Chapter 8

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After just managing to get through dinner without a breakdown, Lauren decided it was time for Camila to go to bed. The small girl took a good forty five minutes to eat just two slices of pizza, and it was now nearly eight thirty.

Lauren decided not to say anything during dinner, mainly because the small girl had looked at her food like it was so foreign to her, and she didn't think she could talk without tearing up. The fact she'd been so shocked Lauren had actually given her food just made the reality of how much she's been abused more real.

What kind of grown adults would deny a kid hot food? What kind of 'parent' made a kid live on left overs?

It just made her feel so sick.

Camila had claimed to be full after just two slices. She had managed to tell Lauren that between her cries. It was like she was scared of her reacting badly. And that hurt Lauren.

But after being held for a while, Camila had calmed down and was now silent in her arms, her head on her chest and her hands gripping her hoody tightly. The room was silent, but it wasn't uncomfortable.

Camila hadn't meant to react like that, she really didn't, but she was so so full and she didn't want to waste any food. She had tried to eat more, but the food she had already ate was threatening to come back up, and she knew if that happened, miss Jauregui would get more mad at her.

She had tried to explain that to her, but she was so scared of miss Jauregui's reaction, that the cries just wouldn't stop. At the orphanage, when she said she was full, miss Anne would call her ungrateful and wouldn't give her any food for days on end, and she didn't want that to happen here.

So actually admitting it was terrifying.

But the concerned look on her miss Jauregui's face and the way she was immediately pulled into her arms, showed her that she wasn't mad and she found herself starting to calm down.

She knew she still had to be careful, miss Jauregui could change her mind at any time.

"Are you ready to go to sleep sweetheart?" Lauren questions, running her fingers through the small girls hair. She guessed the answer was already a yes, by the way Camila's body was gradually getting more heavy against her as the seconds passed by.

Camila blinked heavily and tried to sit up, but the gentle hand on her back stopped her. She hesitantly nodded and closed her eyes, she was getting a little sleepy.

"Alright, let's get you to bed little lady" Lauren murmured, standing up with Camila in her arms. She shifted the small girl onto her hip and made her way upstairs, heading straight to the guest room.

Pulling the covers back, she placed her hand onto the back of the girls head and eased her back onto the bed, pulling the covers over her.

Sitting herself onto the edge of the bed, she watched with a smile as the small girl adjusted and got comfortable on her side, her thumb edging towards her mouth.

Lauren smiled at that. Camila was just a vulnerable little girl. She had no proper upbringing, no nurturing, no nothing; she craved affection and Lauren loved and hated that at the same time. She hated that she was starved of affection, but she loved that she was able to provide the love and nurturing that she had missed out on.

"Alright sweetheart, close those beautiful eyes for me" she cooed quietly, resting her hand on Camila's back, her hand tapping a soothing, steady pattern.

It didn't take long for the small girl to fall asleep, her thumb in her mouth and her body curled up small. It was right then Lauren decided she was going to do all she could to get Camila to stay with her. She was worth it, and Lauren was gonna make sure she knew it.

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