37.Push and Prod

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One car at a time. Switch. New car. New driver. It felt like I had been getting rides all night.

And frankly, this was not the sort of riding that my body longed for.

The first twenty minutes, after I'd left the hotel, I'd spent with Henry and smoked to my heart's content while sitting in front. But then car after car, I lost track of time and of the number of drivers throwing weird glances at me from the rear view mirror.

'Another switch. Are you there waiting or is this someone else again?' I had sent a message to Henry a couple of car switches back.

And he had yet to reply. Henry usually responded fairly fast to my messages...

"Level minus 3, lot H-14, sir," my current driver let me know where the next switch would take place.

Bam. I slammed the car door behind me and walked to the elevator.

As my reflection greeted me in the square mirror which decorated this parking building's elevator, I found an odd man looking back at me. Tired, yes. But with a dark fire in his gaze. Every color around me burned brighter and the silver cage I now inhabited glimmered blindingly. But still I could see clearer than I had before.

Adrenaline spike. My body anticipated something I had yet to define and cast into words.

Ding. I stepped out and into the poorly lit basement where rows of different cars populated the large space as far as the eye could see.

Donnie could have arranged this delay. He could have sold me out to Sands. Why not? It was a convenient way to get rid of me and secure his secret.

I dug into my coat pockets and found only a pack of cigs and my phone. Any weapon would have helped ease my mind.

Thud. Thud. Thud. My feet fell heavy, stomping on the floor. Echoes betrayed my location to anyone listening, so I stopped, trying to catch any trace of other footsteps that might have been resonating beside my own inside the large structure.

G lots. To my left.

H lots. Straight ahead.

Movement caught my eye and the muffled sound of a car door clicking open gripped my attention.

Tall and in casual attire, a man's figure stood out against the blurry gray backdrop.

Henry. Despite my myopia, I was pretty sure of it — unmistakable in the way he moved and waited beside the opened car door.

I sauntered toward him, sighing my relief. A cigarette from my pack found its way between my lips.

Once close enough, I said with a crooked smile, "Change of clothes, soldier?"

Instead of his usual gesture of holding up a lighter for my cig, Henry took the white death stick from my mouth as he spoke lowly, "Change of plans, sir." He looked sideways inside the car.

I followed his gaze.

Sprawled on the backseat was a tall man with long limbs donning a dark suit and as he sat up, a fanged smirk flashed in my direction and our eyes met.

"Holy fuck," I gasped and dived into the car.

Jack's arms greeted me. Sliding on top of him, I returned the ravenous embrace. With a grunt, he laid on his back while my face buried against his neck.

I licked tasting his skin and then covered his stubbled jaw in kisses. The prickly hairs tickled and grazed and his musky fragrance invaded my senses.

He felt real. Jack really was there. And every bit of me yearned to posses him.

Thud. The car door closed.

Kairos - Blood (MxM) | Book 2 | ✅Where stories live. Discover now