38.A Quiet Place

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When I opened my eyes Jack was gone.

Groggy and annoyed, I sat up and raised my arms, stretching with a loud yawn. Man, I needed to sleep more, eat healthier food, and work out at least twice a week.

I scratched my bare chest.

Yeah, like that was going to happen.

My back hit the bed again and I stared up at the stained and cracked ceiling.

We'd slept on the covers and hadn't undressed. Jack ripped open my shirt at some point to feel me up before giving me a nice blowjob. After I exploded into his mouth we made out and cuddled. Eventually, Jack dozed off. So once again I had failed to say it.

I love you...

This motel was as dirty and wretched as I remembered it but it had served us well enough.

When he heard Jack's voice, that blind old man gave him a key without a word.

We were back in the place where it had all began. The room I stormed into with a baseball bat to save Sean. The room where I lost it and laughed my panic away. Where Jack had punched Donnie.

I looked to my left and there was no Jack now. Only a brown plain cover creasing to the shape of a body that had long gone.

I looked to my right and there was a crooked nightstand where a note quickly caught my attention and I swooped it up.

'You snore like an angel. I wish I could hold you in my arms all day. But I'll see you soon. You're right. We shouldn't have to go on like this. I'll figure out a way for us to actually be together. Don't forget, I love you.'

My chest boomed with powerful, steady heartbeats.

The signature read: 'Jack the Ripper of shirts apparently.'

"Yes, you are..."

I stood up patting my pockets for the cigarette pack and reading the PS note.

'Don't do any more crazy shit.'

At the bottom of the page, Jack had drawn a smiley with a crooked fanged smile.

I picked up a pen from the nightstand and drew a circle. The ink faded. As I dotted the eyes and made the mouth, only an impression from how hard I pressed the pen on the paper remained.

The cigarette pack didn't want to be found but I got a hold of my phone instead.

'You awake?' I texted Henry.

Mindlessly, I folded Jack's note trying to match the corners. Once. Twice. Thrice. It wasn't perfect but it would have to do. I slid the note into my jacket's inner pocket. There I found the elusive cigarette pack.

Knock. Knock. My gaze snapped to the door.

"Yeah!" I called out.

It opened enough for me to see Henry as he remained in the doorway, keeping his head turned and eyes averted.

"We can leave anytime you wish, sir."

"I'm not naked if that's what you're afraid of."

He looked at me but perked an eyebrow and his cheeks slowly caught on a pink tint.

Right. My shirt was open.

I tittered and closed my suit jacket in vain.

"Henry," I sighed his name as I left the bed and then met his stare, standing only a foot away from my soldier. "I should apologize for last night, for making you feel," I hesitated, seeking the right word, "uncomfortable."

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