Ghost Memory III

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3rd person pov

As Tsuna done humming the tune, he grab the next letter. It was a red, no the pink man.

Dear Tsuna.:

Tsuna I know I always mess your room and always start the fight, and you know how bastard am I. But true talk, I'll never be G the Storm if I'm not that kind of person, anywho I know your a capable sky because your a kindhearted kid. Your more nice than my annoying idiot sky but a piece of advice. Kindness is not always the solution. Keep it mind. 

Gokudera G

The Storm 

Who always 


Tsuna smile, a warm smile. " A storm who always go rampage even in a little matter just to protect his sky. Thats G-nii for me, and for some thought Kindness is not always the solution?" *SIGH* "I guest he kinda right, kindness is ain't not a solution to anything. " Tsuna Thought.


He was 6 turning to 7 that time. Ie is there sitting in his room reading some comiks. While Tsuna, he was palying with the Ghost specially with Giotto. At that time G was always use some un appropriate language to cursed to the other ghost. Tsuna begun to question Giotto about curse words that came from the mouth of G. Realizing what G mistake is, Giotto well his sadist part came to life and 'Play' with G for a while.

Suddently G was silent for one whole day because he saw sadist giotto again. Tsuna was hungry and decided to cook for hisself, but while he was cooking Ie came in and saw him in the kitchen. Ie was disappointed seeing his Dame brother again in the kitchen. As kindhearted Tsuna is he smile at his twin warmly and before continuing what his doing. 

He cook some snacks for him and it seems Ie was looking at his cooking. Tsuna ask if Ie wants something, gladly Ie take them all and never left Tsuna any piece. He also left poor Tsuna with some cuts, bruises, and wounds resulting Tsuna pass out and sleep his hunger.

G cursed to the Damn brat and someday he wants to punch that Baka-Namitsu for not showing any concern to his brother. When Tsuna wake up G was the one who say the word to him that, "Being Kind is ok. But sometimes being too much kind can be abusive and manipulative so be not nice sometimes so they will learn." G said.

Giotto smack G in the head and then both G and Giotto 'play' again. Tsuna just smile at the scenery because it fun to watch that Giotto and G were really playing like some kids. He wish that he can do this playing to the other kids, but he is happy that the Ghost were beside him.


Tsuna again gave a sad smile. "I guest your right G-nii." Tsuna mur mur to himself.

Then he finally going to read the last letter, From the first Sky.

Dear: Neo Vongola Primo.

 Sawada Tsunayoshi, the perfect sky that can lead the sky to great harmony. The sky that can calm the storm, the sky that can help the rain ineed, the sky who let the clouds move freely, the sky who help the sun to shine, the sky who play with the playful mist, the sky who fast like a lightining, and most all the sky who accept it all. Tsunayoshi, I had nothing to say because I trust you, I trust you that you'll never change. Your will be the Tsunayoshi who always be his usual kindhearted. But let me remind you that your not alone no more, your not alone and your not going  to be alone. Don't you dare doubt yourself because, doubting yourself means you do not trust yourself and that ain't right. Trust your self and Trust everyone who's willing to open up with you, you can be open to them too. Cause your not alone Sawada Tsunayoshi, the sky who accept it all. 

Giotto Di Vongola

The sky 

Tsuna now was unconsciously crying, he keep staring at the letters. Even the Ghost weren't here he could still feel them, feel them that they are here. Rumors said the Ghost are suppose to be cold, but for Tsuna, the Ghost he had meet aren't cold infact its the complete opposite he felt warm at everybody else. Now his room is boring, lonely, and empty. No shouting, no loud noises, no fighting the thing that you could hear is a soft sob coming from the owner of the room. 

Tsuna then open his small drawer where he keep a small box. Inside the box was a Vongola Gloves that Giotto own it, Giotto gave to him since his Cielo27 needs a weapon, he also have the ring. The ring of sky ring who Giotto gave to him. He put the letter on the box and yet again keep it. 

He lay down to his bed and hug his pillow as he silent cry, cry  because the only family that he have already left. He remember that all those people who became his family and treat him like famIly leave him. Leave him with valid reason but it was painful to watch that they are gone and he can't bring him back.

He very on his pillow again. It was 1:39am when he lost conscious. He fell asleep as he remembering the good times that happen to his life. 

Reborn was walking on the small hall in the sawada's house hold when he feel something unusual. He stop infront of Tsuna's room and he could sense a strong negative sky flames that probably Tsuna release.And that's not all he could feel, he could feel the sky Arcobaleno's power but somehow negative, he could feel the sky pacifier's power, but negaitive. Reborn then decided to check Tsuna, he may be a hitman but he is worried and vvery curious about Tsuna. He try to open the door realize it was lock so he go out and climb the tree near the the room of Tsuna and open his window. The hitman was surprise and think wierd because Tsuna's door was lock and his window was open. 

The mini hitman shrug it and jump inside the room of Tsuna. He saw the room was neat and clean as usual and it was almost nothing in it except a drawer, a mini table. a desk and some books. Reborn then went beside Tsuna and he was shock that Tsuna was crying, crying on his sleep. He could hear a soft sob from Tsuna. He then went closer to Tsuna and touch his cheek with his tiny little hands.

He wipe some of the dry tears of Tsuna. "Whats wrong with you Tsuna? Why are you emmiting some negative emotions. Clearly, something wrong, definetly wrong happen to you. And I'm gonna find out what and why...." Reborn thought. Leon jump beside Tsuna and lick his soft cheek. Tsuna did not move but his face was still in much much pain. As Reborn decided to leave but he can feel that someone hug him, pull him closer he was surprise to see that was Tsuna.

"Don't leave me please, I don't want to be alone." Tsuna mur mur softly as possible.

One Reborn was literary shock, he heard, he heard Tsuna soft angelic voice. But even how angelic it is its full of pain. Pain and so much pain. Reborn tilt his fedora down as he let himself be a teddy bear for Tsuna for the night. Beside it won't hurt if he stay.

He kinda also like it, how warm and nice the hug of Tsuna is. It was warm and acceptance. Reborn let his eyes close as he drift of to sleep.  "Your sky flames may be negative at this very moment but I can assure you that your the sky Tsunayoshi. I really don't know why I thought like that or how did you made me do it. But there something about you that is attracting my interest, there something that I must know, something Important. And I need to find out what ever it is." Reborn thought as he drift to sleep.


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