Thunder and Lighting

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The next day, we were all off to school when there was a distant clash! "Looks like a storm is brewing." Jason stares up at the dark cloudy sky. We nod. Shira and I give off a little shiver. Snow and Fire don't really do water.

"Mom should really call in a sick day for you guys." Jes looks at Zephyr intensely.

"Yeah, mom should've known this was coming." Ahri fidgets with her fingers.

"Haha, as if she would know, she's not like Cord-uh, Venus." Shira quickly covers. We laugh and talk as I notice Zeph is lagging behind and is very quiet.

"Hey, why the long face?" I ask as I leave the group and walk with him. He doesn't look at me but closes his eyes tightly.

"It's just, you guys remind me of my family, when my dad was here. He died, because of secrets he couldn't keep." I thought I saw a sparkle in the corner of Zeph's eyes when he mentioned his father.

"I'm sure he was an amazing dad." I smile at him, talking about family makes me feel homesick. I wonder how mother and father are. And before we know it we got to class.

Around lunch the head office called our names. "Will Venus Aria, Shira Asher, Zephyr Scarlet, Thorn Quinn, and Phoenix Quinn please report to the office for dismissal. That's Venus Aria, Shira Asher, Zephyr Scarlet, Thorn Quinn, and Phoenix Quinn please come to the head office for dismissal." The lady repeats again.

I quickly run to my locker and get my things. "Hey, I need a kiss before we leave." I hear Zeph in the locker next to me.

I slightly close it and look at him. "You mean me?" I point to myself.

"Are you my gf?" He looks at me with soft eyes.

"NO! OF COURSE NOT BECAUSE I AM!!!" I know that screaming voice anywhere, it's that bully.

"Oh-uh-Brittany, I was just gonna go." Zeph looks to me for aid, I make a face at the girl, shrug at Zeph and go back to packing.

"Oh Zephy, don't be like that and leave me at school with losers like her." Her bratty voices really tilts me. I suddenly slam my locker door in frustration. Zeph said he didn't have a gf. So why am I so mad that he has one other than me?! I storm off leaving Brittany to gush over Zephyr.

When we are all at the head office, I see 2 women. Aunt Milla, and who seems to be Zephyr's mom.

"Oh! Hey Aunt Milla! Why are we going home?" I ask her as we head out.

"Weather calls for huge storms, so instead of rain, you get a drive home." Aunt Milla smiles at us.

"Oh Millicent! How've you been?" Zeph's mom comes up to us. Zephyr isn't meeting my eyes, maybe cause I look like I'm about to blow up with anger.

"Oh sure! We would be delighted. Since it's just us 3 today. My other kids are going to friends' houses tonight. We'll just follow your car." Aunt Milla suddenly accepts Zephyr's mom's invite.

"Um, Aunt Milla, I need to grab a few things from my room before we go, is it okay for me to run and get it? Just send me an address." I tell her.

"Take Zephyr and Phoenix with you! Thorn has some work to do." The lady smiles at us as we leave school property and towards my house. I feel Phoenix's eyes closely watching Zephyr and I. I suddenly walk backwards to face Zephyr.

"So why did you lie?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"I don't think I've ever heard Zephyr lie. So you must be mistaken." Phoenix interrupts us. I give her a little scowl and face back, just as I do I bump into someone and fall.

"Vee! Are you okay?" Zeph comes rushing to me. I shake off his hand and get up.

"I'm so sorry, are you alright?" The person is a boy, about Zephyr's age.

"I'm fine. Oh! You look familiar, what's your name?" The boy asks me.

"Venus, yours?"I smile my eyes scaling him up.

"His name's Kaito. He's my brother." I see Zephyr snarl at him a bit. Kaito laughs.

"Charming as usual brother. Where you guys to? Home is the other way." Kaito plays with my hair, I keep my eyes on him.

"Why don't you and Phoenix go back first? Vee and I have some things to do, we better do it before it rains." He takes my hand and heads down my street. "You should be more careful. Remember that you're my territory, my gf." He stares into my eyes. I had to shift my gaze.

Soon we reach my house. I quickly rush up and grab a small dress and extra pairs of clothes. I change into the dress and put the ones I was wearing today in the laundry.

I grab an extra dress just in case Shira wanted one. Then I was ready to go. We raced to Zephyr's house. After dinner, it was raining like poo. The sound of thunder shook me and every time there was a lightning streak, I flinched. Zephyr's sisters, Twilight and Dawn were squealing. The others seemed not to be bothered.

"You should stay the night Millicent, you wouldn't want your girls to get sick from the rain." Zephyr's mom, Terra, says it like she knows what we are, who we were and is really close with Aunt Milla. Disbelievingly, she agreed. "Great, is it okay you sleep in separate rooms tonight?" Terra looks at Aunt Milla, licking her own lips.

"Yeah, it's fine Terra." Aunt Milla smiles.

"Okay, so can Shira sleep with you tonight Phoenix? Perfect!" Terra looks at Phoenix. "Millicent we still have your old room!"Terra smiles excitedly. "Sorry Venus, but do you mind sleeping with Zephyr and Kaito tonight?" She looks at me. I have no choice but to nod.

I don't wanna sleep with Thorn, the twins are pushy and the other rooms are full.

"Okay, let's go, Vee." Zephyr gets up.

"We should all crash for the night so, see you all in the morning." Terra claps. At that we head into the rooms. Zephyr's room was huge. 2 king sized beds on either end, like 2 worlds here, on one side was Kaito, the other, Zephyr. He dragged me to his side. Since Kaito was so drained he dropped when he pulled himself under the covers.

"Hey, how about, I sleep on the floor and you sleep on your bed? Great." I don't wait for him to answer and snuggle up on the carpet. 5 minutes into me sleeping I feel like I've been lifted in the air. I slightly open my eyes and Zeph has his arms around me. He places me under his covers and I smell his scent all over me. Soon I get myself comfortable and Zephyr's arms are wrapped around my waist, under my arm and to my shoulder.

He's still in the position he was in last night. His head dug into my back and him just making cute movements with his head. Later I feel his steady heartbeats and slow breaths. And sooner or later I snooze off as well.

**Hey! I just started a new book called : The Gem Thief! You should go check it out. It's also in the fantasy genre. I also might start posting in weird times or not edit, but I'll try to be up to schedule. Also follow if you like this book!**

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