Reaching For You.. Chapter 8

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I had a bad day. I had a bad day and I was in a bad mood. And the fact that Chanyeol hadn’t called yet wasn’t helping. I glanced at the clock on my nightstand. There was still half an hour left till he was supposed to call. They just HAD to choose TODAY to let us out of class early. I collapsed onto my bed, stomach down, still staring at the clock ticking slowly. I shift my line of sight upwards, looking at the other bed in the room, the one identical to mine and wondered where my roommate was. I wonder who he’s sleeping with today. He sickened me a little. I was glad he was always out with guys. Truthfully I didn’t like him all that much. He wasn’t mean or anything, he was just very cocky, probably because he got so much attention from all the students in that school. I’m not surprised he let it get to his head. Other than that, he was good company. I wondered why he got so much love and admiration. Then I realized it’s probably because he was good looking. Yup, that’s definitely why. I never really paid much attention to him, but it was hard to miss how attractive he was. It was bad enough I had to attend this stupid school that was far away from Tao and Chanyeol, I also had to endure my stupid roommates constant boasting and all his stupid little fan-boys hating on me getting to share a room with him. If it was up to me, I would have chosen another roommate in an instant, but I was stuck with him because that room was the only one with a single student it in. People would tell me that he got a room alone because all the students would get into fights over who got to be a room with him, and because students were injured, the principle forbade anyone from sharing the same room as him.  But for some odd reason, I was the only exception, maybe because I transferred late into the school year, and I didn’t know who he was. Such great luck I have. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of my phone ringing. I quickly pushed my roommate out of my mind and flew off my bed, to my phone. I picked it up quickly without letting it ring for a second time. “Finally.” I said in an exhale. “Hi!” He said in his deep yet cheerful voice, a voice that made me smile the second I heard it. Good thing he wasn’t there to see the embarrassing goofy smile I was pulling. I couldn’t help it, I missed my Chanyeollie.  “What do you mean ‘finally’? I’m not on minute late!” He said proudly. I let out a light laugh, “No, you’re not.” I said, smiling to myself. He wasn’t a single minute late to call me. He never was. I didn’t really like communicating by phone in that school because, first of all, it was only permitted on the weekends and even then, every time Chanyeol called, it was a struggle to have a decent conversation with such terrible reception.  After all, that stupid school was located in the mountains. Despite that, I still enjoyed every second I got to hear Chanyeols voice. On weekdays we would talk via video chat, but since stupid Chanyeol didn’t have his own laptop, he would use his dads, so I only got to see his perfect face for less than an hour at max. I was totally lost in Chanyeols voice. It made me feel so much better. He told me he missed me and I said it back, as we did every day. He talked about school and kept me updated without me even having to ask. “Baekhyunnie, you wouldn’t believe what happened today!” He said, like he had juicy news to spill. “Tell me, tell me!” I said in excitement. “So get this, Kyungsoo, Tao and I were sitting together at our usual table when another student walked up and asked if he could sit at the table with us. He was tall and mean-looking, so Kyungsoo and I just stared at him cuz we were too scared to answer, but then Tao told him ‘go ahead, sit down.’ All cool-like. He wasn’t scared at all. He is so brave!” He said in amazement. Something he said caught my attention. “Wait, so this guy is taller than you?!” I asked in disbelief. “No, he’s about the same height as me.” He said, as if he had already forgotten his previous words. “Then why were you scared of him?” I asked, unenthusiastically. “..Because he is scary.” He said, like it was the most obvious thing ever. I was going to ask about it further, but I decided against it. “So, what is his name?”  I asked instead. “He’s Kris.” Chanyeol answered. This is the ‘unbelievable’ thing he had to tell me? I was going to say something but he spoke first. “Oh yeah, That’s not all!” He said, like he just remembered the point of the conversation. “When Kris was sitting with us, Tao was totally eye-balling him, and he would randomly start blushing whenever Kris spoke and stuff!” He said straightforwardly, to finish off his juicy news. Yup, sounds like Tao to me. “Well, that makes sense. Tao is all built up and into martial arts, so he would probably want someone manlier or taller than him.” I stated. “Yeah, I find that weird! How his face is all cute and his body totally doesn’t match it.” He said in bewilderment. “Look who’s talking” I muttered. “What?” He asked, not hearing what I said. “It’s nothing.” I said while