Reaching For You.. Chapter 5

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Chanyeols P.O.V

 It had been two weeks. Two long, miserable weeks since I saw my Baekhyunnie. I could’ve sulked all I wanted, but I knew it was my fault that I hadn’t seen him in two weeks. He was avoiding me. I didn’t blame him for that either. I would avoid me if I was him as well. And it’s not like I was going out of my way to see him either. I mean, Yeah I missed him like crazy. I missed him enough to make my chest hurt whenever I think about him (which is all the time), but every time I looked at him, his eyes were red and swollen like he’d been crying nonstop, and he seemed very tired. I couldn’t bear seeing him like that, knowing that I was the reason behind his pain and tears. So I avoided the school cafeteria. He was in so much pain because he was under the impression that I didn’t love him. He was completely wrong. I loved him with all my heart and I was sure of it. He was ‘The One’ or whatever girls like to say to be poetic. He was it. He was the love of my life. I replayed the memory  of me asking him ‘Do you love me?’ And then the memory of his voice replying ‘I do. I love you. I really do.’ And my stomach lurched. No you don’t. You saw how sad I was when you didn’t say it. You felt pressured, so you said it. That’s why you did it. Not because you really love me. I couldn’t bear the thought of him forcing himself to love me. I didn’t say it back because I knew he didn’t mean it. If I did say it, and if I acted like I didn’t notice how he was struggling because of my question, then that would make me a bad boyfriend. It would complicate things even more. I wanted him to say when he was good and ready. I wanted him to say it when he was 100 percent sure about how he felt. If it was anything other than that then what’s the point? After all it does take two to be in a relationship. But it also takes actually seeing each other. I had to fix this, or I would lose him. The thought it made me feel sick. No.

 I had to fix this.

The next day, in school, I told kyungsoo that we’d go back to spending our lunch breaks in the cafeteria like before. “Thank god!” He said, letting out a sigh of relief. I looked at him, confused. “You’re finally going to apologize to that poor boy for whatever you did to him?” He cockily asked. But I knew that he was actually very concerned. “Yes. I need to make this right.” I explained. “That’s my boy.” Kyungsoo said with a pleased smirk on his face. Even if he wasn’t good at showing it, he really cared. He was a good friend. He wished me good luck.

I found Baekhyun sitting with Tao at the table they usually sat at. Tao stared at me as I approached them. Baekhyun saw me next. His eyes widened. It looked like he hadn’t smiled in years. My heart broke at the sight of him, but I kept going. He said something to Tao then turned towards me and ran right passed me with his head down, trying to hold in his tears I guessed. I looked at Tao, puzzled. “Go after him! He needs you.” Tao said quickly, before I could ask any questions. Not a second passed and I was already running. I caught up to Baekhyun with ease, my long legs coming in handy. He burst into the bathroom and I went in right behind him, not even giving a chance to start swinging shut. He stood in front of a mirror, his head down. He had tears running down his face. I walked towards him and lifted his chin up, making him face me. When I got a good look at his tired, crying face, I broke into tiny pieces. I wanted to crawl in a whole and bury myself. I did this to him. I put him through this. It literally gave me physical pain to see my Baekhyunnie like this. I managed to keep myself upright, with great difficulty. “I-“. was all I could say before he interrupted. “please,” Baekhyun begged. “Don’t do it. I’m sorry. Just please, don’t break up with me.” He pleaded. He closed his eyes tightly and tried to suppress the new tears that had formed. I stared at him in disbelief. Did he really think I could do that? That I could just end it with him that easily? “Idiot. Don’t you know that it would kill me if I didn’t have my Baekhyunnie? You know that I need you! If you had just let me finish what I was trying to say..” I said in anger. He looked at me with big teary eyes, waiting for me to continue. “I love you.” I confessed. He looked at me like he didn’t believe it for a second, then his gaze softened. I stepped closer. “..With all my heart.” I added. This time he looked at me like he was waiting for me to do something. So I did. I wrapped one arm around his tiny waist. “You are the love of my life, Baekhyun.”

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