Reaching For You.. Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 --> Back to Chanyeol P.O.V

I was staring at the ceiling of my bedroom. My headphones were in my ears, playing music from my IPod, but my mind was elswhere. I was thinking pf Baekhyun. No point in hiding it anymore. I had feelings for him. Strong feelings. At first it was innocent but lately I'm thinking about things that are unlike me. Things that make my body heat whenever I think of Baekhyun. Ever since we kissed in school mu thoughts have been uncontrollable. I think of kissing him so pationately that it makes hum moan in satisfaction. I think of pinning him to my bed and satisfying him in ways no one else can. Make him yell my name because its so good. I can't get the image of myself on top of him out of my head. I try to puch these thoughts out of my head. I try to think of something else but the fact of the matter is, I miss him. a lot. I haven't seen him since that time in the supply room. After that happened, we exchanged phone numbers but we havent called each other yet. I wanted to see him. Badly. Then it hit me. I grabbed my phone, then hesitated. Come on. Just do it. We haven't admitted any feelings for one another yet. No. You have to do it. Make the first move. I mustered up some courage. Dialled his number. It rang for a few times then I heard his voice. "Hello?"

Baekhyun P.O.V

Should I call him? but he hasn't called me, He's probably busy.Oh gawd. That incident in the supply room triggered something in my mind. Probably in my heart too, but I'm no sap. He's so tall and sexy. He's so cute and full of life. I hope I did a good job at containing myself infront of him. I don't want Chanyeol to think im a pervert. Chanyeol. Chanyeol. His name sends chills down my spine. the good kind. I tried to avoid the question I kept asking myself.. What do I feel for him? Is it love? We haven't confirmed our feelings for each other. My thoughts were interrupted but the sound of my phone ringing. My stomach jumped at the thought of it being Chanyeol. It didnt help my nervouseness when I read the name of the caller. 'Chanyeol'. I started spazzing and flailing in excitement, then took a deep breath and calmed myself. I answered and tried to sound as calm and aloof as I could. "Hello?". It was quiet on the other line until the silence was broken by Chanyeol. "Hii!". He said, cheerfully. His voice made me all giddy again, but I contained it. We talked a little, with all the neccesary small talk included, It got quiet, so I just had to ask. "Chanyeol. Is there something on your mind?". He took in a big breath, let it out and said "I was wondering.." He said, then cleared his throat. "Would you please go on a date with me?" I thought I was gonna lose it and spaz out again. He is so adorable. "Yes. I would love that." I answered, with a smile in my voice, making sure I wasn't hesitating in the slightest. "Great! thats so amazing! this is awesome! ok. I'll calm down. Meet you at the mall on friday at six..?" He suggested. "Sounds perfect." I answered. "umm.. I Can't wait to see you. Ok bye" He said super fast then hung up. I couldn't help but smile at that. So cute. I hugged my phone for a while then threw myself in my clost to choose what to where for the date. I had to look perfect no matter what. I cant wait!