giggling. The room opened and my roommate walked in. He had his hands in his uniform trouser pockets. He looked messy and he was sweating. Ugh. Chanyeol was about to insist I tell him what I said, but he stopped his sentence. “Who just came in? Is that your roommate?” He asked, hearing the sound of the door open. “Back so soon, Kai.” I said to that troublesome roommate of mine. He looked at me and flashed a cocky smirk. I noticed that his fan-boys would absolutely melt over that smirk of his. “Did you miss me?” He asked smugly. I rolled my eyes at him. “Shush. I’m talking to my boyfriend, AKA: someone who is far cuter than you.” I said to Kai harshly. He gasped and put a hand on his chest to make it look like he was trying to keep his heart from falling all dramatic. I heard Chanyeol laugh on the other line. And so did Kai. “Is he laughing at me? I hope he’s not laughing at me.” He said in a pouty voice in attempt to be cute. I ignored the question. “You smell like sweat. Go take a shower.” I said to Kai, without even looking at him. I wanted him to leave. He took the hint and quietly started walking to the bathroom. I felt I was being a little too mean. I covered the phone receiver. “Kai, after you’re done in the shower, don’t go back out again tonight. You were out all last night, you’re probably tired. Get some sleep.” I said in a stubborn voice. But Kai could tell I was just looking out for him. His eyes softened. He smiled and nodded, then went into the bathroom. I took my hand off the receiver. “Sorry about that.” I said to Chanyeol. We got back to our conversation until he had to go. After he hung up, I dug my face in my pillow and just stayed like that for a while, I thought of everything we talked about. I thought of going back home. I thought of my old school, where I could wear colorful socks without getting scolded for it. I thought of Tao. I’m glad he’s doing well. I started to remember the time he told me he was gay. It was such a cute way to come out of the closet. I smiled into my pillow at the memory. Then I realized something. If Chanyeols theory is correct, and they actually started dating, then Kris would be Taos first boyfriend! I started laughing and jumping around like a fan girl meeting the idol she is in love with. My best friend was finding love! Of course I was going to be ecstatic. Kai came out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and saw me throwing my happy-fit. I instantly stopped when I saw him. “You were just thinking about me weren’t you?” He said with that smirk of his. I started to blush. Not because he was practically naked, but because he just witnessed me fan-girl-ing all over the place. “I knew it.” He said once he saw me turn red. “Wipe that grin off your face. I was just thinking about how cute my boyfriend is.” I boasted and stuck my tongue out at him. He narrowed his eyes and kept looking at me. I knew how much he hated it when I called him un-cute. He quickly changed the subject to a completely unrelated topic. “Why did you come to this school?” He asked in genuine curiosity, it kind of seemed like he had been meaning to ask me for a while. I had been his roommate for around two months, and we were more than acquaintances. He sat with me during lunch break because I didn’t have any other friends. My mom wasn’t lying when she said I was a social person. I was, but no one wanted to be around the Kai-thief. I was loathed by everyone, not only because I was sharing a room with the all mighty Kai, but because I “Didn’t appreciate it”. Someone actually came up to me and said that one time. After that happened, during lunch every time someone would try to come and sit with us Kai would tell them to go away. I was glad he did that. I already had a lot of things stressing me out, the last thing I needed was some crazy Kai fans ruining my food-time.  “Hello..?” Kai said to me. I didn’t even notice that I was lost in thought. I shook my head to wake myself up. “Sorry.” I said. I still remember what the question he asked me was. Why I came to this school. Should I tell him the truth? Or should I just make something up?  I ended up going with “It’s a long story”. “I got time, he said, and then sat down on the chair at his study-desk. A desk that was far emptier than mine. “I’ll tell you if you put some clothes on.” I said to him, averting my eyes from his semi-nakedness. He looked down at his own body, like he forgot he wasn’t wearing anything but a towel. Probably because your so used to being naked in front of other guys. He nodded then went to his closet. He dropped the towel and he was completely naked, I turned around quickly. He did that often. “You never lose your confidence, do you?” I asked sarcastically. He let out a small laugh. A few moments later I heard the closet door close. “You can turn around now” He assured me. So I turned around. He had changed into pajamas. He’s really not gonna go out tonight. “So, will you tell me now?” He asked. I hesitated then just spit it out. “It’s because I’m gay” I admitted. He looked a bit surprised at first then I explained further about what happened. He listened carefully without