9.Welcome to the Real World!

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Thud. Thud. Doors opened and closed. So many doors. I was surrounded by them. And a voice echoed in the distance.

"Who are you?" it asked.

If I opened one of those doors I'd find bits and pieces of myself scattered within. But did I really want to?

Here stood a door and it was made of waves. Not water, just waves, opaque and shimmery. Each wave let out a voice.

"You never ask for my opinion on anything!" mom screamed.

"I'm the man. I make decisions for this family," dad spoke firmly.

Maybe don't open that door.


A wall of thorns and the knob was a red rose. Nothing bad could be behind such a spooky door, right?

My hand grabbed the doorknob nonetheless and pushed it open.

Crunch. Crunch. Steps fell on shards of green glass. Broken beer bottles — a carpet of them spread before me, long and narrow. To my left one after another, gray tombstones rose from the ground in clouds of dust.

Bam. I shut the thorn door.


The smallest door I had ever seen. Fit for a crawling baby. I knocked and no sound came through. Maybe this little one would be harmless.

I opened it and blood gushed out.

"Ah!" Someone yelled.

My vision focused and found Jack's bedroom cloaked in darkness. Our bedroom, I reminded myself with a smirk.

Thud. A door closed and I shuddered.

No, not a dream. It's Saturday night. Jack. He's back from the party.

Swift as a dart I burst into the living area all giddy and ready for banter and horny play.

Only one light shone brightly and it fell on the kitchen island. A large well-knit figure stood there with its back to me, facing the fridge door.

He turned sneering in my direction.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I blurted the question without thought.

Donnie shrugged and walked around the kitchen island. A peanut bag in hand, he crunched nonchalantly.

"Something's happened," he uttered then licked his lips.


"What? Jack. Where is he?"

With a tilt of his head, Donnie pointed toward the bathroom door.

I rushed across the living area and walked in on Jack without knocking.

Steam blurred the view and I closed the door with a click. Jack looked straight at me from under the shower jet.

"You're awake," he said wide-eyed.

"No shit. Why's Donnie here?" I gawked about the bathroom as if answers hid behind the gray veil of steam.

And answers I found.

Blood. There was blood soaking Jack's discarded shirt and staining the floor tiles.

One moment I was raising the crimson clothing staring in disbelief, the next I was in the shower checking Jack's body for wounds.

"It's not mine," a distant voice said.

His chest. His back. Legs. Maybe an arm.

"It's not mine!" Jack yelled and gripped me by the shoulders. "It's not mine," he whispered meeting my gaze.

Kairos - Blood (MxM) | Book 2 | ✅Where stories live. Discover now