Reaching For You.. Chapter 1

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*Writers note* Before you start reading I just want to say this is a YAOI Fan Fiction story. So if you are a yaoi hater please don't bother reading cuz you will be dissapointed. Please and thank you.

I was sitting at the table across him in the cafeteria looking at him. I was observing his beautiful face, at his perfect hair, at his luscious lips.  The only reason I was looking so intensely at him was simply because I wasn't able to take my eyes away from him. I could make myself feel better by saying he was the "Love of my life" but the truth is I only met him a few times before. And I haven't even directly spoken to him. His name is Baekhyun. He's a year younger than me, although in the same grade. He had brown hair that was always perfect. His style was funky, blingy and it was nice to look at. He was unique in my eyes, because when he was spaced out, he looked angelic and adorable, the kind of look that made me smile whenever I happened to glance and catch him spacing out. But then there were other times when it was completely different. Like The times when he pulls his famous smirk. That sexy, slightly-bad-boy looking smirk that made my palms sweat and my hormones stir whenever I see it.

My friend, Kyungsoo, who was sitting next to me at the table with his tray of food almost done, waved his hand in front of my face. "Hello..? Anybody there?". He positioned himself next to me trying to see what I was spacing out at. I looked away hoping he didn't catch what I was looking at in time. "You were looking at Baekhyun again, weren't you Chanyeollie?". Attempt failed. Great. I knew he was going to start making fun of me. He always called me 'Chanyeollie' when he teased me. "None of your business what I'm looking at, Dummy." I replied. "Oh Chanyeollie, you know how jealous I get when you look at other guys," He said. Of course. Here comes the teasing. "Everyone knows you are mine, Sweetie" He continued. "Kyung, Don't start. I'm trying to eat." I said. He looked at me and scrunched his nose in disapproval, then immediately smiled that cute little derp-face smile of his that makes it hard for me be mad at him. He knew that. It was a strategy. It worked. "Fiiiine, I will stop, Chanyeol". He said, emphasizing my name. He knew me too well. After chatting a little and glancing over at Baekhyun a few more times, the bell rang, it was time for fourth period.

*During Fourth period*

I was sitting at my desk, falling asleep, eyes half closed, when I felt pelts at the back of my head. I looked back and it was Kyungsoo throwing pieces of paper at me. Once he got my attention he passed me a note. "Don't be stupid, Everyone knows this teacher gets super pissed when students sleep in his class." Kyungsoo was right and I knew it, but I was so sleepy, I was gonna crash at any moment, so I told the teacher that I was feeling sick. He let me go to the nurses office. Once I was out of the classroom it was like instant relief washed over me. My intention was to sleep on a bed in the nurses office but she was actually there, for once. She would have noticed that I am not really sick and sent me back to class so instead I sat on a chair in the supply room, it wasn't crowded or anything and it was pretty clean. It was also dark. Perfect. I closed my eyes and I was just about to drift off when suddenly I heard running outside then BAM!. The door burst open, then immediately closed again, someone was in the room with me. Fear washed over me because I thought it was the teacher for a split second but then I was calmed when I heard giggling. It was definitely another student. "Is there someone in here?" The student asks. I panic after I hear the voice. Even though he has never really spoken directly to me, I would recognize Baekhyuns voice anywhere. "Y-yes! yes there is someone here." I struggle to spit out. I'm so nervous I can barely move. Frozen in my sitting position. "You were probably trying to sleep in here weren't you? I'm sorry if I startled you, but my friend and I were ditching class and then a teacher saw us so we started running and- WOAH!", He was cut off, it sounded like he tripped on a bucket or something. Suddenly I felt something hit my chest and I felt him grab onto my arms with his hands to catch himself from the fall. "Fmhhjhk" The last word in the cut-off sentence was muffled by my shirt because his face was on my chest. I suddenly felt very grateful the the room was dark because I could feel my face start to heat up. I was definitely blushing hard. Baekhyun hauled himself up, apologized while sounding a bit more shy than he was before he fell. I couldn't help but think how cute he looked right then. I never saw his shy face before. He apologized again. I could feel myself slowely losing control. "Umm.. Baekhyun.. I am not mad that you came in here. Or that you fell." This is the first time I directly spoke to him. He let out a sigh of relief. "Oh you know who I am.. and thank goodness you're not mad. You were so quiet, I thought you might be thinking 'wow he is so crazy' or something. Haha." Baekhyun said. I get weak at the sound of his cute laugh. "I could never be mad at you, your much too cute." I immediately covered my mouth with my hand and stood up. No no.. I did not just say that. He is going to think I'm so weird! "You.." Baekhyun manages to say. "No!" I say loudly. "Ididn'tmeanitlikethatiswearitcameoutbyaccident!" I was sure that I was speaking too fast to be understood but the cords wouldn't stop coming out. "I'mreallyreallysorr-".  "You think I'm cute?" Baekhyun interrupts. After becoming sensible again by his abrupt question, I hesitated, then answered "Y-yeah. A lot." My stomach lurched at the thought of him thinking about some creep he can't even see that just called him cute!! A creep that gets totally lost in his own thoughts and daydreams whenever that creep sees him. A million things I fear were running through my head. But all of my thoughts where cut off when I felt his hands clasp my face and pull it slightly downwards towards him. I was slightly dizzied because of the sudden movement then I felt him press his lips against mine. WHAT? HE KISSED ME? I wanted to process this quicker but I was so lost in his lips that when gently pulled away I almost fell back because of sheer shock and happiness. "Wow, your tall." Baekhyun quietyl exclaimed. No words came to me but I felt his hand grab mine, then I was being pulled out of the room. Into the light. Oh no, he was going to see me. He was going to figure out who I am. He was going to see all the redness in my face. When we were outside the supply room and in the hallway, he stood in front of me, still holding my hand. He stared at me, looking straight into my eyes. And this might be my imagination but, I could've sworn I saw him blush a little. I was so confused so I had to force the words out of me. "Why.." I cleared my throat. "Why did you do that?" I asked. He turned his gaze to the floor suddenly flustered. "Well because the second I heard your voice, I-I knew it was Chanyeol. And when you called me cute, it made me so happy so I just had to, My body kind of just moved on its own.. and stuff". The rest of what happened was out of my control but, I quickly pulled him back in the room and planted a kiss right on his lips. He kissed back and I could feel him smile in the kiss. I definitely was not tired anymore.

 Writer: *Im going to mark this story as (Rated R) because there might be smutty things happening in the next chapters*

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