Chanyeol P.O.V

I looked at my watch. 5:30 I knew time wasn't going to pass any faster. It was my own fault for showing up early. But I still waited patiently. by 5:45. I saw Baekhyun walk up to me and smile. He was looking amazing, sexy-sweet as always. I resisted the urge to kiss him, after all we were in public. "Hi" He said, looking me in the eye. "Hi, Baekhyun!" I said, cheerfully. I was so happy to see him, I'm surprised I wasn't jumping up and down. "So what do you wanna do first??" I asked. "Well, there's a new movie I want to see" He said. I agreed without a second thought. Somewhere dark?. Perfect. When we were buying tickets, I'm pretty sure Baekhyun just chose a random movie, but what does it matter? We got in, only bought water bottles. I grabbed Baekhyuns hand and held it tighly while walking into the cinema. I seggested we sit at the very back and he agreed with a smirk. The minute the movie started, I turned his face towards me and kissed him gently, We stayed like that for a while, until Baekhyun decided to take the kiss farther. It turned into a hot make-out. One of Baekhyuns hands was on the back of my neck, playing with my hair, while the other one was lacing fingers with mine. I feared my heart was going to beat out of my chest. This moment was amazing. We broke off the kiss and looked at each other. We giggled, and someone a couple seats ahead looked at us, put a finger infront of his mouth and let out a big "SSHHHH!!" This made my and Baekhyuns mouths fill with air, trying to hold in our laughter. So he just held my hand and we watched the movie. After the first hour, Baekhyun kissed  my cheek, I almost jumped out of my seat in shock. A huge smile broke across my face. "Wanna leave? This movie is super boring." He suggested. I didn't even notice. After that kiss I was so high in the clouds, I didn't even know who the main character of the movie was. "Yeah, lets get out of here." I agreed. We walked around for a bit and just got to know one another. His favorite colors are White, Black and Grey. Not a surprise because he always wears those colors alot. He is very interested in 'What-to-wear' kind of things and his style is very cool. He looks bad-ass in eyeliner and he can make any expression look super sexy. Well atleast to me he could. He always looked flawless to me. When we were sitting at a smoothie place, I noticed he was eyeballing a clothes store, this made me giggle. "We can go in there if you like." I said, smiling. He looked at the floor seeming a little embarrassed that I noticed he was staring at the clothes. He was so cute. At that moment I took brain snap-shots and secretly added his shy face to my cute little collection of his cute little expressions. We went into the empty store and I could've sworn I saw his eyes turn into little hearts. he was looking at this jacket. To me it looked a lot like the one he was wearing, but the fact that the jacket made him happy was just too cute to me. I told him to go try it on. He picked a shirt along with the jacket and went to the fitting room. I waited outside. "Chanyeooll! You have to help me!" Baekhyun whined from the inside of the stall. "Ok, I'm coming in." I said. He was still in his clothes, only he took his jacket off. he came towards me, stood on his toes, threw his arms around my neck and kissed me. This time it was passionate. He bit my lip gently and I smiled in the kiss. This made him giggle. I felt aound for the stall door, closed it, and locked it. The kiss became hot. Now he was against the wall. I started using my tongue and I heard him let out a small moan. The kiss became so hot, we had to pull away for a split second so catch a breath of hair. I snuck my hand up his shirt and started kissing his neck, moving around, licking and sucking. Suddenly Baekhyun threw his back and let out a nice submissive audible sound "Ahh..!". That sound made me more motivated than ever. It was the most cute/seductive. Like it gave me treangth my movements got more intense. I snuck my way back to his lips, making sure to leave his neck good and marked. I love the taste of Baekhyun. So sweet and delicious. Especially after the nice cold smoothie he just had. I felt both his hand creep up my back under my shirt. I slowly unzipped his pants and played aound down there over his underwear. He was good and hard. Teasingly, I started to slowly rub over it. He started clenching at my back with his fingers but not hard enough to scratch the skin. I let out a pleased sound. It was the good kind of pain. My hand was now inside his boxers fiddling around, and he was letting out all kind of noises. He was whincing and begging me not to tease him anymore. I smiled and shut his sexy little mouth with another hot kiss. I started kissing his neck, then his chest, then his stomach, and just when I was about to reach the bullseye, there was a knock on the dressing stall door. "Umm.. H-hello..? Uh excuse me.. is someone in there?" A female voice asked. Me and Baekhyun looked at each other, trying to wipe the evil guilty smiles off our faces. I zipped his pants and winked at him. This made him pull his sexy smirk on me. come on. I thought to myself. I'm already having a hard time containing myself. And he's gonna pull that smirk on me?. After we looked presentable again, I kissed him one last time and we stepped out of the dressing stall. It was a young woman, looked like she was in her twenties. She worked at the store. She knew very well what was going on, but I assume she thought a man and a woman were going to walk out. She looked  at us with shy eyes and smiled when she saw Baekhyun walk out behind me. The woman was just standing there, smiling at the floor. It was awkward. Baekhyun cleared his throat. "So.. umm I would like to buy this jacket." He said, in attempt to break the awkward silence. "Yes, yes ok. Great" She said almost immediately after him. She giggled and walked to the cashier. She saw us off with a "Have a nice day!" followed by another giggle. She was a good person.

On our way home it was not awkward at all. We were talking and laughing about our day. About the person in the cinema who was overly-interested in the movie. And the woman who couldn't contain her smile when she figured out there were two guys in the stall. Before Baekhyun when into his house, we walked around the corner and kissed. It was so sweet I didn't want to break free. And obviously neither did Baekhyun, because was the one who had to tell him it was time to go. "Nooo..! already?" He whined. He was so cute. I started walking off. "Chanyeolliiie! wait!" It was MUCH cuter when Baekhyun called me 'Chanyeollie'. I turned around to see him already almost behind me, He wrapped his arms around me and just dug his face in my chest. when he looked up I kissed him one last time and said "Your amazing. And your mine." He let himself smile. A big happy smile that showed all his lovely white teeth. "As long as your mine to, Chanyeollie." We agreed that this date was definitely ridiculous. Ridiculous and silly and absolutely perfect.

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