Chapter Five - You Don't Want Me

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Rules, Harry hates them.

1) Be Good

2) Respect Everyone

3) Be Kind

4) Be Responsible

He wasn't born to follow rules; he was born to create an uprising. To kill all the Good Guys. Why? Their parents are weak; they thought their children would fight their battles. They were right; the kids would've fought in their parents' battles.

The villains would call Auradon names, tried to get them to take down the barrier, but Auradon pitied them. They ignored the Isle.

The Villains lost all hope. Most wanted nothing to do with their children; that's what Harry thinks happened to his father. He left like the rest of them. Gil had told him his father doesn't even look at him; Mal said her mother was abusive.

"This is The Evil Queen," The Lady said in disgust. Harry was with Uma, Mal, Jay, Ben, and a couple other people on a tour of the museum. Mal just gave the lady a nasty look, while Harry looked around the room.

It was The Evil Queen, Maleficent, Jafar, and Cruella De Ville. It was weird to look at them. He didn't know them personally but he knew what they looked like. Auradon made them look like Evil demons.

The next room was also a room of statues, His eyes studied the room. The shock was written all over his face when he saw a certain statue.

It was his Father; Captain Hook, then Ursula, Lady Tremaine, and Gaston. While the rest of the group went on, he stayed. He looked at the lifeless statue of his father.

It was very accurate too, with his long robe, his mustache, and pirate hat. Even the Hook; Harry had in his room. "Hey Dad," Harry waved at the inanimate object.

"You kind of left me for nine years now. Do you miss me? I know what you did, but I don't know why you did it. How's Diane? Oh, wait, you killed her." Harry has always wanted to say these things to his father.

"W-why!" He whispered, tears threating to spill. "Why the fuck you kill my mother?"

Harry punched the stone statue, his knuckles bleeding. He didn't care about the pain anymore, he wanted his father to come back, though he hates him, Harry Hook still needs his father, his protector.

He knows deep inside he is still the little boy who coward at darkness, the same boy who wanted love. He knows know, it makes you weak. Harry knows that love makes you weak, yet he still loved Mal.

"I need you," He cried. Tears tumbling down his face, it isn't easy for him to cry, to be vulnerable. "And you left," He shouted. His anger taking over; He punched the statue again "I FUCKING HATE YOU!"

"Harry," Mal ran into the room, as he fell on his knees. She looked up to see the statue. "Shit...Harry," She whispered.

Harry shakes his head, tears stream down his face. Mal cups his face making him look into her eyes. The pads of her thumbs stroking his cheeks.

Harry closed his eyes, he loved the feeling. He loved her. He eyes opened and their gaze met. "Harry," Her words sent shivers down his spine. He wanted to kiss her, tell her she was his. That's what it all came to, he wanted her, to hold, to love.

She isn't His anymore, she's Ben's. Harry furiously wiped the tears with his arm and stood up. He looked at Mal, he couldn't hate her, but he sure as hell couldn't love her. His hands touched hers, removing them from his cheeks.

In the moment Mal and Harry had a staring contest; well that's what it looked like. "Mal," He whispered.

Harry put his hand on her waist bringing her closer. Her hands wound around his neck pulling him closer. She wanted to say Good-bye, but he wanted to say Hello.

The whole world was gone in mere seconds, the only things in the room where them. Mal forgot how to speak, and Harry wanted to say a thousand words. They were like the Sun and Moon; they looked so close but were so far apart.

Harry bent down, his lips mere inches away, it was just Mal; she needed to lean into him. Trust him. Love him.


She didn't...Couldn't; "I'm sorry but-"

"I'm sorry," Harry said, he was hurt; No. He was dying. "I loved you! You were everything to me. It seems you didn't share the same feelings?" Mal reached out but Harry turned around. He was holding in his own tears. "You choose him, and forgot about me,"

From the corner of his eyes, he could see a smiling Ben, oh how he wishes to behead that prince. "I didn't forget about you. Ben...Ben is a good influence on me. He made me good, He is good," Harry turned around and gently walked to his father's statue. He punched it hard, letting his pains seep into hard stone.

He hissed and punched it again. Mal was struck silent, she let him hurt himself, and she watched with crying tears, shaking her head.

"DAMMIT MAL!" He yelled letting his anger get the best of him, He was his father's son, "Good, Good, Good. Is that all you want?"

This time everyone came, Uma, Jay, Ben came out of the shadows. C.J and Harriet, Evie, Gil even Carlos. They all were going to see this.

"I try to be good! I try, but you want the impossible. You say the prince is Good, he's not, he's just good at pretending," Harry lets his anger build, he hates how everyone is watching them. It's like she wanted this, to reject him in front of everybody.

Mal says nothing, she looks at the ground "You're just like your father," She whispered. Harry laughs, but there's nothing funny about it, it's the laugh of a madman, a devil in the making.

"Do you remember what I told on my fourteenth birthday?" Harry said. His voice was lower, more in control. Mal nodded frowning. "Do You?"

She turned away nodding, a tear slipped down her check splashing on the floor. "I remember, it was the day I asked you out, the night we went out, and I gave you a paper, that you signed." Harry Reminisced

Harry pulled a paper out of his jacket, He opened it and read it aloud "Dear Mal, Please don't break my heart," He then dropped it on the floor, not even finishing it.

He walked to Mal stepping on the letter; he bent down to her ear. "You broke the rules, you broke me. I was only 'Good' for you. You're just like your mother...Wings of a demon," As he stepped back, Mal swung her fist wanting it to hit Harry in the face.

Harry catches her hand and twisted it. It made a sickening noise as Mal screamed. They all ran to her as Harry just clenched his jaw. "What is wrong with you," Harriet yelled at her younger brother. Everyone went silent waiting for an answer, while Ben aided her.

Harry smiled wickedly as his glare never left Mal's "I guess I let go of something I can't have. She made me good, and now She made me bad," He tipped his hat, walking out of the museum. Harry feels bad, actually, he feels terrible.

He stomps back to his room. He throws punches at the walls, actually making real damage. He goes on a full rampage, tearing down everything in his room. He doesn't care, He wants to make a mess, and he wants blood.

He feels a hand on his shoulder but that doesn't stop him. "I'm never going to love again; I will always be bad,"

"I'm happy to hear you learned a lesson, son. Now...It's time to leave!"

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