interrupting then he just laughed. I looked at him in displeasure. “How is that funny?” I asked with a frown on my face. He looked up at me like it was the most obvious this ever. “When your parents found out you like boys, they didn’t take it very well, so they sent you off to an all-boys boarding school, where you would share a room with a boy, out in the mountains, where they can’t keep an eye on you. That doesn’t make sense at all! Sorry to say this, but it’s just plain stupid.” He explained, still laughing. I never thought about that. I guess it was pretty funny when you think about it. We were both laughing, but then I realized why they did it in the first place. “It was to separate me from Chanyeol.” I said quickly and clearly while looking down at my feet. “They probably think it’s just a phase, and that if they tear me away from him, I would suddenly be straight again.” Kai stopped laughing, and his face turned serious. He walked up to me, sat down beside me on the bed and put his arm around my shoulder. I rested my head on his shoulder and started to tear. I hadn’t talked about it since the last time I was with Chanyeol. “It’s ok. You guys are great for each other. You will get through this just fine.” He comforted me. It actually made me feel a little better. All this time the only encouraging words came from Chanyeols mouth, but I knew that when he would say them, he was also partly saying them to himself. It made me feel reassured to hear that someone other than Chanyeol and Baekhyun, actually believed in Chanyeol and Baekhyun. The silence we were in was broken by the ring of my phone. I looked at the caller name. Chanyeol. Kai glanced down and saw the name. He got up, went to his bed and he started to play with a bouncy-ball that was on his nightstand. A big smile broke across my face when I answered and heard Chanyeol say “Hello again, cutie!” all energetic. “Hi, Chanyeollie” I said. I heard Kai let out a little giggle. I looked at him and mouthed “What’s so funny?” and pulled a confused expression. “Chanyeollie?” He mouthed back with a silent snicker. I put my index finger in front of my mouth and let out a sound “Shh”. He looked away, smiling and continued playing with his bouncy-ball. “Did you just tell me to shush?” Chanyeol asked in a cute, childish voice. “No, I was telling Kai to shush.” I explained. “Oh, He is still there? That’s weird. Doesn’t he usually go out at night? Especially on the weekends..” He said. It wasn’t strange that he knew all that since he called every day. “Yeah, but he didn’t feel like it today” I lied. Why did I just lie about that?  Kai stopped playing with his little ball and looked at me. He stayed quiet and didn’t ask why I just lied about something so trivial. Good thing he didn’t ask because I wouldn’t know how to answer. “Ok” Chanyeol said nonchalantly. I started to feel a little sick. I had never lied to Chanyeol before. I had the strangest feeling that he could sense I was lying. It got too quiet too fast, mostly because of me. I had to change the subject. “S-so about the whole Tao/Kris thing..” I said after clearing my throat. Suddenly Chanyeols voice lit up. “Oh yeah, Well I have been thinking about that! Just imagine if they actually have feelings for each other? Wouldn’t it be great?” He said, full of energy again. I let out a silent sigh of relief and I let myself get lost in conversation with him again. After a while of talking on the phone, we said goodnight to each other and hung up. Kai looked at me uneasily, but still didn’t ask about the lie. Thank goodness. He killed the awkward silence with a totally unrelated question. “What did you think of me when you first saw me?” He randomly asked. At first I just looked at him in confusion then realized that he was just trying to break the ice. “Well, at first glance, I thought you were a cocky pretty boy. I guess I thought right” I joked then I pulled a smirk to show him that he isn’t the only one capable of it. He smirked back at me. It was definitely a contest. “What about you? What did you think of me?” I asked, acting like I didn’t really care when I actually really wanted to know. “I thought you were in complete misery. I thought you were the type who never smiles. I guess I thought wrong. Even though I only really see you smile when you talk to your boyfriend, it still looks so natural, like you used to do it all the time.” He said, analyzing me. He was doing a great job at it. I didn’t disagree with what he was saying. I just lied down on my back and stared at the ceiling. “I remember when you first wore the school uniform and you tried to style it up. Truth be told, you did a really good job, but you still got yelled at for it. This school is pretty strict.” He said reminiscing. I started picturing that day. I tried to make the school uniform look cool. It looked so stupid. Even when I wore it correctly I had to make adjustments. The uniform consists of black trousers, a white button-up long sleeve shirt, a maroon blazer and a black tie with white/maroon stripes. I hated it. I wasn’t used to wearing a school uniform. I always wore what I liked. The first time I