Chapter 6

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{Carlies POV}
I was almost asleep in Ethan's arms when my phone started buzzing. I looked up and Kristen was calling me.
*Phone call*
K: hello. This is the hospital calling. Kristen and Grayson Dolan got in a serious car accident. Kristen is in critical condition.
C: WHAT? Ok I'm brining graysons brother and we will be there shortly.
*End of phone call*

I get up and shake Ethan awake. "What? Huh?" He says groggily. By this time I was crying. "E-ethan" I mumble. He shoots up once he realized I was crying and huged me tightly. "G-grayson and Kristen got in a s-serious car accident." I choke on my words. "Ok. Let's go to the hospital."

We both get up and change and run to the car. I look up at ethan and he had tears in his eyes. "It'll be okay." I say and intertwine our fingers. He looks at me and I smile. He kisses my hand gently and soon enough we were at the hospital.

We walk into the hospital hand in hand. Both of us not knowing how bad the situation was or if maybe one of them would- no. They wont. We get inside and we walk up to the front desk. "Hi. My brother and his girlfriend are here." Ethan says. "Okay. What are their names?" The lady asks. "Kristen Muller and Grayson Dolan" Ethan says with tears in his eyes. I sqeeze his hand and I see he smile lightly. "So they are both in critical condition and can't be seen" the lady explains. "WHAT? MY BROTHER GOOD BE DYING AND YOU WONT LET ME SEE HIM?" Ethan yells. I pull him away and say "Ethan. Calm down. We can see them soon." "Fine." He replies.

We sit down in the waiting room. "I hope their okay" Ethan says. "Me too" I say and intertwine our hands and he draws circles on my hand again. I rest my head on his shoulder and soon enough I'm asleep.

"Carlie. C'mon. We can go see them." Ethan wakes me up. "Hmm? Oh ok" I say and we both get up and walk down the hall to room 247. Ethan walks in first and I'm behind him. We walk in and see Kristen with wires everywhere and grayson with a couple wires. Kristen is really bad. Grayson is awake and he's crying. Ethan goes and hugs him. "It's all my fault! I should have payed attention!" Grayson says. "No it not grayson. No one could've done anything. Don't blame yourself" I attempt to reassure him. I look over at Ethan and he's looking at Kristen. I grab his hand and squeeze it. He looks over at me and says "Why did this have to happen?" "I don't know but Grayson" I look over at Grayson "Stop blaming yourself. If Kristen does die then she had to go. It was her time. But for now, we have to hope for the best" I tell grayson. "Thanks Carlie." Grayson smiles at me and I smile back.

The doctor walks in and we ask him whats next and he replies "Well. We aren't sure. Kristen has a 30% chance of living. Um. Shes in a coma and she has massive brain swealling and her brain isn't functioning right. If she does live, she will have mental problems for the rest of her life" Grayson begins to cry and Ethan goes to hug him. The doctor left and we all sit in silence. Ethan breaks the silence and says. "Carlie. We have been here for almost 6 hours. We should go get some sleep cause we still have to go to Disneyland." "Thats right. Grayson, call us if anything happens" I tell grayson. "Mmhm" Grayson replies with a sad face.

*In the car*
"Ethan what are we gonna do? If she does die, Grayson will be broken." I say concerned. "I know. I guess the only thing we can do is be there for him and if she does... Pass... We will help each other through it." Ethan says. "Ok. I'm scared Ethan" I say. "I am too. How am I supposed to tell our fans?" I found out they had fans when I first moved here. It doesn't affect our friendship in any way. I think it's quite cool. They have almost a million fans. "Maybe just tweet that you won't be able to post for awhile and that you'll explain soon." I say. "Good plan"

We get to the apartment and walk inside again, hand in hand, it's mine and Ethan's favorite thing to do. Woah. I'm acting like a couple but we aren't. What are we? I don't think now is a good time to ask.

We walk inside and I go to my room and he goes to his. I lay there trying to sleep but I just couldn't. I get up and walk into ethans room. "Eth?" I ask to see if he's awake. "Hmm?" He replies opening his eyes. "Can I sleep with you? I can't fall to sleep" I say. He just opens he arms and I crawl into them. Soon enough I fell asleep in my favorite persons arms.

{Graysons POV}
I feel so bad. Why did I have to be the one driving? Why is it her? It should be me. I should be the one that's gonna die. She's amazing. If I lose her I don't know if I can ever find love again. I mean maybe I don't even love her. Maybe it's just a like. But if I did like her why would I be feeling so guilty? I guess I do love her.
As I'm laying there thinking about her, everything starts beeping and Kristen starts shaking. She's having a seizure. "NURSE!" I yell. All the docters walk in and immediately wheel me out. "NO! I HAVE TO BE THERE FOR HER!" I scream as I'm being pulled away from Kristen. Whats gonna happen?
Oh dang. I'm really excited for the next couple chapters. You guys better be hyped. Also sorry for any typos. 😳💗

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