I Love You Too, Kaito

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K before you start reading this, I want to thank you readers ;w; for reading this. Sorry I haven't updated this..I took a break to think of some more ideas and get ready for school again...>.>

Len opened his locker to find a note fall out. Another one. He'd been getting the same ones for the past few weeks.
        All of them love letters. He let out another sigh and put it in his coat pocket until he could throw it away. 
      He didn't know who it was from but he didn't care either. He had his eyes set on someone already, and that person was Kaito Shion. One of the smartest students in his school. He placed first in almost everything except sports. Len didn't mind this. He still loved Kaito for who he was. 

          He finally made it to class where he took the letter from his pocket, and threw it into the trash. He never bothered to read them anymore. He sat down by the window and looked outside. It was bright and sunny and the snow was starting to melt. 
       He let out a quiet sigh.
     'No more snow days I guess,' he thought as he pulled out his books. 
                The teacher walked in and began the normal school day but Len didn't really pay attention. He kept glancing at Kaito who was taking notes until he was called on. 
            "Len are you even paying attention to the lesson?!" the teacher shouted.
          "Yes ma'am!" he answered back as the other kids snickered. He looked down, embarrassed. He saw a pair of blue eyes on him. He tried to focus but he just had to look. He stared into Kaito's blue eyes. He blushed until Kaito looked away. Len frowned but continued to act like it was nothing. 

           The bell rang and they were all released from class. Len bolted to his locker trying to grab his lunch. 
           "You're Kagamine Len right?" 

       Len turned around to see Kaito. He nodded.

          "Cool I'm Kaito Shion, but I think you already knew that," he said smiling. Len nodded again and started to blush. He turned around and tried to open his locker so Kaito couldn't notice, but it was too late for that. "Want to eat lunch with me?" the blue haired male asked. 
        "S-Sure," Len mumbled as he grabbed his lunch box. Kaito turned and made his way to a door that led to the roof. 
           'What an odd place to eat,' he thought as they headed upstairs. 
      When they made it up Kaito sat down in the middle and started eating. Len did the same. 
          Len sat closer to Kaito and continued eating. 
      "S-So uhm Len..." Kaito said as he began to blush. "I wanted to talk to y-you p-privately, to uhm t-tell you..." he stopped and turned to Len and kissed him. Len heavily blushed and started kissing back.
            "I-I love you too," he whispered.


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