Ice Queen

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Before I know it, it's tomorrow. I put on the most elegant thing I can rack out of my closet, do up my hair in a braided small bun with the rest of my hair down. I slip on a pair of memory foam filled heels. My dress was up to my ankles just above them so everyone could see my sapphire-studded heels on display.

When I walked it felt like I was taking steps on clouds, lightly lifting me up to where I wanted to go. An icy blue laced cape dragged behind me. Lined with beautiful designs, the cape glittered in the morning light. Just like ice on a sunny afternoon.

I take Spades from it's case and head towards the throne room, where I would be meeting my suitors. The guards are already there waiting for my arrival. Tianna is already there, dressed in the queen's maid-wear.

"M'lady-er, your majesty." She takes one of my hands and guides me through the door as the guards bow deeply and push them open. Through the door and into the gate room. Through the doors is an empty king's chair and a filled room.

When I enter, everyone applauses like I'm a hero. Anna guides me down the cyan carpet to the pavilion in the front of the room. When I get in front of the gates, the power radiates from them and into my veins.

Although no power in physically entering my body, I feel enlightened with power. As I face the audience, King father Tessier climbs up beside me and lets out a speech. When he does, the element cameras go on rec. Everyone will know now. Know I'm queen.

"As most of you know, Scenera and I have retired from the throne. Therefore, we have discussed with the pures jury that our daughter, Cordelia, has yet to come of age in a matter of days. But as of today, she will be my successor and continue my legacy. Of course with a suitable suitor by her side." King father Tessier gestures towards the 11 gates.

"From these gates, each prince from every king or queendom will step forward to be king of the Pures or possibly all of the element realm." Queen mother Scenera smiles and steps to the other side of me and motions for my father to come down. I follow their lead as the herald announced the first suitor.

"First, from the kingdom of Air, Prince Austine Jordan Airen. Next from the queendom of earth, Prince Edward James Smith the |||." As the herald kept announcing the new arrivals, my whole body perked up at the sound of his name.

"Now from the queendom of the dark element, Prince Zephyr Killian Scarlet, along with Prince Kaito Zen Scarlet." I immediately tensed up at the sign of their presence. As the rest of the royal elements came along, I recognized a few. Like Jason, from the kingdom of water, or Caspen from the queendom of fire. Capsen was Flareia's brother, while we've met a few times, I haven't got one on one time with him whatsoever.

"The choosing will be confirmed when we reach the Snow territory again. But until then, we will be traveling to the different elements. I hope everyone has prepared for the trip around Magix and a detour route to the human realm." King father Tessier smiles gleefully at the thought of traveling to every king and queendom in the whole of Magix.

"But today, we have a few festives that Tessier and I have made arrangements for." Queen mother Scenera gestures towards the window and fresh blankets of snow have already covered the hills and activities have already been set up. "Now, let the games for my daughter's heart, BEGIN!" She smiles like she's won a snow owl for her 100th birthday. Just as Scenera walks off the pavilion, Anna walks up to me and leads me away just as Zephyr and Kaito start to head my way.

"Your majesty, we must get you in tip top shape for the activities. Anna has your attire for tonight already prepared. There will be ice skating, snow sledding, lacrosse, skiing, a snowman contest at 8 tonight. And just before dinner, the suitors must ice fish in the wisher's pond for your and their dinner. For dinner, we will serve a poisson with lemon and lime, seared salmon with honey apples, and for our soup, an italian wedding." Tianna reads off a list in front of her as she guides me to the royal tailor's.

"Your outfit for tonight is ready." Anna bows deeply when I enter and I walk straight into the dressing room. There waiting for me is a light, cyan down coat lined with faux white fur. As well as a pair of cyan mittens, a cyan tuke, and cyan boots up almost to my knees. A new pair of black tights as soft as silk is also displayed. As I smile lightly, I turn to Anna and Tianna.

"I love this outfit, but would like privacy to change please." I gently shut the door and breath in a sigh of relief. I'm finally alone to rethink of what happened.

I still haven't recovered from my shock of what I did to Zephyr. "My queen, are you alright?" I heard Zelda's voice from within.

"Yes Zelda, I'm fine. I just wish you were a real, physical person." I get up and start to take the outfit off its stand and get changed into it. I slip on the boots and let my hair run free, covering my shoulders. My brunette and wavy hair slips down the right shoulder and I put my tuke on.

"Me too, my queen, me too." I smile and open the door of the dressing room.

"Today starts a new chapter, a new era."

**I have finally finished the first book of the series, hope you enjoyed it, and I know there was a lot of gaps between my stories and I am super sorry for that! But the next book will be out before Dec. 25!!**

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