Chapter 19

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"Alright my love, go put your shoes and jacket away then go lay down on the couch" Lauren says as she finishes untying Camila's shoes for her. She didn't want the small girl to upset herself over not being able to do it like last time. She watches with a smile as Camila tugs off her shoes and puts them into the closet, her jacket following.

Resting her hand on the back of her head, she bends down and places a soft kiss on her forehead, "good girl, go snuggle up on the couch okay? I'll be right back" she assures, gently pushing the small girl towards the couch.

She wanted to see if the small girl would be able to cope on her own for a few minutes, without her being in the same room with her. Her separation anxiety was beginning to grow steadily worse, and she knew it was something they could fix and work on if it got 'too bad', but for now, she wanted to see if this would help Camila realise that just because she's leaving for a minute, doesn't mean she's not coming back.

Camila climbs on like she's told to, wanting to be a good girl. "where are you going mama?" She asks unsurely. Now that they were home, she just wanted to snuggle her mama and sleep, but she couldn't do that if her mama wasn't there.

She couldn't exactly snuggle with herself.

Lauren smiles, "I'm gonna go get us some pyjamas bug, I won't be long okay?" She reassures, kicking off her own shoes before putting them away.

The small girl nods unsurely, "okay mama" she mumbles.

She was a big girl, she could be on her own for a little while.

Lauren walks over to her and cups her cheeks, placing a kiss on her nose, "you'll be okay baby, I'll be right back" she says, placing another kiss on her nose before rushing to her bedroom. Stripping off, she pulls on some black sweatpants and a baggy shirt before quickly tying her hair up into a messy bun as she leaves her room, heading straight to Camila's.

After grabbing a nightgown for the small girl, Lauren goes to leave the room but stops at the door. She debates on whether or not to grab a pull-up just in case Camila falls asleep, as she doesn't particularly want a wet couch (or an upset little girl). After hesitating for a second, she walks back into the room and grabs one of the Disney princess pull-ups from the girls dresser, before quickly leaving the room again.

"See, I told you I wouldn't be long"'she says cheerfully as she walks back into the living room, seeing the girl looking over the back of the couch, a worried look on her face.

Camila sighs in relief when mama comes back, and she holds her arms out eagerly. She hadn't moved since her mama left the room, scared that if she looked away her mama wouldn't come back.

Placing the pull-up and nightgown onto the couch, Lauren gently picks the small girl up and holds her close.

Was Camila really that worried she wouldn't come back?

Sitting herself down on the edge of the couch, she sets the small girl down onto her lap and wraps her arms tightly around her.

"How about we watch some more blues clues after we get you changed?" She asks, gently stroking the girls cheek with the pad of her thumb before reaching to grab the items she had brought in earlier.

Camila smiles, "yeah mama!" She says eagerly. She hadn't watched blues clues in ages!

Lauren laughs, "alright, off you get" she says, sliding her hands underneath Camila's armpits and gently easing her off of her lap. She helps Camila out of her day clothes before grabbing the pull-up, holding it open for her to step into. Camila, a little unsure on why she has to wear one during the day, frowns slightly but steps in, letting her mama pull it up properly so it sat on her hips.

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