More Detail On Naruto Ocs

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Since I see some people struggle with my previous descriptions, here's some in more detail! Hope you enjoy!

Step One: Name your character.
Now, you want this character to be different from the other characters, so don't make their first name something that sounds like another characters name or is a shortened version. E.g.: Yoruto, Fasuke, Khino, Kikashi, Orou
I see this a lot in the fandom where people will make their oc an Uchiha so their character can have the Sharingan. The only problem with that is that all of the Uchihas excluding Sasuke (and for a short time in the anime, Itachi) are DEAD. The Uzumaki clan is also dead for the most part too. Making your character from the Senju clan is just wrong and it makes your character a Mary Sue automatically because everyone in that clan is already talked about. Tsunade can't even live up to Hashiramas's power, so your oc can't either. Using a trope like Orochimaru's or Kaguya's offspring is also highly overused and it makes your oc bland and boring. Please, just be original! Make up a clan and give them their own history.

Step Two: Find out your character's age.
The most overused age is 13-16 in the Naruto fandom. I hope you're smart enough to understand what kind of hint this is, if not, here it is: Don't make your character the same age as existing characters just so you can ship them together! Make them an adult or something. We have way too many teens running around in the Naruto fandom.

Step Three: Give your character some personality.
Now I know what you're probably thinking... "My character is going to be kind, smart, funny, but if you mess with his/her friends, that is when they will unleash their true power!"
No. Just no. That kind of character is a Mary Sue. Give your oc realistic traits like: Practical, but can't understand codes well, Independent, but gets lonely easily, Calm, but is also very excitable.
Your character MUST HAVE WEAKNESSES!!! I cannot stress that enough. Nobody wants to roleplay with someone who has an overly happy and optimistic character with a "dark past" or read a story about someone who has trouble communicating with others because they don't trust anyone due to their "dark past".

Step Four: Give your ocs their powers.
Choose your character's base chakra type. They can learn others, but they need a base type. No, your character does not need to have a kekkei genkai. Not every character in the actual show has one. Think of characters like Matsuri, the girl Gaara trained. She didn't have any special abilities, but she was still special in her own way. Or Kankuro, who was a simple puppeteer ninja who climbed his way past Sasori, the strongest puppet ninja in the world. Now, if you are going to give your character a kekkei genkai, please be original. Don't give them the Sharingan or the Byakugan or anything that is overly used among ocs. You can create your own kekkei genkai if you look at the chakra type chart and make one up based on that! It has to have a good explanation and a chakra nature basis behind it though.
You can find a good example of the information here:

Step Five: Looks
Your character is now on their way to becoming completed, but before that can happen, you must give your character their appearance. These things are basis.You'll want to include hair color, eye color, and skin tone to start with. Give your character a natural hair tone, or they can dye it if you want. Some unnatural colors are acceptable as long as they are yellows, oranges, reds, dark grays or light grays (though they can be considered natural tones if the characters are older than 30), blue/black (don't make your character like Sasuke though), white, or pink (which isn't recommended because Sakura's hair was a different circumstance, and you see her parents in the show). Green can also be used, but again, I don't recommend it. Dyed hair is an exception as long as they state that it's dyed. Tips being dyed is also an acception. No neon hair though. That's an Ultimate Mary Sue trait because no character in the show has hair like that. Eyes should also be natural colors, but since it's anime, it can be overly expressed. Skin tone is self explanatory. After the basics, you'll want to pick a hairstyle and hair length. Hair should not be dragged behind them. They are ninja. Also don't copy hairstyles from existing characters.
Most people put clothes in a separate category, but since most characters in Naruto rarely change their clothes (Main characters are an exception. Especially Sasuke That guy changes his clothes every time we blink), Your character only needs one outfit. Two at most, being their at-home clothes or something. Your ninja oc doesn't need to be a fashion model. Their clothing should correspond to what village they are in.
Also include Height. Your character shouldn't be over 6'2, and they definitely shouldn't be taller than 5'10 if they're only 13 or 14.
Weight isn't needed, but can be explained anyway.

Step Six: Create their family members
Please, please, please don't use the overused "Their family is dead" storyline. They MUST have family members listed and finished, even if they are dead. You must give them parents and use everything that was listed above. Though they are side chracters, they are still part of your oc and they need to be treated with all of these steps, just like your oc. Siblings are a different story in all. They will most likely be put in with your oc, so they need a backstory as well. PLEASE don't make their sibling go rogue. That's already been used.

Step Seven: Give your character friends and enemies.
Your characters should always have at least one friend. They're not 'just like Naruto'. They have to be normal! Unless they are described as emo, and they actually decided to become emo because they enjoyed the style and mindset.
For enemies, it shouldn't be 'bad guy is their only enemy". They should have enemies other than Orochimaru.
Basic rundown of friends and enemies: They shouldn't be friends with every cannon character in the show. One or two is okay, but here's an example of unacceptable. Friends: Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Ino, Sai, Jugo, Suigetsu, Karin, etc. It makes your character have the "loved by all" trait. For enemies, you don't only want Orochimaru or Kabuto. Give your character a rival or someone from a different clan who provoked your oc's clan back in the time of war. Or, you can give them an enemy who betrayed them. That's much more interesting than another character against Orochimaru, right?

Step Eight: Give your character a good backstory.
Your should answer these few questions when making a backstory:
Why did he/she become a ninja?
What village do they live in? (Doesn't have to be Konoha)
What clan are they part of?
What rank ninja are they? (Academy Student, Genin, Chunin,  Tokubetsu Jonin, Jonin, Anbu, Medical Team, Rogue.) I listed those in order for you.
Who are their family members?
What type of jutsu do they use? (Taijustsu, Ninjustsu, Genjutsu) They must have a main go-to jutsu
What is their main chakra type? Have they learned others? What are they?
Do they have ninja dogs? (No, cats are not ninja pets. Only ninja dogs are used in the anime/manga. Birds are used for letter carrying. And no, your ninja dog cannot be a wolf)
What was their time in the academy like? (Nobody cares if your character was bullied as a child. Tell us what their grades were like, what their ability to use jutsu was like,and if they were lazy or not.)
What caused your character to make their ninja way? (If they have one)

Step Nine: Give your character a theme song
This isn't needed, but it's fun. You can either write your own song for them, or find a song you think fits them. (I swear to God if anyone else uses Last Resort I'm going to kms)
You can also build your character by listening to certain songs.

Step Ten: Start Writing and Roleplaying!
If you plan to write a fanfiction, make sure to keep the actual cannon characters in the storyline if they are going to be in it at all. If you make other characters and just wanted to use the Naruto basis, that's fine too, but if the cannon characters are going to be in the story, make sure to balance who gets more "screen time". You don't want to over glorify your oc and compare them highly to cannon characters.
Roleplaying with another person can help build your character in situations you would never come up with in your head. You can also have them interact with other ocs and you can even include them in your story if the other person gives you permission! It's really fun to see how others react to your oc and how your oc would react to theirs. Your character can develop further and further when roleplaying with someone else. My only tips are, try to use correct grammar and check for typos, don't powerplay, and finally, don't godmod.

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