Chapter 6

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*Steven's P.O.V. *

This morning when Aleesha barged into my room complaining about the music I don't know what hit me I felt like sparks were flying and there was no one else around me except her.

Alesha's POV

After we ordered and got our food, I was the first to sit in the booth. To my surprise Charli sat across from me and not beside which caused me to give her a glare letting her know I'm ready to kill her. My mouth fell open as she winked at me before the guys came along.

Of course Tommy sat with Charli and I was stuck with Steven taking a seat with next to me. I didn't want to cause a scene about how Charli should sit here, that would be weird. So I kept my mouth shut about it.

I felt electricity go through me when Stevens skin came in contact with mine. Our knees slightly rubbing against each other's. I know that sounds weird but it true, I liked the feeling.

I know this boy isn't good news for me but something about him keeps me wanting more my heat races every time his around like my mind forgets everything it knows and only focuses on him. This magical human only ever dreamed of. Steven.

"Helloooo is anyone there?" Charli's voice bolts me back to real life.

"Yea sorry I'm here I was just... day dreaming." The moment the words come out I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Sureee" Charli states with a cheeky smirk, I ignore her statement and quickly eat so I can get out of here before I embarrass myself further. Just as I was about to take a sip of my chocolate thick-shake my phone started ringing I pick it up off the table to see Lauren's name flashing on the screen so I excuse myself from the table to answer

Phone Convo:

Hey Lauren what's up?

Heeey girl just calling to make sure your okay I didn't see you leave the party last night

Oh yea sorry 'bout that I ended up sleeping at Charli's house, sorry if I alarmed you.

No, no all good just wanted to make sure

Thankyou, sorry I gotta go I'm out at breakfast with Charli and some others talk later

Have fun and remember to use protection

I roll my eyes and hang up the phone.

End of phone convo.

I check the time on my phone and head back to the table where the other were sitting.

"Hey are you guys ready to go? I've got basketball in a couple hours so I need to get home to get ready." I grab my bag and drink while I wait for the others to reply.

"Yea sure lets go." Charli finally breaks the silence and I'm relieved she does.


As soon as I get home Shannon and Tiffany knock at the door just like every week to go to basketball together we go upstairs t my bedroom and leave them to do whatever as I jump into the shower and then get ready for my basketball game.

Just as Tiffany, Shannon and I were about to head down to the stadium to warm up before the game my phone starts buzzing I jump onto my bed and grab my phone before the other do to see a blocked number and curiosity gets the better of me so I answer.

Phone convo:


Uhm.. hey it's Steven, Charli's brother

Oh heeey what's up?

Umm... I was just wondering.. umm don't worry it's a stupid idea

Tell me I bet it's not stupid

Umm well I was kinda wondering If you um wanted to you know... go on a dat...I mean maybe hang out sometime ?

Sure I'd love to

Really ?? I mean I never thought you would actually say yes !

Why wouldn't i ?

I..I don't know anyway ill text you the details ?

Yea sure

Goodbye Aleesha.

Bye Steven

End phone convo.

As soon as I hang up the phone my cheeks go bright red and Tiffany noticed instantly

" What was all that about and who was that ?" She says with a curious tone but a smirk on her face.

"It was Steven, he wants to hang out." I say trying not to blush.

"Like as in a date ?"

"Yea I guess so he said he'd text me, anyway we have to get going other wise we're going to be late!" I manage to change the subject just in time.

(thankyou all for reading xx )

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