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authors note:

hey y'all ! back from the dead I am, I apologize for my absence it just been an insane year so far (I moved to Louisiana) but I am back with new inspo and I'm ready to write till my hearts content!

I'm pacing now staring at my shoes as they crossed the floor, I listened for sounds but all I heard was silence. I moved to the curtains and pulled back enough to see the woods, there is nothing, everything is eerily still. I stared for awhile, deciding it was long enough I let go of the curtains and turned my back. I sighed, should I go out there? I don't know how to defend myself, what if he's hurt? I'm alone. sighing I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and swung open the door. I walk to the woods with fear but a purpose to find my dad. I reach the spot where I feel he entered and I pause, breathe, and then it happened, I could smell him. this is so weird, I follow it for what seems like miles, its getting dark and I don't even know where I am. I take a moment to stop and rest I lean against a tree, damn I should've brought some water. I close my eyes for a few moments but the rest doesn't last long as I hear branches breaking. I snap my eyes open to two very large wolves rolling towards me, I jump out of the way with a screech as they hit the tree I was just occupying. they must have heard my screech because the bears, one very large and black, the other equally as large and brown they stare at me with large black eyes then at each other, the brown one lunges towards me but before he can reach me the black one jumps in front of me. I can only assume now that one is my dad. the growl at each other menacingly, I blinked and they changed into their human forms, naked human forms. I covered my eyes to shield from the views that I certainly did not want to see. the first voice that spoke was Dakota's

"leave her andy she has nothing to do with this"

"she has everything to do with this!"

"no, she doesn't this is a settlement between you and me at a LATER date"

the man I now know as Andy huffed "bullshit" I think he punched the tree then "fine, later." and after some groans and bone snapping I moved my hand to reveal the bears again. The grey one stared for a little while before running off, the black turned its head to me and I stood, we started the long trek back to the house.

when we reached it I walked towards the door and Dakota walked around to the side of his truck I couldn't see, a moment later he walks out dressed.

"lets go in" he mumbled.

we went In the house and I went for the couch

" I told you to stay here"

"yeah, well, what was that even about ?" I ask growing irritated

"its a long story for another time" Dakota said stalking into the kitchen, I followed suit realizing I hadn't eaten, we sat in silence as the pizza cooked.

"I cant be here like this" I said throwing my hands up

"like what"

"without any information on what the hell is going on, with me, with you, with that other man"

Dakota sighed and looked at me for a moment before speaking "fine, what do you want to know?"

"everything, but lets start with why I haven't changed yet"

the oven beeped, Dakota lunged out of his chair, or out of the line of fire from my questions. I waited staring at the large dark wood table that took up most of the kitchen and dining.

He returned with two plates filled with slices of pizza and two water bottles.

"I don't know" he mumbled as he bit off a huge piece of pizza

Bear ( a werebear inspired novel)Where stories live. Discover now