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"I think she is asleep " I heard a voice said, I was asleep until then so I remained in my slumped position. I listened to the world I could not see, we were still in the SUV, the road was bumpy and I can only assume we are on a gravel road cause I can hear the rocks kicking up. I sat still racking my brain with what I could do to escape but me having no expertise in being kidnapped results in very little smart ways to escape. My arm was hurting from my position so I leaned up, forgetting I was supposed to be asleep.

"shit she is awake now. I was hoping we'd get there first, make sure she doesn't pull anything funny like try and shift" the voice, husky and deep spoke to someone who I think is now beside me because I felt the weight shift in the seat next to me. No one else spoke and for what felt like another hour the only sound was that of the radio which was playing some country/rock song. I was starting to become sleepy again when the car stopped, the ignition turned off and the door to my side swung open. I was lifted and thrown over the shoulder of someone, I assume the same someone that took me last night. We went up some stairs and through a door or two, I was then thrown down onto a bed.

"don't try anything stupid, ill be right back, leave the hood on or I will have to tie you up." the same deep husky voice from earlier bellowed. He walked away, the door opened and closed and I was left alone. I reached to take the hood off, just for a second to view my surroundings. I was in a dark bedroom, a king sized bed with posts holding a black fabric, black satin sheets surrounding me. the walls were paint a dark red and a black dresser was opposite of me. I was looking around when I heard footsteps approaching the door, I quickly threw the hood back on and sat still. The door opened and closed.

"I will removed the hood, just do not scream or do anything stupid"

I nodded in agreement, I mean what could I do ? the hood was pulled off my head so fast my hair flew into my face. I brushed it back and came face to face with my captor. We stared at each other, in silence and I took in this man, He was tall, tan, dark haired, he had facial hair but not a full grown beard, he was muscular...the man was fucking hot okay? He looked like that guy married to Sofia Vergara. I snapped myself out of my trance.

"who are you and what do you want from me?" I said, visibly shaking. He stepped closer, I scooted myself back more on the bed.

"I will tell you when you need to know "

"I kind of need to know now, all of it too" I snapped. he stepped back, a flash of annoyance crossed his face. he turned on his heel and headed for the door. I jumped off the bed onto his back

"hey you kidnapped ME, you don't just get to walk away !" I said as he spun around and tried to get me off. we struggled for a minute till he fell backwards off the bed and I lost my grip. he hopped up and faced me

"you crazy ass woman did you really think that would work?!" he looked at me bewildered

I stared at him, I went to sit on my knees so I was eye-level with him

"no, but I think if you're gonna kidnap someone the least you could do is give them your name" I huffed, a sense of arrogance came over me and I raised an eyebrow and put my hands on my hips

"god you are gonna be a handful" he shook his head and walked out of the room, faster this time.

I threw myself back on the bed and stared at the ceiling for awhile, what the fuck am I going to do.
I sat there fiddling with my hands for awhile racking my brain on what to do. I wonder if Dakota has noticed I'm gone? Surely he heard the SUV leave? I slid off the large bed and tucked my hair behind my ears. In the large room there were three doors, one I knew that led out of the room. I quietly tried to open the door, I was locked. Shit.

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