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     I am not who I thought I was. I know this now that the life I know isn't my own and that who I am truly is someone that most of the world wouldn't believe. My name is Grace Clearwater a seminole native adopted into a white family living now in Portland Oregon. I grew up without knowledge of the legends and truth surrounding my heritage and this is my story. 









"Grace!" my adopted mother yelled through the door pounding all the while with her tiny fist.

"im up! im up! " i groaned, today was my graduation and i couldn't be happier to get it over with. My highschool experience wasn't what you see in the movies, i was a wallflower, a nobody, and i was fine with it. Arriving at the graduation venue in just enough time to find my row and sit i peered up to the audience and scanned the room for my parents, who like always, were later than i was and were nowhere to be found. A few minutes later i was listening to a speech that sounded so rehearsed i was barely able to pay attention, such bullshit. 
It was finally my turn to walk across the stage and i glanced around one more time for my parents who surprisingly were there this time and walked up to the stage and walked the freedom making walk across and sat back down.



After a ceremony that felt like it took a century to complete, i rose from mt seat and left to go to my car. My parents, it seemed had already left to go home, no surprise there. I neared my house when i noticed a black ford truck sitting in the driveway, weird, no one i know
drives fords and no one my parents know drives fords. i parked behind the truck and waited as my parents who were still in their car started to open their doors, i started to get out of my car when my dad yelled "GRACE STAY IN THE CAR, STAY" confused and never one to listen i stood between my car door and the car watching my parents rush to the truck whose driver was starting to open their own door. my parents stopped 
a few feet ahead of the truck and waited for the person to get out. I couldn't see who it was because their back was turned to me but it was clear it wasn't someone my parents wanted to see as a look of anger washed over my dads face and it took less than what felt like a minute for my dad to tell the man to leave, this same man opposite my father shook his head no, making his silky long dark hair sway, and then he spoke "she is eighteen now she has the choice and it is hers alone to make", with that the man turned to face me, i was confused as to what was going on so i stood there staring for a moment before i spoke .

"who are you?"

"grace, my name is dakota clearwater, i am your dad".


short first chapter because I wanted to get something out and so you guys could start slowly getting a feel for the character. leave a comment!

Addition: im probably the most inconsistent writer on this site due to my never ending issues in life, however, im making it a priority to write more now, so if you will be so kind as to vote, to stick with me, and to recommend to others  (if you like of course) i would forever owe you one.

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