Chapter 6

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The usual ten minute journey took fifteen minutes this time, as Lauren wanted to keep to the speed limit. Driving as safe as she could was definitely her priority now she had a kid in the car, and she wasn't about to get into an accident any time soon.

She pulled up outside her apartment complex and stopped the car, glancing to her right with a smile on her face. Camila was half asleep, curled up with her face hidden from view, a sight Lauren found quiet adorable.

She opened the car door and stepped out, closing it quietly behind her. Walking round to the passenger side, she opened the door and smiled when the small girl looked up at her sleepily, her eyes heavy.

"Hey sweetheart, we're back, lets go inside yeah?" She murmured, unbuckling the small girls seatbelt and holding out her hand, smiling softly when the small girl took it without any hesitation.

She gently eased her out of the car and closed the door behind her, locking it quickly behind her. They both started to make their way up to Lauren's apartment, but the small weight attached to her hand was slowly beginning to get heavier, a sure sign Camila was getting sleepier by the minute.

Lauren hesitated for a second, before sliding her hands underneath the small girls armpits and easily lifting her into her arms, shifting her to the front of her body. Her arms were folded underneath her, providing as a support so the small girl wouldn't fall.

Camila tensed slightly, "Its okay baby, I've got you" Lauren whispered, waiting for her to relax before continuing the walk up to her appointment. As soon as she'd made it to the top floor, she released Camila with one hand and grabbed the keys out of her hoody pocket, easily unlocking her apartment door. She quietly walked in and closed the door behind her, placing her keys on the small hook by the door. She had put it there when she'd first moved in, and she hasn't lost her keys since.

She headed straight to the couch and gently eased the small girl down onto it, before grabbing the blanket hung on the back and covering her up. Sure, she should probably get the small girl to have a bath, but she didn't know when the last time she had slept was, and to her, sleep was more important than having a bath, at least right now anyway.

Also, she wasn't sure what she was meant to do about the small girl being here. Does she call the cops? Does she go to the orphanage to give them people a peace of her mind? Does she sign the adoption papers as an easy way to get her out of this situation? Because here's one thing she knows for sure, she definitely isn't letting her return to the orphanage. She sighed heavily and ran a hand through her hair, she would deal with this tomorrow, once Camila's had a dinner, a bath, and a good amount of sleep.

Walking over to the couch, Lauren crouched down and watched the small girl for a few seconds before resting her hand on her back, shaking her softly.

Camila sighed softly as she felt somebody shake her, and she opened her eyes, looking around the room blearily.

Lauren smiled softly, "hi sweetheart, lets go get you into the bath tub yeah? Then I can go make us some food" she said, holding her hand out to the small girl.

Camila slowly sat up and took Lauren's hand, and eagerly letting herself be lead to the bathroom. Right now, she would do anything for a hot meal, as all she'd been able to eat at the orphanage were left overs that were always cold. She didn't really mind though, not really, at least she still got to have something that filled her up.

Lauren grinned at Camila's eager attitude and opened the bathroom door, allowing them both to enter. Releasing the girls hand, she headed straight to the tub and crouched down in front of it, starting the water. She held her wrist under the stream so she could gage the temperature without any hastle. Once she was happy with the temperature, she let the water run a turned herself around to face the small girl standing in front of her.

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