Chapter 8

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{Carlies POV}
After the parade last night we came home and I ended up falling asleep in Ethans arms. I got up and grabbed one of his sweatshirts and a pair of sweats. I really just wanted to stay home today but I was bored so I did a little makeup. Consisting of mascara, eyeliner and a light pink eyeshadow. I did my hair in two small French braids at the top of my head leading to two messy buns. I just brushed the rest of my hair out. I set out my black converse in case we had to go somewhere. (Pic at top)

I walk into the kitchen and saw Ethan in sweats and no shirt on cooking waffles and eggs. "Good morning." I say walking over to him. He looks up at me and says "Dang. You look cute in my sweatshirt" "Pssh. Thanks" I say. "Also we are watching Netflix all day. I just want a lazy day" I add. "Finally I can just relax. I think Grayson is flying out to meet Kristens family in Arizona. He's gonna help plan the funeral and he'll probably be there for 3-4 days." Ethan explains. "Sounds good to me."

He finishes making breakfast and we both get a plate and sit down. "What should we do tomorrow?" I ask. "We could go on am adventure!" Ethan almost yells. "Be quiet. Gray is still sleeping" I whisper yell and laugh. "Oh right." He laughs with me. "But ya. That sounds fun. Just driving around with my boyfriend. If we are gonna be in a car for a long time tho I get the AUX cord." I say. "Hmm. Fine." Ethan says.

We finish eating and we go into his room to watch Netflix. We both layed in his bed and I rested my head on his chest. "I love lazy days." I say. "Same."

We had been watching Netflix for some time and I said "I want some starbs." "Actually me too." Ethan says and we get up and Ethan throws on a shirt and we both put on matching black converse.

We get to Starbucks and shortly after we ordered our drinks, 3 fans came up to us. "Omg! Ethan! I love you!" One of them says. "Aw I love you too." Ethan says obviously in a friend way. "Who is this?" One of the other girls asks. "Oh. She's just a friend of Grayson and I." He says. I know that he doesn't want to tell the fans yet but it kinda hurts. I wish we could tell out to the world that we are together but we can't yet.

"Oh well can we take some pictures?" One fan asks. "Sure" Ethan says and I say "Ill take them for you guys." They hand me their phones and I snap a bunch of pictures.

We grab our drinks and head back to the apartment. I keep getting a bunch of tweets and so I finally decided to look at them.

@Ethansbae: I saw a girl with ethan today and she seemed so nice. E said they were just friends. I already ship it!

@Thedolannnnss: Etharlie!! Yas! Mom and dad.

@Graysonishawt: Their goals! My OTP!!!

@grethanisbetter: Im sorry guys but they are already my mom and dad.

I laughed at the last one and Ethan just looked at me weird so I showed him and he started laughing too. We sat there for a solid 3 minutes laughing. It was great.

"Okay I'm bored now." I say in a fake annoyed tone. "Well we should probably take Grayson to the airport soon." Ethan says. "True true. I'm not changing tho. I like your sweatshirt." I say. "Haha. Ok."

We both walk into Graysons room and Grayson is just sitting on his laptop. "Are you ready to go?" I ask him. "Oh. Ya" he says obviously still sad. "Bro. Cheer up. What if you meet a cute girl there!" Ethan says and raises one eyebrow. "It just won't be the same."

We were in the car to the airport and I had the Aux cord and Ethan and I were jamming and Grayson was in the backseat just looking outside. I feel so bad for him. I know what thats like. To lose someone. My dad died when I was 10 because of some dumb drunk driver. I miss him so much.

We got to the airport and we all got out of the car. "Thanks for all the support guys." Grayson says as he hugs both of us. We have a group hug and he has to go. I hope he does ok.

We get back to the car and at first it's silent until I break the silence. "I know what it's like. To lose somone." ""Really? Who?" Ethan asks curious. "Well when I was 10, my dad was on his way home from his job and there was a drunk driver and um they uh they crashed and he died. I felt so lost for the longest time." I say and realise that I'm crying. "Oh my gosh. I shouldn't have asked. Please don't cry." He says and takes my small hand in his and kisses it multiple times. "I have an idea." He says.

We keep driving for maybe 30 minutes. "Where are we going?" I ask. "You'll see" Ethan winks at me. I smile at him.

We arrive at the top of an outlook. I'm pretty sure it's where Gray took Kristen on their first date. It was all so beautiful. The sun was setting and I was just so happy.

We get our of the car and we sit on a bench. "Gray and I come here alot." He says. "I can see why" I say still in shock. He intertwines our hands which seems to be his favorite thing to do but I don't mind. I think it's cute.

"I'm so happy you said yes. I was so nervous. I thought that you didn't want a relationship and I was so scared. You already mean so much to me. I know we have only been dating for like a day but I love you" I look up at Ethan and say "I love you more" we kiss passionately and soon enough we went home.

I think it was a bad ending but YOLO. Haha. Also did you watch their new vid? When they gave birth on the mountain. Haha. I think it's one of my favs. Also I made up the twitter names. I'm sorry if I like stole it or something.

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