So Famous!!

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        Creds @ nauhah on Pixiv | KAITO  btw I'd listen to Erase or Zero while reading this lol

         I've been waiting all week and finally the day has arrived! My friends and I get to see Kaito Shion in concert! Of course his "girlfriend" will be in the concert, but she's not as good as he is. His voice has a wonderful pitch. 
         I've always wanted to sing, but I've never had the courage to. I feel like everyone judges me. Kaito makes it so easy just to get on stage and smile. You could say, I have some feelings for the popular singer. I had to pretend that I wanted to go for his girlfriend. Ha, as if! 
       Kaito wouldn't even notice me though. Thousands of people should be showing up. I at least get to see him in person. 

        I've been looking for an outfit for the past few hours. Nothing. This is Kaito's concert. I want to look nice. 
        "Hey Len why don't you just wear your normal outfit," my older sister Rin asks. 
  "My plain outfit?? The one that looks identical to yours??? No thanks!" I said and continued looking.   
         I finally decided to wear my outfit from the Spice play that we'd done at school. I felt extremely nervous as I looked in the mirror. I tried styling my hair only to have it fall into it's normal place. Damn. 
        "Hey Len are you ready yet?! Piko and Yuzuki are already here, hurry up!! shouted Rin. 

    "Alright alright, I'm coming," I said, letting out a sigh. I came downstairs where the group was standing. 
      "Finally," Piko said, smiling. 
          "Let's go!!!" 
       "Wow Rin, never seen you this excited to go to a concert," I mumbled. She turned to me and laughed. 
        "I might be able to talk with the famous Kaito Shion! It's a dream come true!" she said blushing. 
  'You're not only one wishing that,' I thought as we left.

        We finally made it to the concert. It was packed and it took hours to get to our seats. We were slightly in the front row but not exactly. 
   The lights dimmed, signalling that Kaito was about to come out on stage. I held my breath. Footsteps. A girl came out, with long teal hair. His girlfriend. Ugh. People's cheers slightly died down. She frowned.
        "Hiya everyone! Thank you so much for coming out tonight, it means a lot to Kaito and I," she said smiling.  
      She began the first song. I frowned. I really want to see Kaito, not listen to her hit the wrong notes. 
        Just then another voice appeared as she was sing. This was a males voice. The cheering started back up as Kaito walked out on stage. 
        "LEN IT'S KAITO!! IT'S KAITO!!" shouted Rin, looking as if she might break down and cry. I smiled and stared at him. He really was handsome. 

             After their song ended, Kaito asked for someone from the crowd. He looked around. His eyes met with mine as I blushed furiously. 
      "You, why don't you come up," he said smiling. I started to get up when another girl smiled and rushed up the steps. I frowned. I continued watching as Kaito hugged the girl and gave her a VIP pass to the back. He smiled, but it seemed a little forced. 
       Soon the concert ended and we all walked to the gift shop. 
 "Ugh that girl is so lucky! She gets to meet Kaito and we just get T-Shirts," Rin pouted. 
           "Or you get nothing while the rest of us get T-Shirts," said Piko, smirking. 
   "Nonononnonon!! I'm happy with just a shirt!" she answered. 
            After we got our shirts we all walked out. I looked back and slightly smiled then continued walking. We made it out of the building. I felt someone tap me on the back and I turned around. 
        I stared at the man and his gorgeous sapphire coloured eyes.
      "Hello," he said smiling. This wasn't an ordinary man, it was Kaito. Kaito Shion. I turned to Rin. She looked like she was about to scream and cry.
         Piko and Yuzuki both covered her mouth. I turned back to Kaito.
      "H-Hi there," I said, awkwardly smiling.
            A tint of blush showed up, "I almost thought I missed you..Uh I meant you guys, I thought I missed you guys. A-Anyway, I saw you in the crowd, I-I was going to give you guys the VIP pass, I don't know why that girl came up. Guess I gave the wrong signal," he said chuckling. "Let's hangout though, you guys look really cool."
      Everyone stared looking extremely happy, well, everyone except me. I was so nervous and I was blushing like never before.  
          He turned away and started heading back. The group got up and smiled. They ran back to the car as I just stayed put. He turned around. Shit. 
        He came back and smiled at me. 
    "Oh, one more thing," he said grabbing my hand, "here's my phone number," he said placing it in my hand. He grinned, "You're really cute you know?" and with that, he turned away and went back inside. 


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