Chapter 23

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You guys have no faith in me do you? Do you really think I'm gonna let Camila feel neglected by her own mama?

Camila was unsure on whether or not she should tell her mama she had heard her entire conversation with miss Demi, in fear of getting told off. She had wanted mama to hold her before bed like she normally did, so when mama left the room, she followed her, but was stopped by mama's phone ringing. She tearfully listened to her mama's conversation and hid behind the door until grandma had left, but she couldn't hold back her tears any longer.

Why was mama getting another kid?

Wasn't she good enough?

Lauren frowns when Camila's cries grew in volume, and she hurries to get her out of the soiled pull-up.

"It's okay" she coos gently, sliding another pull-up onto the girl. She made sure it was situated on her hips before lifting the small girl into her arms, holding her close. She situates herself on the bed with Camila on her lap, soothingly running her hand up and down her back.

Lauren places a light kiss on her head, "Wanna tell mama what's got you so upset?" She asks softly.

Camila shakes her head and continues to cry into her mama's chest. Normally, just being in her mama's arms would sooth her, but with the fear of mama being mad at her for eavesdropping, and with the thought of her bringing someone else into their home so soon running through her mind, mama's presence simply wasn't enough to sooth her right now.

It made her feel sick.

And right on cue, it happens.

After a violent gag, puke escapes her mouth and ends up all over her mama's shirt, and hers too, causing her cries to gain in volume (if that was even possible).

Lauren holds back her own gags as she grabs the girl under her arms, and she quickly walks into the bathroom. She sets the girl in front of the toilet before ripping her shirt off, leaving her in just her sports bra. She knew if she didn't remove it, she would end up puking herself, and she really didn't want that happening.

Tossing her shirt onto the floor, she crouches down next to Camila and rests her hand on her back, rubbing soothing circles.

"It's okay baby, let it all out, I've got you" She soothes. Grabbing the hair tie off of her wrist, she gathers Camila's hair up and secures it into a messy bun before returning her hand to the small girls back.

"Shhh, mama's got you" She reassures. When the puking eventually stops, she gently pulls the small girl into her arms as she kneels down, easing her onto her lap.

"Come on, lets get this off you" she says quietly, grabbing the bottom of the girls soiled nightgown. Camila halfheartedly raises her arms, but that was enough for Lauren. She lifts the item off of her small body and tosses it next to her shirt, wrapping her arms securely around her again.

She was unsure if this was the result of Camila getting herself so worked up, or if she was coming down with something.

God, she hoped she wasn't sick.

Camila holds back her sobs in fear of puking again, and she rests her head on mama's chest, closing her eyes. She feels her mama wipe her tears away and place a kiss on her head, causing her to smile slightly.

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