Reaching For You.. Chapter 6

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Baekhyuns P.O.V

So many things were running through my head. There were so many worries, so many fears, and so many hesitations. What if they put me in an insane asylum? Well I was pretty sure they wouldn’t do something that extreme. What if they think it’s just a phase? What if they think it’s just a cry for attention? What if they think it’s a rebellion? I was mostly worried about what my mom would do when I tell her that I am gay. My dad was a very understanding person, so I wasn’t as worried, but still worried nonetheless. I started to think back to some of the little incidents I’ve had with my parents. Like once we were watching a TV drama about teenagers, and there was one scene with gay couple in it. It wasn’t a dirty scene, but it still made my mom wrinkle her nose and scowl. “Why did they have to include those two in the story? They ruined the whole show.” She said, displeased. I shrunk down in the sofa and stayed quiet. And there was another time when we were in and ice-cream shop and she saw two guys sitting at a table, munching on ice-cream. They were obviously a couple. My mom didn’t even notice until one of them fed a spoon of ice-cream to the other. She looked at them with judging eyes and I could practically hear her thoughts. ‘despicable.’ She was about to spill her thoughts out loud but my dad calmed her. “Teens will be teens, just try to ignore it” He said in a reassuring voice. It didn’t make me feel any better though. I just kept my eyes on the floor.

Recollecting all of those events made me rethink my decision. ‘Maybe I should wait until after spring break’ I told myself. Since there is still two weeks left. But I knew had to tell her. No more excuses. No more putting it off. I had to do it. My relationship with Chanyeol has become serious. She needs to know. I want to be able to go out with him freely without having to tip-toe around, or be able bring him to my house without the fear of my mom catching on from glances and smiles. Chanyeol has never met my parents or been to my house, although I have met his. I have been to his house various times. His mom would chat with me, usually about fashion and clothes. She has even called me ‘cute’ a couple of times. His dad speaks to me about school and my future. At first I didn’t know Chanyeol already told his parents that he liked guys. I thought he was introducing me as a friend. But I noticed how comfortable he was with me even in front of his parents. He would hold my hand in front of them, or kiss my cheek. He never did anything inappropriate, but he did do small things. Like little gestures that made it obvious I was his boyfriend. Once we were about to leave his house to go on a date and as we were heading out his mom jokingly said “Chanyeol! You better not do anything perverted to Baekhyun or I will kill you!” with a huge smile on her face. Remembering this gave me more confidence. I definitely had to tell my parents. I had to do it no matter what. I finally got Chanyeol to agree to come with me. Yeah, it might be a bad first impression but, Chanyeol is so lovable and sweet. I don’t think it’s possible for anyone to hate him, even if it’s my parents. I was scared as hell, but also very glad that I wouldn’t have to hide it from them anymore. Tomorrow would be the day my parents finally knew their real son. Tomorrow they would know.

I went downstairs to meet Chanyeol. He was standing outside my house. He hadn’t ringed the doorbell, instead he texted me ‘I’m outside.’ He was probably so freaked out. As was I. I had informed my mom that he was coming over, taking care not to use the word ‘friend’ to describe him. Instead, I just kept using his name. ‘Mom, Chanyeol is coming over tomorrow’, and when she asked ‘Who is Chanyeol?’ I replied with ‘Chanyeol is a boy in my school’. She was delighted to hear that I invited someone from school, and assumed he was a friend. I just let her. I wasn’t going to tell her just yet that he was the person I was absolutely and completely in love with. I opened the door to let him in. The sight of Chanyeol made me calm down a bit, although I was still pretty terrified. And I could tell he was too. Despite that, he gave me a smile while he came in the house. I could see he was nervous, but he managed to keep calm and look natural. We were in the living room on the sofa when my mom walked in. I was sitting beside him, and I felt him stiffen when he saw her.

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