Chapter 54 - November

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The day before the wedding.

Jack’s POV


Oh my God.

With all the chaos in the last month, I hadn’t noticed.

How will I tell Ianto? He’s in the bathroom at the moment, so I have a couple of minutes to decide how to...

He sits down beside me and kisses my forehead. I kiss him on the lips before pulling him into a hug.

The cover of my vortex manipulator is open, and I can see him wondering what all the symbols on it mean. Then his eyes land on the strip of lights at the top. Only one is illuminated at the moment, casting an eerie glow over us in the dark bedroom.

“What does the blue light mean, Jack?” he asks me.

“Let me explain...” I say, shuffling into a better position on the bed. He snuggles into my lap and I wrap my arms around him as always, my heart speeding up.

“Little spoon,” I whisper, kissing behind his ear “it could be seen as bad news, but will you still love me?”

He leans back so he can see me.

“Boe, we’re getting married tomorrow. Nothing you could say will stop me from loving you.” He says, smiling. From where I’m sitting he is a perfect silhouette profile, outlined by the light on the ceiling behind his head. His button nose is so cute. I wonder...

“I’m pregnant.” I break into a grin, as does Ianto. He spins around and kisses me.

Not rough or with our usual fire, but softly and silently, like sand running through an hourglass. We break away with smiles on our faces.

“How long?” he asks me.

My vortex manipulator projects onto the wall. It says I’m already two months pregnant, so...

“In the hotel?” I ask out loud, blushing.

Ianto kisses my belly. I laugh, as it tickles like hell.

“I love you so much,” I whisper, bringing his face up to mine. We kiss more passionately than before, just happy that we’re together. One of my hands cups his face and the other pulls him onto my lap. Ianto wraps his legs around my waist and gently grips the back of my neck. 

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