Roses Are Red Like Your Blood

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    Len was walking down the street to his favorite spot. The park. His sister was never an outdoors person. She'd always stay inside, and when Len asked if she'd want to go, the girl would snap at him. 

          It was always lonely, but he did enjoy the scent of the roses. No one would ever bother him, since no one was really there. Sometimes he'd feel as if someone was watching him, but that was a rare occasion. 
          When he made it to the park, he sat down by a bush and pulled out a book. Len had always had always loved reading, even when he was younger. He flipped through pages as the scent of the fresh roses made him feel like he was in his private world. 
            "Len? Is that you?" someone asked. Len turned to see who it was and saw a girl, about a year or two older than him, smiling and waving. 
           "Oh, hello Miku. It's nice to see you again," he said, keeping his voice down.
     Len had always been a shy person. He was never open to anyone he didn't really know. Miku was the popular girl in his middle school, but they were both in high school now and her reputation began to drop. He'd gotten to know her, but there were many things hidden. 
         "Yeah! I want you to meet my new boyfriend, Kaito Shion!" she said, her voice getting all squeaky. He winced as she went to go get him. 

        "All I wanted was some time to read," he mumbled, putting his book down and waiting for the girl to return. 
        He touched the thorns on the rose bush till his finger started to bleed. He let out a sigh and got up. 

        "This is stupid, besides, if I'm gone she won't even be able to find me until.." he let out a sigh and began walking home. 

       "LEN WAIT!!" A voice shouted. 
  "Dammit," he whispered. "Hi Miku," he said, his voice sounding a bit monotone. 

           "So Kaito, this is my friend, Kagamine Len, I go to high school with him," she said. Len turned to meet the man. His blue eyes were shining bright and his hair was parted, making him look like a god of some sort. 
       Len felt blush crawl up his face as he shook the older mans hand. 
     "N-Nice to meet you," he said quietly. 
   "Nice to meet you too," the man said. His voice wasn't as deep as Len had expected, but it was close. 

        "L-Look Miku, I need to go soon," Len half whispered, trying to look away from both of them.
"Aw, c'mon Len, just hang out with us, I'd love to get to know you some more," the man whispered.
         "F-Fine, but after that I really need to go," he said. 
  "Of course," Kaito said, his smile getting bigger. 

           They went into a small cafe. Kaito went up with Len to grab something to eat while Miku took her spot at a booth.  
       When they all got their food, they laughed and talked for hours. 
  Len had gotten uncomfortable. He'd turn around and look at the the other booths to see if maybe, someone was watching.
        "Len, something wrong? You've seemed to be nervous the past hour," Kaito said, tapping the boy on the shoulder. Len jumped in fear. 
       "I-It just feels like som-"
  "Someone was watching you?" a deep voice purred. A man with red hair turned around. "My bad, but your quite handsome," he let out a sigh, "I just couldn't keep my eyes off of you," he purred.
     "T-Thank you, that's r-really kind of you," Len mumbled, looking down, blush spreading across his face.  
          "Aw that's so cute! Hey mind if he sits with me?" the man asked. Len noticed, out of the corner of his eye, that Kaito flinched. 
       "We'd love it if he could, but I'm sure he needs to be getting home soon, right Len?" Kaito asked, standing up. 

        "Yeah, actually I need to go, but maybe we can all hangout later!" Len said, smiling. 
   "That'd be nice," Kaito and the red haired man answered. 
        There was a chilling feeling from both of them that scared both Len and Miku. 

  "Hey Len, how bout I walk home with you, I don't live that far from your house," Miku said, smiling. 

          "Well then we better get going, it'll be dark," Len said, checking the time. Miku and Len left while Kaito stayed behind. 
         "Akaito, don't eve think about it," he hissed. 

  "What?? He's really cute, besides you have Miku so don't go telling me I can't  date him," Akaito smirked.
         Something inside of Kaito snapped. 

  "He's not yours, I got him first!" the blue haired man shouted, banging his fist on the table. 
       "Hey hey hey, no need to be all, Mister Mean," Akaito hissed. "Now if you'll excuse me. I have a date with a blonde headed boy." And with that, Akaito walked off without a care.
         Kaito chased after him, but Akaito had already made it to Len. 
    He could see Len smiling and blushing. It was cute, and precious. Kaito felt happy, seeing Len. He wasn't going to let his brother take that happiness away though. 
          He slowly walked up to Akaito, grabbing the man's red scarf. 
    "I said to leave him alone," he hissed as he shoved Akaito up against the wall. "Stay away from my Len!" he screamed, banging the mans head repeatedly on the wall. 
          "K-KAITO!!" Miku shouted, tears welling up in her eyes as she tried to pull Kaito away. Kaito had already killed Akaito and grabbed Miku. 

          "I'm sorry bout this, but I never really had feelings for you," the man hissed. He continued to do the same process until Len tried to stop him. 
          Kaito let go of Miku, her body already limp. 
    "K-Kaito why would you do this?" the boy asked, his lips quivering. 
           "Because I love you, and no one else can stop me from getting you."
    Len had a terrified look in his eyes. 
           "Do I have to kill you too?"

      "N-No," Len said. "I-I just really like yanderes," he admitted, blushing. 
            "Y-You do??" Kaito asked. Len nodded and hugged Kaito as the older male ran down the street away some where more, private

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