fell from sky stuck in date palm

563 57 7

Next day my entry was extraordinary.

Everyone turned around to look at me as if they haven't seen my face before.And just like last time I expected that this was Becca's doing.

However this time I actually wanted to know what these rumours got to say about me.Maybe I 'll find out something I don't know about myself.

I saw Abbie walking towards me ,giving her a friendly smile I greeted her but what I got in response literally btoke my heart
"You are  truly a double faced b**** ,I thought you were my best friend ,the one who I can trust with my eyes closed but  you backstabbed me"

"Why did you do it Kalon!!"
She said with so much desperation and pain that I wanted to take it all way.
"I was a fool to believe you were a innocent and trustworthy ,all these people accused you of so many things but I never believed them ,thought you were my angel,my bestest friend"
"But guess what they all were right and I was the biggest fool"

"Even Becca is better than you atleast she dosen't pretent to be someone she isn't infront me,she hates me and has shown that on my face,but you..you disguised your evil intentions behind this angelic face of yours"
Her every word was a direct blow to my heart.
"Abbie atleast tell me what wrong did I do to deserve all these accusations and hate"
"Hun playing innocent ,are we?"
"Really I don't have single clue"
"Well see this then"
She said showing her phone screen to me and what I saw made my blood boil ,the picture was taken when Chris was holding me from behind and his lips were near my ears,my hands were placed on his arms to stop him from touching me wheras it was tooking like I was placing his hands on my waist, the picture was taken from a side pose so my expression was not visible,this photographer was a pro in deception and he/she managed to deceive Abbie along with all others.
"Abbie trust me ,this is not what it looks like,he was.."

"Kalon you knew I liked Chris so why the hell did you do something of this sort!!"
"I trusted you,maybe everyone was right you are actually a attention seeker and a bloody gold digger!!"
She turned around to leave but I kept pleading her
"Abbie pleaseee"
"Hey atleast listen to me once.."
"You are my only friend ,pleaseeeee"
"Well you lost her now!!" she said and left me there dumbfounded not even giving me one last glance.

Her voice had so much hate for me,but did I actually did something wrong to make her hate me
I love few but my love for them goes deeper than the marina trench.But when in return you get back hatred that my friends is the worst feeling.

But do you stop loving them? Well the answer is no because just like a moth is drawn to a flame unafraid to get burned you keep drifting towards them ignoring the fact you are the one who wyourget burned and the only thing left will be ashes.

This is the war between your brain and heart and the end your heart proves victorious.

I was  lost in my sorrow when I saw Becca ,Chris and few other people standing in the corner laughing at me.They expect me to break but maybe they forgot that I am not some normal student who gets bullied,is left alone and leaves the school.I am much stronger and braver.

I went and stood in front of them looking straight into Chris's eyes,once he stopped laughing he asked
"Nothing it's just that you should not flatter yourself much"
"And why is that ?"
"Because the only fan you have is there"
I said pointing my finger upwards
All of there faces were turned upwards  ,trying to locate his "fans"
Chris got an irritated expression on his face and asked"where"
My simple reply was
"On the ceiling"
All of their expressions were priceless if only I had a camera with me right now
"Just this I have been called worse"I said
"And that would be?"
"Your girlfriend "
My smirk made their blood boil,they wanted to retaliate but were at lost of words
Now Becca spoke up
"You know you are not half as clever as you think"
I still smirked knowing that she will never be able to beat me in this
"That will still be twice as clever as you sweety"
Maybe making all of these guys angry will only worsen the situation but I was enjoying this soooo much,if only Abbie was with me we both must have laughed our head offs and have been rolling on the ground laughing at their faces.But now I know I am alone in this ,no Abbie,she may not consider me her friend but I will always be there for her.
Chris took 2 steps forward and it felt like his jar of patience was till it's brim
"Guys let's show her,who she has messed with"
Guys behind him started taking steps forward,they were like hulks and I on the other hand was looking like a tweety.
This was bad,I knew that their threats were not just threats and I need do something quickly if I want to reach home without broken bones

8 against one
This is not fair
But when is anything fair with me
My two options were flight/flight
Flight seemed to be less painfull but I wanted to avenge what these guys did
My eyes fell on the black iphone in Chris's hand and next I knew I snatched it from his hand and turned around running as fast as Usain bolt through the halls of my school calling out to everyone
"Move ..move...hurry"
The 8 giants were following me
"Catch her.....fastttt..."
Looking forward I climbed up 3 steps in one leap and drifting my way through the crowd
They say never turn your head back in a race to see your competitors,but when did I listened to what people say.
I felt relieved that they were no where in sight.
Next I know there was a head to chest collision and I fell on to the ground with a loud thump,while I was thrown like a ragged doll fue to the force of collision the person I collided into was standing unaltered like a hard wall.Looking up I saw those green eyes staring back at me,I decided to continue my run when suddenly he took hold of my small wrist in his large hands
"Leave my hand..."
I said trying to twist my hand and break his hold
But his grip was so strong that my attempts were causing me pain in return
"Alex leave me please"
I said desperately looking behind me to see if they saw me,they were running this way and this made my heart beat faster.Alexander was looking at my scared expression but his hands never left my wrist.
The 8 hulks were only few steps away ,I was trying to hide myself behind Alexander's broad frame,but I new this was for few seconds only before they see me.I closed my eyes afraid of what they will do when they catch me.
My back was slammed against something and when I opened my eyes I saw darkness
on looking around I realised that I was pushed into the janitor's closet by none other that Alexander.
My back was pressed against his chest and his other hand was placed on my mouth to stop me from making any noise.His expensive scent was driving my heart crazy.
From the lines in the door I could see the hulks looking around

On making sure I was not there they moved forward their search and I felt relieved,but this was short lived when I realised that in what position I was standing with the person who makes my heart beat break all records.
On making sure I will not scream he turned me around to look into my eyes,due to lack of space my body was pressed against him and I could feel my cheeks turning red.
His green eyes were glowing due to the light coming from the space in the  door and I had it admit it that he was the most beautifull man I have ever seen in my life,even though I will never admit this to him but  my heart admitted this today.
"You still don't believe me"I asked
"Believe what!"
"That Chris was trying to force me at the party"
"The pictures state otherwise"he gave curt reply
"Chris and Becca planned this ,why can't you see,they wanted Abbie to hate me which now she does!"
"You are the one who viraled those pics,and you have the audacity to accuse them of this"
"Why will I do such a thing?"
"You spread the rumour of us being together,when you realised I will not fall into your trap,you made Chris your next target,am I right?"
"Your thinking is so low ,that I can't stoop to that level,you are just like your friends!!"
"And you are just like other gold digging bitches!!"
We continued to stare at each other
"Why "I asked him
"Why did you save me"
"I have my reasons"
"And what might they be?"
"None of your goddam business"
Well again his cold side was back
Next I know he pushed the door open and threw me out saying"get lost"
My anger reached a notch higher and I wanted to throw something at him to relieve my anger.
My eyes landed on  my shoes and I threw my right shoe at his retreating back.
It was a perfect shot but as he took a step forward instead of smacking his head it hit straight into his back.
He stopped walking ,turned around his head without turning his body and gave the scarriest glare which could even  make the demons in hell pee their pants.

It was like flying out of a frying pan into the fire and the only thing I could do before this  fire engulfed me in it's  flames and turned me into ashes was..

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