the truth, the native, and the bear

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I looked from the broken shambled hut to dakota, "im sorry what? We are on the west coast and according to my papers, im a seminole, east coast, ya know florida? How would the story start here?"

He looked at me with all seriousness, "the story leads up to you but does not start with you, hush, and listen." He said in a tone like he was reprimanding a young child.

"Okay sorry, go on." I mumbled.

He sighed like he was preparing for a great speech which i guess in essence he was, there was another pause, and the story began.

"There was what our people call, a healer, or witch, that lived in this hut hundreds of years ago, she was a native with no tribe and one with a very angry soul. For years she kept watch as the tribes attacked one another and attacked the white people and vice versa, her anger growing when she witness that the same tribe who cast her out, were winning more often then not. She possessed many tricks and powers which she had been saving for an act of revenge. Soon her old tribe made its way to the east coast, to florida, in an attempt to gain power and land and trade. They came for us, our people knew what was to come, or so we thought. When we were ready to give up to our slaughter, the tribe healer spoke to the people that they had received a message, with a spell from the witch, that would possess us with a greater power than that of which was coming for us. However, like most, there was a catch that no one knew about. After the spell was cast, the tribe blessed with the power, we faced our enemies and won a battle we should have never won. It wasnt until the moons phases reached full that the catch of the spell was revealed. It was frightening and bloody and painful, the shift. We had become a breed unknown to the world, every full phase, we turned into bears. We were a hybrid of human and animal and stronger than any mortal. Over time we accepted it and cherished it and learned its ins and outs. We arent just a tribe we are a pack, of shifters. Some of us are blessed with even more abilities like magic and enhanced traits. Your history is important to your future, because ...well, your mother was  the betas, or 2nd ranks, first wife."
He finished, heavey air into his lungs and leaned against the remains of the hut.
I stood still, with shock and disbelief, i stared down at the ground for awhile watching the leaves in the dark. I breathed deeply.....i started to laugh. I looked up with tears from laughing pouring out of my eyes.
"Youre crazy arent you, thats not possible and youre telling me this because youre a lunatic" i said and resumed my now awkward laughing. He didnt respond, just waited till i was done.

"I didnt expect you to believe what you heard, but i do think you will believe what you see.." he said taking his light jacket off and going to unbutton his shirt.
"Woah woah woahhhh what are you doing?" I said backing away really regretting not bringing my car.

"Calm down child, its just my shirt and shoes, the rest will stay on." He said slipping off his boots.

He walked foward a few steps, he took a deep breath, closed his eyes and clenched his fist, i blinked i think, and when i looked again, in his place was a large black bear...

I started backing away feeling faint and afraid, it wasnt possible it couldnt be.

I turned to run aware i couldnt outrun him/the bear, i made it to the truck and did some kinda ninja move and landed in the back bed of the truck. I heard no sounds but the cricketts, there was no claws scratching at the truck or anything, just silence. I leaned up and peered over the side of the truck, he was nowhere. Afraid, i sat still there for awhile and waited, looking around thinking someone was coming to tell me it was a prank or something. It felt like it had been an hour when a large figure emerged from the woods id previously ran from. It was dakota. I stood up, scared, trying to figure out an escape plan, he spoke first. "Its true, it is possible, i know you need time, but theres more to reveal later. However that, can not be told to you until you make your choice to come with me to the reservation. If you choose not to, then your future is on you. Now, are you okay, would you  like some help?"

I shook my head, climbed slowly and shakily from the bed of the truck, i got to the ground amd turned to him, "take me to my car." I said lowly and he nodded an okay. I walked around to the truck feeling my way in the dark, and climbed in when i found the door. Neither of us spoke on the way back to the diner, an old country song played lowly over the roar of the engine and i stared out of the window afraid we would make eye contact. We got to the diner in what felt like less time than it took to get to the hut. I slid out of the truck, and fumbled for my keys in my jacket. I grabbed them and walked towards my car with no intention of stopping.
"Grace" i heard him, i didnt see him get out of the truck but he stood in front of my car like he had been waiting there for a while. I looked up, staring past him into the distance.
"I know this is alot, its 11:30pm now though, there is 30 minutes before your birthday, its important you make a decision before your birthday is over okay? If you want to find me, I will be at the lagniappe ranch on the other side of town" he said and walked straight past me to the truck. I didnt try to respond, i just got in the car and sat there. Staring. A shifter? How can it be, my mother a beta? I closed my eyes and leaned my head on the headrest.  I meant to only do it for a moment.


I peeled my tired eyes open and looked around, the sun was starting to rise and the diner was getting busy. I cursed at myself for falling asleep. I turned the car on and checked the clock, it was 8 am. I raced home hoping my parents weren't awake. I closed the door quietly walked to the front door, before i reached the steps my mother flung open the door and ran towards me. She hugged me and whispered "i thought something had happened to you" she sighed in relief.

"Im sorry, i fell asleep in my car after i talked to him" i mumbled starting to numb again as i started to remember the events of last night.

"Oh honey, its okay, come on inside i made you a birthday breakfast" she smiled and lead me to the house. We walked in and she lead me to the kitchen where there was an array of breakfast food from donuts to strawberries, but i couldnt eat, my stomach felt as heavy as concrete.

"Thanks mom i smiled lightly and sat down, i filled my plate with little food i knew i could force down in an attempt to please her.

" did it go?" She asked leaning on her elbows over the counter acting like we were bestfriends and i was telling her about a date.

"Uhm well, it was strange, he told me alot, and said theres more to tell but that id have to move to the reservation to hear it" i said, i didnt look up because i could feel her energy shift.

"So he shifted in front of you huh?" She said in a knowing tone.

I snapped my head up looking quizzically in her direction, how did she know?

"When your mother gave you up. She gave them a letter to give to us, it told us everything, i never believed it until you came in just now confirming what she prophesized to happen." She said smiling in a comforting way but it didnt reach her eyes.

" you-you knew?" I said looking at her in shock.
"Yes" she spoke in a voice im assuming she meant to be calming but now all i wanted to do was be alone, to think. I stood up and walked away, she didnt follow me, i walked to my door and flung it open and slammed it closed, i leaned on it and slid down to the ground closing my eyes and reminding myself to breathe. Im mad, confused, hurt, and curious. What will my future be, who am I?

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