wore it, I rolled the sleeves up neatly to make it look like it was stitched that way, I wore black and white converse with safety-pins on them to add a little bad-boy flare to the look, instead of the pure white shirt they provided for the students, I wore an off-white shirt with a black shirt under it to make it look grey, I wore earrings that looked like safety-pins to match my shoes and I had a bunch of wrist bands on. I looked pretty awesome after I fixed the uniform, but when the teachers saw me they threw hissy-fits. Some of them insisted I leave class, but when I explained that I was a new student they just gritted their teeth and warned me not to do it again or there would be consequences. “I don’t understand why it’s such a crime to make this ugly uniform look better. Speaking of uniforms, I need to change out of mine.” I said. I walked to the closet and chose a pajama shirt, then stripped down to my boxers and slipped the shirt on. I couldn’t just strip down to my birthday suit in front of others like some people. “They want us to be clones of each other, never stepping out of line, never breaking any rules. It’s a high profile school with high profile, overachieving students.” He said. His voice was cold with there was no trace of emotion. “Basically it’s just a place rich people send their bratty kids to get disciplined and get smarter to become their future successors and blah blah blah.” He said in sigh with a bored voice. He obviously didn’t like this school. Well that’s something we have in common. “Today I had a bad day. I got yelled at again.” I said, getting back on my bed. “What was it this time? Breathing too loudly?” He asked sarcastically. I let out a laugh “Wearing eyeliner.” I admitted. He laughed. The mood was great. It got a little more personal when he explained that he hated that school and he, like me, was forced to attend it. He said his parents thought he was unruly and uncontrollable. “So you were always into that kind of stuff? You know, sleeping around and all? That’s why they thought you were out of control?” I asked, trying to sound as inoffensive and as genuine as I could. “Actually, I only started doing that when I came to this school. My parents first sent me here when I told them that I didn’t want to success my fathers business. They took it as me wanting to become some other type of entrepreneur. Then I admitted that I actually wanted to become a dancer. It was all I loved, it was all I knew. When I was at home alone while both my parents were at work, I would watch music videos and copy the dances, ever since I was little. It is kind of my talent” He said with an innocent smile on his face. That was the most angelic I had ever seen him. “So why did you start sleeping around? I asked him. He hesitated. He was no longer putting on the whole bad-boy act. He dropped the smirk and he was very serious. “Ever since I first came to this school, every time I tried to make a friend, they always had an agenda. No one was interested in me as a person. They only like my face.” He said with a small voice. I was pretty sure he had never talked about this before. “And that’s why I’m glad this year I get a roommate, one that isn’t only interested in sleeping with me.” He confessed. I had always thought he sat with me during lunch because he pitied me for being alone, or because he felt guilty that all his fans hated me, but then I understood that it was because he actually saw me as a friend. I remembered when I was cold towards him earlier that day. I apologized for it, and then I wondered why I felt the need to be so mean. I spilled my thought aloud, not by accident. “I don’t even know why I am so harsh with you sometimes.” I admitted then rolled to my side so I didn’t have to look at him. “I think I know why.” Kai admitted. I didn’t say anything. I just listened to his theory. “I noticed that you are only harsh when I come back into room in my worn out state. Since you know what I do when I go out, it is either because you don’t like how I look when I’m sweaty and not very pretty, or you actually worry about me and care about where I have been.” He said. But he didn’t say it boastfully. He was being truthful. I thought about it. “It’s because I don’t like how you look. You go against all the laws of fashion when you’re in that tired state. It’s despicable.” I joked. But I was actually thinking about his theory. He just laughed off the seriousness of the conversation. “Maybe I actually do consider you as my friend and not just my man-whore-roommate who sits with me during lunch break.” I said with a smile on my face. “Well good! I consider you my friend as well. There. Now that is all done with, I’m going to go to sleep. Goodnight.” He said, then immediately got up, turned the light off and got back in bed. “Night.” I said back. The sudden advancement in our relationship made me somewhat uneasy, like it was happening too fast. I have never felt that before. It was always very easy for me to make friends in the past. When did I become like this? Why is it suddenly so hard for me to trust people?

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