51.Last Chance

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Cha-cha-cha. Santa Girl chewed her gum a few times then said with a pout, "You want to do what?"

"I'll give you an extra thousand if it works."

Cha-cha-cha. "Two thousand."


Sure, it was risky, but it would get me to the other side of those golden doors.

The only Santa costume available came one size too large and hung over my naked body like a sack. But with the belt on I could pull it off.

I waited in the staff changing room — a square space with green walls, white painted benches and scattered duffel bags and backpacks.

Stuffy and imbued with the aroma of socks and sweat, I was a teenager again, stuck in the school locker rooms and nervous about going out to play in some competition I knew I'd lose.

Santa Girl would come knocking any time now to give me the job of taking whatever drinks would be ordered in either VIP room. And once I made it there, I'd probably end up face to face with Jack.

What will he say? What will he do? What will I say?

My head swarmed with buzzing and stinging questions. No clear answers in sight for me so I shooed the pesky questions away.

It will be fine. We will be fine. You'll see, Jack — I'm never letting go.

But no matter how tightly I clung on to those hopeful thoughts, doubt crept within and let loose the myriad of questions to assault me over and over again.

So, eager to find a distraction, I swiped on my phone. Apps I had never thought I needed or ever set eyes on before, swished from side to side. I had a message.

A video message.

"Hey, brother!" From the phone screen, Sean's face greeted me — his red nose front and center. Then the camera panned and revealed a properly clad, yet clumsy Tom on skies.

"He's a natural! Just like you."

I scoffed and mumbled, "Sure, brother."

"Wave for uncle Steve!" Sean's voice boomed from my phone.

Tom turned around, his slender figure so clear against the white snowy background as he waved. Then bending his knees, he pushed forward, ski sticks hitting the sides in tandem with his legs switching. Swoosh he went, down the hill.

"Come on, sugar. You'll be the last one down again," Mira spoke and the camera found her.

"For Steve," my brother clarified and the image jolted a bit.

With rosy cheeks and bright blue eyes, Mira smiled and waved, "You're missing all the fun!"

"What are we doing?" Ginny's sweet tones made my heart skip.

For a moment, her red mane occupied the entire screen and then came her sweet eyes, cheerful and clear. And her laughter could have even rivaled Euphrosyne, the Goddess of Joy.

Clang. The staff room door swung open and a rotund woman with surreal blond hair made an entrance. The phone slipped from my fingers and I caught it, tapping on the screen and unwittingly cutting off Ginny's glee.

"Put that away! Is this what we're paying you for?"

"This, erm," I started but words failed to do justice to the situation.

"Come on. Get out there and flounce some trays around," she ordered and clapped twice.

I jumped to my feet and slipped the phone into my pocket.

Kairos - Blood (MxM) | Book 2 | ✅Where stories live. Discover now