Prologue- Heir

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It was a dark night yet everyone celebrated with many parties. Captain hook although was in a tricky situation.

"Daddy," His first born cried, Harriet was her name, he loves her of course but he needed a son, an heir.

He didn't need an heir though, especially now, when he's stuck on the isle. He knows a way out, although he wants to wait until his daughter grows older.

"Captain, she delivered," Captain Hook smiled sincerely, he needs a son. As he walked through the hallways with his long robe hitting the ground, he wondered if she should kill the woman who bared his two children.

As he walked into the room he prayed silently to himself, the guards opened the doors for him bowing in the process.

He saw the woman that gave birth to his two children if anything she was a good fuck, but she didn't need to know that, he already made up his mind about her with one look.

The woman was beautiful but was much of a slut; he had to keep her by his side all the time when he wanted her pregnant. He didn't want love, but someone who wouldn't cheat on him like her.

Sucking in a breath he looked over to the baby she was holding in her arms, his mouth curved up, as he saw the blue and green his son was dressed in.

She smiled at him not knowing the fate he had given her. He took the child out of her hands making her frown "Guards," He yelled, his voice dripped with power.

He turned away from the woman almost walking out the room "My son," She screamed as the guards surrounded her, "Please Hook,"

"Captain," He corrected "Throw her over bored," His guards smiled sinisterly, the woman always used her situation with the captain to her advantage and so the guards hated the poor woman.

Captain Hook let out a laugh as he witnessed her struggle, walking back into his room to see little Harriet smiling playing with a toy sword. When she looked up her mouth dropped to the ground as her eyes stared in awe.

"Brother," Captain Hook nodded while smiling. Seeing his daughter so happy brought him great comfort. "Mommy," She yelled.

"She left," Hook said, "She said, she didn't want to be here, but don't worry I'll be here," He cooed, the little girl was only a year old, she wouldn't even remember half the things he just told her tomorrow.

"Harry," He said looking at his son, though he killed the woman, he would still have her legacy lie in her children. He wasn't heartless. "Harry Hook,"

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