New Beginnings

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The next day, Shira and I have memorized the whole book. I get up to a loud knock on the door.

"HEY!! GET A MOVE ON OR WE'LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!" I hear Jason's booming voice through the door. I shake Shira wildly and she wakes up.

"Let's go. It's the real deal." I get out of bed and head for the closest. I throw on a black tank-top and short jeans. It is summer after all. As we walk out of the door, we swing on the backpack Aunt Milla prepared for us the night before. We grab a waffle and head out.

"Bye Aunt Milla!" Shira calls out as we walk off to school.

"Come on!" Jes says as she waits for us. We run and catch up to her. "Okay so any bullies come and bully you, you guys just tell Jason, and he'll help you. Inside he's a softie." Jes and I giggle.

"Boys boys, we're strong enough to take on anything. Cor-uhh, Venus, took on a 5 headed dragon wielding all elements and deadly venom in each spit of silva." Shira said menacingly. She has to be so dramatic.

"Whoa! Cool." Ahri looked at me with wide vivid eyes.

"Haha, anything can happen now in Magix can't it?" Jason laughed. Then we all broke into a smile, soon enough we reached the school.

"Okay, so you have to submit yourselves in at the principal's office. Just head down this hallway and turn to your right, you should see it. Aunt Milla ordered them to put you two in the same class so you guys should be fine. Good luck and see you out there!" Jes waves to us.

"Shira, Venus, out here it's a battlefield, so if anything, call us. I'm sure my mom gave you phones in your bags to use them in emergencies ONLY!" Jason states firmly. "Do you both understand? Princesses don't exist here. Your little world only exists in books called fairy tales and fantasy novels. Be safe and don't get yourself in trouble, also another tip, don't take out your phones in class. Did you read about detention, that's what you get for breaking rules in school." At that Jason coldly walks away with his bag swung over his shoulder.

"Come on we should go. Doesn't school start at 9?" Shira pulls at me. I look at the nearby clock, it's 9:15.

"Yea, let's go." I look ahead and there are like a bagillion people suddenly surrounding me.

"Ah, oh, sorry, excuse me. Pardon us." Shria keeps pushing through the crowd.

Then as I squeeze through a passing pair I am knocked over by a running man.

"Owwww." I say as I get up from landing on my butt.

The man comes up to me.

"Oh sorry, here let me help you up." He takes one of my arms and Shira snaps at him. "Okay, I get it. Are you okay. Sorry my mistake I was just-"

"Of course it's your mistake if she got hurt I would have never forgiven you." Shira coldly stares.

"Don't mind my cousin, she very protective, even though we come from the city, we've been home schooled." I says quick mindedly as I stand up.

"No sweat, I've met way worse tempered people in my life." The boy rolls his eyes.

"Oh sorry we gotta go. See ya around!" I wave as we leave him staring behind us.

Once we have gotten our registration out of the way, we head to class. Room 224. 224. 224. That keeps patrolling my head. Until we reached it, the thought sticks to me. We take a deep breath and walk into the room. Since starting bell hasn't rung yet, so no one is here but the teacher.

"Oh, well, hello girls, you must be Venus and Shira. Welcome to my humble classroom. You girls sit here. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me or your row mates. By the way, my name is Ms. Rosetta, but if you want, I go by Ms. Rose, Ms. R, or just even Rose." She smiles and head back to her desk in the front of the room.

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