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Hopper's Narrative
I escorted the Princess directly back to the colony, as quiet and as quick as could be, just in case any hornets were listening to our conversation. Things had to start happening tonight before anyone could suspect this little Island of anything. Due to how long I stayed back there, the stars were already out and the young Princess felt a little lost. I could tell because her flight pattern was starting to go a little off track. I was honestly feeling a little worried, even though I had only just showed a side of mine to her that no one would ever see. Not even Molt, to be honest. Hearing her yelp as she pressed against the air, I reached my claw and got her by the hand before she could go out too far. I made sure she stayed right beside me.

"Head ahead." I told her, straight-forward.

She tried it and her flight pattern got a little better. I kept hold of her but it really surprised me that she clung to my claw so tightly. "You're okay, just - look ahead, look ahead, you're driving me nuts!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I simply can't see."

I sighed yet I didn't let her go. It was so odd to me that these ants had come to trust me so much. At the time, I didn't invite trust to come to me so easily... nor did I feel that I deserved such an honor, I should say? This was something Molt always had a problem with; trusting me again... although I really know that he had changed his mind. From him, now it was coming from the Princess, which really made me feel that I couldn't be careless and screw this up. My heart felt like it was constantly being stabbed by spikes, so much so that it wouldn't shock me if I didn't care anymore. It was that exhausting, quite honestly, but I somehow just hung onto it.... What was truly on my mind was this idea that began to poke at my side every since it hit me when I basically poured my soul out, not long ago. Right when we got back to the island with just the moonlight guiding us, I startled the guard at the entrance to the hill with Atta by my side. I pressed myself in with her tailing me before I looked at one of the guards. Gladly, that uncertainty in their eyes was gone at this point, which made me pleased.

"We must speak to the Queen, right away... We have an emergency." I stated, slowly catching my breath after that hurried flight.

The severity in my voice did not let the guard hesitate as he led us back down to the Council, where I spied Molt slowly coming up the tunnel. I stopped him with a single claw as I looked back to be sure we were alone.

"Hop, wh-what...? What's goin' on?"

I hushed him, knowing that he would not be all right with this idea I had. Gripping his arm, I pressed him to come with me to be out of earshot of the ants and the bird.

"I know you're going to hate me for this."

"H-hate you? Why would I ~ H-how could I?"

I sighed, pinching my brow, feeling the anguish rush back to me again. How was I going to explain this to him...? "Just listen to me, Molt. Over the river, I found the mother. And she was dead..." I began. "... which proved to me that it was the hornets who did this. We can't see them but they're here, spying around. We have very little time now and I need you to promise me something."

I could see in my brother's eyes that he was dreading to know what that promise was... because this could be the last time that we'll ever see each other again. This was what was building up ever since we both landed on this Island. The moment when he heard me say that one word, promise, his face hardened as if to tell me that I dared to have the gall to pull another stunt. I sure as hell was. He pulled away from me and I just stared him down, knowingly.

"No. No, no, no... I know what you're thinkin'! I'm not having it..."

I was sort of surprised at this, since he avoided me for the most part. I shook my head in pity. I understood why he was mad. He had to put up with me, he had to put up with losing two mothers in his life. He had every right to be mad.

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