Voices Within

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I rush out and imagine myself in Magix. I open my eyes and see tons of frost fairies rushing here and there. It was like the Pure Snows were in a flurry. I realize I'm in my coronation dress again. I run past the frost fairies to see what the buzz was about.

As I'm a about to throw open the throne room doors, someone grabs me by the mouth and pulls me aside. I struggle to breathe and start pounding at the black gloved hand. My brain is starting to faint, I'm going to pass out here.

Just as I think that, the "thing" unhands me. I instantly turn to see...Zephyr. I look at him with a pained expression. "I don't know who you are, but I have a feeling I should-ugh, I just don't know why I'm here, but a voice told me to come here to see you." I stare at Zeph longingly, hoping he remembers me. I try to see if he was playing some sort of game with me, I look deeply into his eyes. It seemed like a while had past. I shake out of my trance-like look and avert my eyes to a nearby frost fairy. She's keeping her eyes on us. I notice that I walk away from Zeph.

Why didn't you talk to him? He's the one you've been trying so hard for. So why did you just...just walk away. My thoughts muddle my mind. I take a glance over my shoulder to where Zeph was. He's no longer there where I left him. Did he risk coming here to tell me that? Where is my Zephyr? The one who would do anything for me? He's gone. I'm gone, from him. I bit back a sob and quickly head towards the throne room.

I whip open the door and my parents are alarmed by my entrance. "Cordelia! You're back so soon! Have you completed your quest, sweetheart? Where's Flareia?" My mother bombards me with questions I have no intention of answering. Instead I reply with a question as well.

"Mother, Father, Why did-uh, who is this relic from?" What I really wanted to ask was Why did you let Kerian die?! But that's too straightforward. Kerian was my lover. A friend, a brother, a protector.

"Well, it's from...us. It was a relic from the Pure Flames as a gift to you." My father puts down a scroll and wrings his hands nervously.

"Yes, yes, dear. Why do you ask? Was there something about it?" I grit my teeth as they give my white lies.

"No, it's just that I have a recollection of someone different gifting me this relic. Someone named...Kerian." I stare they down. A sense of hatred goes through my body. My mom suddenly gasps.

"Honey, this is not good." She grips the arm of her throne. From there ice spreads onto the floor.

"Yes. I see it as well. She must be put in the shrine." The king nods firmly. Just as he does, someone cloaked in black rushes through the ice window.

"Sure is cold here. Brrrrr." The figure shivers and complains. After the figure is 3 others. 1 dressed in black, one dressed in deep blue, and one deep scarlet red. My father stands up, alarmed.

"Who are you to step foot into my Kingdom?! Is this some plot you made Cordelia?! If so, confess it." The king's loud voice rattles me and my mother stands alongside him.

"We demand business with the royal family. That being said, Your Majesties and her highness." The blue cloaked, sounded like a lady. No doubt she's a royal.

The king looks skeptical. Then strokes his chin. "And what is this topic of your speaking?" He questions the unknown persons. The first man in black gestures to the figure in blue. She casts a spell and suddenly someone is beside her. He has a mask over his face, and his hands behind his back.

The Queen looks surprised. "Come, right this way." She immediately leads them to the secret room behind the thrones.

When everyone has settled, my father speaks. "Uncover yourselves and show me the masked man." My father demands. They all unhood themselves. I gasp slightly to the sight of these people. Thorn, Flareia, Cefillia, and Kaito.

"And which legion element are you all from?" My mom looks at Flareia disapprovingly.

"Your majesty, I am Cefillia of the Pure Waters and the Dark Bloods. Kaito and Thorn are Dark Bloods, and you know Flareia."Cefillia has a different tone to her voice. Almost as if she became a ruler.

"Can't say I haven't. What are you Dark Bloods doing here?" My mom presses them while my father sits back to "enjoy the show". When mom's questioning or taking on the subject it's worth being there.

"We have only one reason, one purpose." Kaito looks at me dead in the eye. He reveals the masked man. My reflexes move and I make a barrier around my parents and I. It was Zephyr.

I don't know why I did it. I wanted to caress him and tell him what I knew about relics. And that I was going to tell my parents about our relationship. I stand there, inside a dome, watching his eyes dart around. I release myself from the barrier.

"Zeph? I'm here." He looks at me. He bares his fangs hungrily at me. His eyes slowly turn a blood red.

"He can't hear you." Cefillia explains to me.

"Why?! No, that can't be it. I know, deep inside my Zephyr Scarlet is in there. The one who would do anything to get my approval. The stubborn vampire. That caring person he really is. So please! Killian! Listen up! You better let Zephyr go from your evil intentions!" My dress burns away and I'm now in black tights and a jogging shirt.

"Hahahaha! You really are funny. I can't believe you're our Metia!" It's Zephyr's voice, except, there's multiple voices in the back of it. More menacing ones, almost evil.

"Killian...let. Him. Go." I grit my teeth.

"Or what?" He laughs. I close my eyes and crush the relic.

The power! It surges through me. Enhancing my magic infinity times stronger. It's the elements of Magix. Past users flash into my mind, and I realize I know some of them. One being my mom, and...Zephyr, or should I say, Killian.

I take in all the information the past users had obtained. Then a voice speaks to me.

"Cordelia Veena Aria, by accepting these relics, you have became an elemental guardian, do you take on this responsibilities?" in my mind there is a woman who looked like me, but dressed in a white beautiful dress.

"What's the catch." I ask her.

"The catch? You share your body with me until someone else takes your role. Also, you have to protect the elements from their greatest threats." The "greatest threats" part lingers in my head.

"And what is this "great threat", we are like the alpha of all beings." I proclaim.

"Unfortunately, my princess, you are wrong. There are threats much worse than dragons, but that will be revealed after you accept me. Now, the question is, are you willing to take the consequences to being a Pure Relic? A forgotten element?"She reaches out a hand, I take it. "Whatever it takes to save Zephyr!" I scream.

As I soak that in, I feel a being inside me, like I'm sharing the body. My mouth opens and moves but I'm not the one talking, she is.

"Killian, let me speak to Zephyr." The voice calls.

"Never." His eyes are a deeper scarlet.

Then at that moment, my body lunges at him and everything goes dark.

**Sorry!!! I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING LIKE I SAID I WOULD!!! Bc of things in the real world I deal with I haven't had much time to post, but here it is!! I promise the next one will be a quick to upload!! Sorry I had to make y'all wait!!**

Elements: Pure SnowedWhere stories live. Discover now