Chapter 13

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I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter, so if it's crap, I apologise.
"Alright, are you ready to go home?" Lauren asks, placing the last bag into the trunk of the car before closing it behind her.

Camila nods her head hesitantly to her question as Lolo lifts her out of the small seat. She was super exited to go home knowing nobody was gonna take her away again, but the voice in the back of her head was still so loud, and it was making her worried.

Maybe she could do chores around the house to pay her back? Would that be enough?

Lauren sat the still quiet Camila into the back seat of the car and buckles her up before disposing of the cart. She was wondering why Camila was being so quiet, was she scared? Worried? Anxious?

She hated not being able to do anything to help.

She sighs and gets into the drivers side, glancing back in the mirror briefly to see the small girl curled up staring into space.

She starts the car and buckles her seatbelt before starting the drive home, making sure to glance back at Camila every few minutes, just in case.

"Alright little lady, you and I need to talk" Lauren murmurs quietly as she sets the last of the bags down onto the living room floor.

She would deal with them later.

The whole drive home had been completely silent, much to Lauren's disappointment, so she decided she needed to try and figure out what was wrong before they moved on with their day.

She wouldn't be able to relax herself if Camila was quiet and un talkative all day.

She had a small feeling it was something to do with the shopping, as Camila was a little more cheerful and happy before that.

But she wasn't a hundred percent sure.

With Camila still in her arms she sits down onto the couch with the small on her lap, facing her. She wraps her arms securely round her small body, and slightly sways her legs so the small girl was being rocked.

A motion she knew calmed Camila.

"Wanna tell me what's up?" She asks, her voice a mere whisper. If Camila didn't wanna talk she wasn't gonna make her, but she knew it was important to at least try.

Camila reached up to tangle her hands in Lolo's hair as she stares into space. She felt a little more better now she was in Lolo's arms, but she still felt worried. If she talked to Lolo and told her what the matter was, would she be mad?

Lauren sighs lightly and bends down to place a gentle kiss on her head, "I won't be mad you know" she whispers, sensing that it might be something to do with that.

Camila glances up and looks at her Lolo with teary eyes, a little shocked that Lolo had been able to read her mind, "you won't?" She asks unsurely, her hands still tangled in her hair.

Lauren shakes her head with a small smile on her face, "no baby, I won't. Whatever's the matter, you can tell me and I'll try and fix it for you" she said reassuringly, her hands running soothing circles on the small girls back.

Well, this was progress, she thought.

Camila nodded her head and rests it back on Lolo's chest, "you spent a lot of money today" she mumbles, closing her eyes.

She didn't want to have to look at Lolo's mad face. Even though Lolo promised she wouldn't get mad, she still had to be careful.

Lauren frowns in confusion, "does that bother you?" She asks, running her fingers though the small girls hair.

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