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3rd person pov.

Tsuna came home in 2:45 am from his mission. He was cover with bruises and some wounds. He immediately clean hisself before any ghost will see him and his self.

He then start hacking for one hour and did not sleep. Instead he fix hisself and went to the kitchen, but as he open his own door it open alone resulting it him in the nose as he back away.

"Ouch, that hurts." Tsuna thought. His intuition already warn him that someone is there. Did it? How come he know, his head ache is more aching than before.

He saw that Nana was standing there smirking. He then back away with fear and shiver because he knows what will happen.

"Let's play~" Nana said then the session start.

When the session was over, Tsuna was cover with his own blood and his room too. As Nana leave him in a bloody mess he wants to stand up but failed again as he endure the pain, the pain that he always had.

He stay laying for 30 minutes before deciding to stand up and  went to the bath to clean himself. His whole body sting, he just bite his own tongue to endure the sting and clean his room to be neat.

When he check the time, he was almost late, so he hurry and did not even prepare to himself and left his house but he stop on the track when he notice a presence behind the tree. He was going to approach the tree but his phone rang indicating his already late so he quickly run.

But due to lack of eating and his body still hurt he won't be able to run like normal people.

"He sense my presence? Who was that guy? The files never said about a certain some like him." A certain hitman thought.

When Tsuna reach school he was 15 minutes late so he as expected sense a flying tonfa was sent to him, due to his intuition he catch the tonfa with his hands.

"Hhhheeeeiiii! I'm doomed!" Tsuna thought as his secret will be reviled.

"Wao, That is something Omnivore." Kyoya said.

Tsuna's face went pale with fear on it. Kyoya attack the so called Omnivore and to his was surprise Tsuna stop the tonfa just his hands and kick Kyoya on the stomach hard. 

And off he run away with a Im-so-doomed look.

Kyoya stand straight and was about to attack the brunet again but he observe it clearly. How that Omnivore catch his flying tonfas was similar to the kid he saw last night. More likely similar to Cielo27.

Kyoya then went to beat some late student and went to his office. He called his assistant and said that he needs and information about a certain brunet.

When Tsuna reach his classroom. His teacher glare and murmured some words to him because he was useless and late. His classmates just laugh at him and teased him, saying coloring words to him.

He covet his eyes with his hair. "I know I'm useless. I know I'm nothing, I know I'm stupid good for nothing. O god why did you even born me in the first place?" Tsuna thought.

Then a painful memory come to him. A memory where he was stuck on the cell and and can't get out. The one who stuck him there was the one who hurt and experimented on him, even hurt him on all possible ways.

A tear escape from his eye but he wipe it as he stare on the sky on his window. But he was surprise to feel a presence. The same presence when he was going out the house, he then look at the presence but it seems he found nothing so he transfer his gaze to the teacher who busy talking nonsense.

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