Chapter 18

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Jess's pov

The boy's were doing something weird till I heard Red yelling something. Ross and Max came into my office. I turned my camera on. We're making a video with Em being a murderer and people think it's someone else. 

"What happened? Did she get you." I asked. 

"No. But she did get-" Max tried saying. 

"She got redddd." Ross fake cried. 

"Well. She's gonna go after y'all next, plus you'll might wake the twins so get the hell out." I said. They both left. I faced my camera to me. 

"Who do I think the murderer is? It's gotta be Max. He's with Ross so it's obvious he wants him dead last so it can be more dramatic. 

"JINNNN!" Adam yelled.

"Never mind. It's either Max or Adam. Not Em. She's too kind for that." I said turning my lights off.

I put the camera at the window. Adam ran by, Max and Ross behind him. Barney was yelling, shikular at the top of his lungs. (Excuse me if i didnt spell right.) I started to laugh. But I got quiet when I heard someone coming. Em went past me. I turned on my lights after a few minutes. I went out the office with the twins. Adam came by to me. 

"Tell mason, I love him and tell Alesa.. I want sushi for dinner." Adam said falling dead. I ran away seeing Max coming. The camera still on. I found Alesa. 

"Yes?" She asked. 

"Adam told me his last words. He said that he loves Mason and he wants sushi for dinner." I said. 

"That bastard! What am I a maid that he can't tell me he loves me. I should've killed him myself." She said. She's pissed that he asked for food instead of love. 

"I think Max is the murderer. He was coming by with Ross." I said. 

"But why Max if he was with Ross?" She asked. 

"He probably wants to kill Ross last so it can be more dramatic." I said. 

"Makes sense." Alesa said.

"Hi alesa." Em said. I walked away with my camera. 

"Nooo!" Alesa yelled. 

Max did it. I went into Barney's office. Max said to turn on the light so Barney cant get in. Barney came by. He banged on the door. 

"She's coming!" He yelled. 

"You gotta roleplay in." I said. 

"Delivery." He said knocking on the door.

 I let him in. He turned the lights all off with the recording light still on. We sat under his desk. Em was at the window with a knife. 

"Never mind it's Em." I said to the camera. Em walked away. Barney got up and checked out the door. He dropped after saying run to me. I got out and ran. Almost into Max and Ross. 

"Em got Barney." I said. 

"It's fine we will survive." Ross dropped. Em had shot him. We both ran for it. 

"Everyone else is gone." Max said as he was going to his office. I put the kids in the stroller. 

"This is where we part." I said dropping after turning my camera off. 

"Nooooo!" He yelled. 

He kept running. I got up and went to the kitchen where everyone was watching the hunt. Max and Nick are left. I smiled. My kids were still asleep good. Adam was staying a little away from Alesa. Probably because of what his last words were. They arrested Nick. Well Tim put on a costume and faked being a cop. 

"But it was Em. I haven't touched anything. She's on the hunt for Max. Please you've got to believe me." Nick yelled getting more into the camera. Max ran out the office. Em went back inside. Max's point of view, since he turned on his camera. 

"I got away from her. Now to get home and plan revenge." Max said turning it off. We got our camera on. 

"Hey!" We all said. 

"Hope you liked this video." Adam said. 

"Dont forget all merch is in the link below." Jin said. 

"Tell us what you think should be Max's revenge." Red said.

"And If you'd like to see a two parter." Barney said. 

"We love you guys so much." I said. We grabbed a tablet and put Max on face time. We showed the screen to the camera. 

"Dont forget to comment. Like and subscribe." Max said. We pulled it a little away. 

"All our channels will be in the link below." Shelby said. 

"Follow all of Adam's channels as well as you'll see we have more videos there." Alesa said. 

"Bye!" We all said. The cameras all turned off after showing a clip of Em saying do follow our social medias. 

"Alright everyone. This is gonna take a lot of editing. So let's get to it." Adam said. 

"Also. Beer and sushi at our house." Alesa yelled. Hmm. She gave into sushi. They all got to work with editing. I went to my office with the twins and coffee. Max came in, 

"Did you like the way I acted?" He asked. 

"Yes. But you could've made it more dramatic but you also had to run for your life." I said. 

"Right. And these potatoes didn't wake up." He said. 

"Which is good since then it wouldn't have made the video wierd like who was gonna take care of the kids." I said. 

"Right. Well gotta get to editing." Max said leaving. 

The kids began to cry. He came back and helped change there diapers after I fed them. He went to edit. I had finished editing my video and went to the middle where we do our challenge videos. I sat there with the kids in there strollers. Pleasant. Adam and Ross ran by screaming like little girls. Max ran after them. Adam got on one of my side's and held onto my arm then Ross. 

"Leave them alone and go edit." I told Max. 

"But they-" He didn't finish. 

"I don't care get back to work. The sooner you're done the sooner we can go to Adam's house and you can chase him there." I said. He walked away. 

"Now both of y'all quit harassing Max and do your work so we can go to Adam's house and mad Max can chase y'all there." I said. 

"Fine." They both said leaving.

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