Tripped-out Tattoos (Brendon Urie fanfic)

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"Mom, do you like this one?" I asked my mother, showing her the picture of a tattoo on my laptop.

"Its great, honey. Go with what you like." She said, chopping some lettuce and cucumber for a salad.

I sigh at the fact that she won't list her opinion. "Okay, mom, thanks."

She smiles at me as if she thought I was seriously thanking her for her lack of opinion.

I stand up, about to leave for work. My phone buzzes a few times then plays my favorite song, Welcome To The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance.

I look at my lock screen, to see a picture of my best friend, Becca.

"What's up, my fine lady?" I say, almost giggling.

"Two weeks, Isa. Two weeks until we get tattos. Two weeks until my eighteenth!" She says over the phone, overexcitedly.

"I know, Becca. Two weeks. What do you plan on getting?" I ask, hoping to think of mine soon.

"Well, mine is going to be a heart with the words "Tough obstacles are given to tough people. What are you getting?"

I sigh, hugging my mom and getting my keys out to go to work.

"I'm not quite sure. Maybe piano keys?" I say, trying to think.

"Oh, that's cool. Hey, I have to go. John is here, so I will call you later."

I smile at the fact she found love, and frown at the fact that I didn't.

I hang up my phone, and walk out the door, telling my mom I might go out after work. She nods, and I unlock my car.

I pull the door to the back seat open, and put my backpack in. I get things situated, and get in the driver's seat.

The drive was boring. Thirty of the longest minutes, ever. Misery Business by Paramore came on. I sang along, and that's about it. The rest of the time, I tapped on the steering wheel or said some no-so-nice words to the drivers beside me, when they cut me off.

When I got to work, Anthony, one of the guys who have my shift, waved. I smiled and waved back.

I sat my stuff in the employee lounge, and put my apron on. I walked over to Anthony, where I was gretted by a hug.

He whisper-squealed when we hugged. "Ohh, Isa. I have so much to say. We have shamrock hot chocolate for a limited time, and that is the best damn hot chocolate I have ever devoured." He said, happily.

"I know, Anthony. I was here when they put it out, and I served it to three people yesterday." I say, being sarcastic, but trying to also be polite.

He mocked my facial expression and sighed. "Well, okay. There is a cute guy at the drive-thru if you wanna go." He said, winking not-so-subtle-y.

I smile, and toss at my hair, and fix my purple- tipped hair.

I walk to the window, and smile, asking what they would like to drink.

"Iced mocha, with whipped cream, vanilla flavor, and just a teensy bit of cinnamon?" The attractive man, with dark, hair, in a stripe down the middle says.

"Oh, and could you include your number on that cup?" He asked, winking.

I smirk, and make the coffee. "Maybe you'll get lucky, and find out if I wrotw the right number or not." I say, with a wink, as I hand him the coffee.

He smirks, and grabs his phone, and pulls away from the drive-thru.

I fake moan into the air when I walk back to Anthony.

He smirks. "You have his number?"

- giggle, "No, but he has mine."

He smiles, and walks away to go make himself a shamrock hot chocolate.

My phone buzzes, and when I look at my lock screen, it says "Hey, hope I have the right number. Sorry. I didn't catch your name. Maybe tell me over dinner tomorrow night? ;)"

I smile and reply "Isa, and that sounds fantastic. Pick me up at seven tomorrow here at Starbucks?"

He replies minutes later saying "Sounds like a plan. We will be going downtown for our meal."

I smile at the text and put my phone away. Tomrrow should be fun. No school, and a date with a cute guy. Thumbs up for you, Isa.

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