Dark and Pure ones

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**This chapter might be a little longer than usual, but it reveals a lot about the characters if you still haven't guessed somethings about Zephyr, or even why he's suddenly so attached to Veena***

The next morning, I woke up to someone breathing on my neck. I instantly wake up and I see the twins. Twilight and Dawn. They just sit there staring at me. I hear Zephyr groan a bit. Then he slowly gets up.

"Huh? Twilight, Dawn, what are you guys doing here?" He sleepily rubs his eyes. Then I see it. His face is covered in permanent marker. Just as we laugh, I noticed 2 things. 1 Kaito wasn't in bed anymore, and 2, something dripped from my neck. Then The twins gasped and so did Zephyr. I slowly touch my neck. Whatever it was, it felt warm and liquidy. I ever so slowly raised my finger up to my field of vision. Horror reached my mind. There on the tip of my little finger was my blood. The colour absolutely drained from my face.

"Uh oh!! What did you do to her Zephyr?" Twilight giggled.

"Or should we address you as Killian?" Dawn looks mischievous.

"Zephyr? What's going on?" I look at Zephyr who is silent in shock. Then he takes his finger and touches my blood. He takes it into his mouth then smiles. "Zephyr?" I look at him disgusted.

"Btw it's Zeph, and it's not blood. Haha, it's just cake gel, warmed up." Zeph looks deadly towards the girls. They shrug and let out a snicker, but stops when Zeph looks super serious. It's 5 in the morning.

"It's still early. Where did you girls get this gel from?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"Auntie Millicent is baking with momma." Dawn smiles.

"We're in for a treat tonight." Twilight nods.

"Okay, you girls had enough excitement for this morning, now leave my room." Zeph points to the door and falls back on the bed, causing it to make me bounce. The girls have one last giggle and disappears behind the bedroom door.

When I make sure they're gone I slowly lower myself back on the bed. When I do, I feel a lick on my neck. I shiver and shake it off.

"Mmmm, this is good icing." I hear Zeph say. I turn my head and his cobalt eyes are glowing. He licks at my neck again.

"Zeph!! Stop!!" I cover my neck.

"Hehe, does it tickle?" His eyes pierce through me.

"No, it doesn't." To be honest, it did, but he's enjoying this too much. So I take my shirt collar and wipe the gel off. I turn the other way and close my eyes.

"Go back to sleep. It's 5 after all." Zeph whispers in my ear which makes it tingle. I give him a small nod and drift away slowly.

The morning was a blitz. When we got to class, everyone was buzzing about some last splash ball. Until class begun, it was all dresses this, and dates that.

"Okay! Students! Quiet down. I know you're all excited for the Last Splash Ball. This dance is a party for you to enjoy. This means your summer vacations are starting, and the school year is ending! The dance is in 2 weeks, so as the white queen, I'm going to give you all time to prepare. So what I have asked is a trip to the mall. All of you may pick something there, in 5 hours." Rose smiles at us. Everyone cheers but Shira and I. We didn't know what a mall was. We read it, it said it was a place which we could buy stuff, like clothes. But we didn't know what to buy.

The class took a bus to the mall. When we got there, it was huge!! Everyone immediately split up and ran in different directions.

"Hey! Venus, you wanna come with us?" Ahri waves to us.

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