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It was getting colder. 28th November. A serene chill roamed about the campus and stung any bit of exposed skin. The trees had shed all of their leaves and coiled in eerie broken curves scratching at the gray afternoon sky.

A narrow path slithered across empty patches of earth toward the main gate. Loneliness and gloom poisoned the air.

Mr.Finley — a pile of broken pieces, for some time now. Despite the whirlwind of emotions within me and despite the uncertainty of my hands, I had been trying to put him back together. But had failed every time. My job kept me afloat and I threw myself in lectures, coming up with new approaches to old problems. My writing also helped, though Jack's observations haunted me: there was no truth of mine in those stories. Not Steve had no truth to own. Only pain and self-pity. The pathetic broken shell of a man.

"Steve!" a familiar gruff voice called from a bench.

Donnie sat up and approached me with hands dug deep into his coat pockets.

"What are you doing here?" I curtly inquired.

"Nice to see you too." He slapped my back.

I swallowed a groan. My crisscrossing whip marks lit up and the freshest opened up. Blood ran down along my spine and I cursed my decision that morning when I had refused Jack's offer to bandage the cuts.

"They've closed. It's been a day already," I had said.

"If you don't let me, I'll never use the whip on you again," Jack threatened.

Smug and sly I grabbed his dick over his pants. "Yes, you will."

He smirked amused. "Oh?"

I gently bit his neck and whispered, "I'll beg very nicely for every lash."

"I see... Then start right now." Jack pushed my shoulders making me kneel.

One hand gripped my hair, the other opened his pants.

At least that was how I wished things had gone.

In reality, I had been cold and stupid.

"If you don't let me, I'll never use the whip on you again," Jack had threatened.

"Would you relax? You don't have to nurse me every time I bleed a little."

"No, I don't have to. But I want to," Jack tried to reason.

"So you can feel better about yourself after hurting me?" I was so cruel.

"Yes," he admitted.

"Spare me. You don't feel guilty for hurting me, you feel guilty because you love it. Watching me suffer, prodding at my wounds and feeling up the fruits of your labor." I grabbed his dick over his pants and went on, "You're hard right now just thinking about it. So spare me the 'I don't enjoy hurting you' speech."

I had left him standing in the middle of the steamy bathroom, without another word.

When he wasn't my Master I gave him shit over every little thing. Not that there was much interaction between us outside of our play time anymore.

I ran a hand through my hair as a sigh escaped my chapped lips. Now, what was Donnie doing here?

Did Jack send him to tell me that I'm a jerk? Yes, Not Steve, because we're all in middle school.

"Speak if you're here to speak," I said following the path to the main gate, not really waiting to see if Donnie was keeping up.

"It's about Sean."

Kairos - Blood (MxM) | Book 2 | ✅Where stories live. Discover now