and a pretty dress!" I say, making my happy tone betray the sinking feeling of dread that suddenly comes over me.

"I'm sure you're right, but I just... What if something goes wrong? If my calculations are incorrect, it could mean-"

"I know the risk, but it's one I have to take. Too many people are suffering."

Amanda comes around the corner, holding out her specialty smoke bombs and other goodies she always makes for my missions.

"Okay," I say quietly, stepping away from Harvey. I give him a little smile before I turn to Amanda and take the things out of her hands. I stuff them in my pocket and mentally prepare myself to leave.

Harvey grabs my shoulder and says, "Wait! I-"

"We don't have time!" Amanda says, grabbing my other shoulder and pulling me towards the door.

I grab both their hands and held them for a moment in silence.

I then give Harvey a quick hug and a little kiss on the cheek before going with Amanda.

"Get to your station, Harvey. I'll see you after we're done," I say, my back turned to him so he doesn't see the tear that escapes my eye.

"R-right..." he says, and I hear him rush off into the room he uses for tracking us and communication during missions. This time, it's just tracking. I'm going in alone, and I can't risk anyone talking at a bad time.

Amanda and I go outside. I twirl my feather between my fingers before I turn into what I've come to call the Red Bird. It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Amanda smiles and gives me a hug before she rushes inside to help Harvey. She turns around to look at me in the doorway. She tosses a little black device to me and says, "Just in case you need to get a hold of us." She then smiles widely and disappears into the house. 

I walk around the house to the cliffside in the backyard. I take a deep breath and spread out my arms. I then jump and free fall for a while until I almost reach the ground before I take off through the air. 

I probably look ridiculous, waving my arms around... I think about that a lot. I wouldn't say I'm self conscious, but maybe I am...

I do know that I'm a little nervous about what I'm about to do...

I don't know what I'm supposed to do if I even somehow succeed in becoming Queen...

And how am I supposed to live with possibly killing my own sister?

I guess I can't feel too bad about it, since she's tried to kill me plenty of times before because I somehow had 'magic powers' and she doesn't...

But still...

And what happens if I don't succeed?

I have little Carol waiting for me to come home...

How would this affect her in the long run?

She would be a princess... And eventually she would become Queen.

Do I want that for her?

Perhaps no one has to know...

Maybe Amanda could care for her?

But then she would live her whole life not knowing...

So many questions to mull over, but I'm already here...

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